今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 28日

2022-03-29 | Weblog

Since Preventive measures against covid 19 has been canceled, more and more people are coming to visit. I suddenly realized something when I talk to members there are a few people who talk about boxing. Even though we are a boxing club, we don't get excited about a world title fights, etc. The only people who get excited are probably the regulars, and we tend to talk more about hobbies, anime, travel, and our school days than boxing topic. We don't put up anything boxing-related on in our club. The reason why we don't put up anything related to boxing on in our club is that we don't need to mention about our small achievements. you are the lead.  we are just trying to keep a balance in the gym. They teach members kindly. Thanks to their work, people who could not do it before have been able to improve, and most of them give us compliments saying that they never thought they would be able to do so well thanks to trainers or experienced members. I have not been able to do so much , but I am grateful to everyone who understands the philosophy of MOB and cooperates with us.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 15日

2022-03-16 | Weblog
だいぶ暖かくなってきました。うちのクラブは一般の社会人が多く、女性が会員の約半数を占めています。普通試合に出るものがいたりすればまわりが遠慮して隅っこでやりますが、ここは健康維持とダイエットがマジョリティのジムです。会員のみなさんはジムのコミュニティを大事に考えてくれているので、無理をせず気をつかいすぎずることもなく、自然体でトレーニングできます。韓国語のシンムンにこういう言葉がありました。당신이 따뜻해서 포미왔어요  タンシニ タットゥテソ ポミ ワッソヨ(あなたが暖かいから春が来た)そういうジムでありますようにしっかりとコミュニティを守り、管理していきたいです。

It's getting much warmer. Our club has a large number of ordinary working people, and women members  accounts for about a half of the total members.  if someone are training for competition , others train in the corner not to hinder them, but this is a gym where the majority of the members are trying to stay fit and lose weight. The members are very respectful of the gym's community, so you can train in a natural way without hesitation.
I found these words in the Korean news paper: "당신이 따뜻해서 포미왔어요 (Spring has come because you are warm)." I wish to remain being peace in the gym.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 12日

2022-03-14 | Weblog


Since Preventive measures against covid 19 has been canceled, many visitors have been increasing. There are new people joining the gym, but please be sure to wear a mask while training in the gym. We also do mass boxing freely, but the virus is more likely to infect when you are out of breath, so if you decide that you can't keep up doing mass boxing, stop to avoid lack of oxygen. The way the virus is spreading now, there are possibility of becoming infected attaching the virus to the coronavirus and testing positive. Avoiding covid 19 is not our priority anymore. What to do if you become positive, and how to act and to refrain from acting, not to occur clusters in the gym. We need to make timely decisions and make effort to make you feel safe and comfortable. However, in order for the gym to exist as a safe place, we need your cooperation and consideration of each and every one of you, and please be carful about your daily actions.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月9日

2022-03-10 | Weblog
今回はコロナのためそちらに行くことはできませんが、我々一同スパーリング大会が素晴らしいものとなるように高知の地から応援しています。今年の夏こそラッキースターに訪れ、感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。最後にラテン語にAmicitia sal vitae.と言う言葉があります。直訳すると「友情は人生の塩となる」ですが、ラッキースターとの交流は我々にとってかかせない成長するための糧といってもいいと思います。けがのないようにベストをつくしてがんばってください。

I am really sorry to decline the Lucky Star sparring competition this time. Our members was really looking forward to join but after discussing it with the chief trainer, we decided to decline not to occur a cluster.
We have several sparring competition every year, but this competition is our goal and a great encouragement, especially for oltusan.
I think it takes a lot of effort to organize this event. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the manager who make the effort to make this a memorable event every time.
We should never forget that Lucky Star help us. We have given them a lot of trouble in the past. Our chief trainer also gave a trouble them when he was younger, but it is through his experiences of failure, he is now able to lead the trainers and members. The members of our club have great trust in Lucky Star's manager, who are always accept our failures and mistakes.
We are all cheering from Kochi for a great sparring competition. I hope to visit Lucky Star this summer and express my gratitude. Finally, there is a Latin phrase "Amicitia sal vitae". The literal translation is "friendship is the salt of life," and I think it is fair to say that our relationship with Lucky Star are indispensable bread for growth for all of us.

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2022-03-06 | Weblog

The competition scheduled on March 20th has been canceled. Although there were many members this time because it will been held after a long time. we believe that it is not appropriate to have a  competition amid the continuing spread of the coronavirus. It takes a lot of effort on organizer to hold the competition. They made an effort to make each competition meaningful, and as a result, many people improved and grew technically. This is one of the reasons why so many people want to participate each time, and this competition has become a goal and encouragement for us all. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the organizers for giving us such an opportunity. We are not sure when it will be held next, but if we have opportunity, we would like to train with that as our goal.

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