今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 11日

2024-04-12 | Weblog
かなり暖かくなってきました。パンチのうちかたに慣れてくると手首にかかる衝撃が大きくなってきますので、Hand wrap(バンテージ)を購入してください。価格は2000円以下で洗えるので何度も使えます。


It is getting quite warm. As you get used to punching, the impact on your wrists will increase, so please purchase a hand wrap. The price is less than 2,000 yen and it is washable, so you can use it over and over again.

The female in our club is high level. Many of them took up boxing to workout for their health, but as they got into it, they became interested in it and started to train together with male for practical training, such as mass boxing. One of our members once told me that "mass boxing doesn't matter about physique, and that some female members are much better than me." MOB is a no patriarchy, where women are not subs position and can train with the same rights and enjoy themselves. Also, boxing is seen as a game here. Therefore, we avoid doing anything dangerous to avoid injury and make sure that everyone can experience real boxing.


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