今日のMOB Catch up with MOB



2022-12-26 | Weblog
MOBには様々なタイプの人たちが集まっていますが、基本的にうちのクラブは共同体の価値を重んずるコミュニタリアンという立場をとっています。クラブにおいても立場の弱い人が同じように満たされなくては共同体としての価値はないと考えているのですが、私の言う立場の弱い人とはボクシングにおいてどういう人がマイノリティかということを考えるということです。ボクシングのような格闘技は男性社会でそれができる人間が中心の社会で、競技者優先であればその共同体は自ずとそうなっていくでしょう。しかしMBOではマイノリティである女性や子供、そして運動音痴の人たちを優先的に考えることで、コミュニティのバランスを保っているわけですが、それらのことはすべて会員の人たちのご協力によってなりたっていると思います。「管鮑の交わり」という言葉があります。MOBは様々な立場の利害関係なく集まってきていますが、集まった人たちが立場をこえてお互いに協力し合う、人がいっぱいになった時手をとめて指導してくれるベテランの人たちの姿はまさにそういう光景を映し出していますが、本当に皆様方にはご協力いただき日ごろから深く感謝しています。2022年も皆様には運営的にも精神的にも助けられました。本当に恵まれた年であったと思います。本来ならば皆様方ひとりびとりに感謝の言葉を表さなくてはいけないのですが、ブログにて恐縮ですが、年末のご挨拶とさせていただきます。 ありがとうございます。そして来年もよろしくお願いいたします。

There are many different types of people in the MOB, our club basically stand on a communitarian, which emphasizes the value of community. We believe that a club has no value as a community if people in weak position can not be satisfied their needs as well. A martial art such as boxing is a male-dominated society, and if the priority is given to competitors, the community will naturally become  male-dominated . However, MBO maintains a balance in the community by giving priority to minorities such as women, children, and those who are not good at sports, all of which are made possible by the cooperation members. There is "A Damon and Pythias friendship" in a proverb, MOB members who are diffrent tipys of people come together without their interests, and they cooperate with each other. Experienced members veterans help and teach when the room is full of people, that reflect just such a scene. I am truly grateful to all of you on a daily basis. You have all helped me both operationally and spiritually in 2022. It has been a truly blessed year. I should express my gratitude to each and every one of you, but I am sorry to express in this blog, but I would like to send my year-end greetings to all of you. Thank you very much. And I look forward to seeing you again next year.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 24日

2022-12-24 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 24日

今日はクリスマス。最近うちの子供に文系は論文を書く時ラテン語を引用したら印象がいいぞと教えていますがラテン語でメリークリスマスはNatale hilare!Merry Christmas! 平和にお過ごしください。

It was snow a lot yesterday. I thought no one would come on a day like this, but two new visitor jumped in. Boxing is a one of hard sport before you can start. you might think if you get hurt or give you hard training. MOB watch carefull about all forms of violence, including the gray zone violence that happen common in the martial arts. Training is also based on round system by a three-minute, so you can train without any concern. I am not intimidating, and I do not strongly ask people to join. I will listen to you fairly and let you make your decision, but if you have any interest, please come and check it.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月19日

2022-12-20 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月19日


The temperature was low today. I think it was very cold for those who came by motorcycle because of the cold wind. Today we had a mass boxing leading by Iwasan. He is fair and kind and takes care not to injure anyone, so I think female and beginners can do it easily. Mass boxing is a effective way to lose weight, improve physical fitness, and relieve stress. Mass boxing is hard because it is a pratical training, but everyone seems to enjoy it.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 17日

2022-12-19 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 17日

The Year-End and New Year days schedule is closed Thursday, December 29 through Tuesday, January 3. We will be open for visitor until the 28th.
Boxing is not only about punching, but also about rhythm. At Mitt, we are trying various combinations. I use some interesting English websites as a reference. Combination training is especially popular among young people, and they feel that they are getting better when they do it. Our club focuses more on how to do boxing well in apparence rather than trying to beat the opponent in a real fight. Let's have fun with boxing.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 10日

2022-12-12 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 10日


 As they say in boxing, you do not need to be perfectionism to lose your weight. Human beings are basicly weak, and you need to accept your weekness to go on doing workout. If you seek too much perfect in your plans, when you encountered temptation or setback, you would give up doing workout, and you would eat like a horse. Those things leads to a vicious cycle of not exercising and eating too much. The important thing is to get into the habit of exercising, and you lose weight efficiently without any stress while exercising.
Many people are doing workout in a healthy and enjoyable way. workout for losing weight is not a temporary thing, you must continue it, even if you endure hard exercises and lose weight, you will eventually gain a weight soon if you don't do some kind of exercise. There are a number of people here who have lost weight through exercise, and I think everyone is having fun, managing their time in the environment they are in. I think that people who lose weight while having fun are more likely to lose weight beautifully than those who lose weight by forcing themselves to set a quota.

A female member who was thought by MOB's ring doctor made amazing progress. I knew that in sports, how to use of force makes a big difference.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12 月7日 

2022-12-08 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12 月7日 Catch up with MOB



Many of the members of our club use youtube boxing videos as a reference. If you have a combination you would like to try during the mitt training, please let me know. It is limited to the representative of the club because trainers have a plan how to teach, but it would be interesting to try different combinations to motivate , especially for those who are trying to stay fit or lose weight.

Iwasan said thank you for laid back atmosphere. Our club is half boxing and half not boxing. We are a half boxing and half non-boxing gym, but that doesn't mean that they are low level. Half boxing, half not boxing means that even if you are not interested in boxing, there is a place for you here and you can train without hesitation. This means that women and people who want to lose weight can also train here.

we are always available for fitness and losing weight advice and questions. If you have any questions, please e-mail or call us. Please be assured that we will not force you to join us just because you consulted with us.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月5日

2022-12-06 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月5日



It has suddenly turned cold. Akanwombat trainer, who are always over the realm of adults even when the surrounding people were really put off by his action , have been coming to teach us a lot lately. The trainer's instruction is very interesting, he teach having fun, so you can try your best. Punching mitt is tough, but you can learn combinations and use them in match. Although our club is not particularly practical types of gym, we have a moral of not letting people get hurt, so we can do it frequently. In particular, women can join in no-contact mass boxing, so please give it a try.

Losing your weight requires building muscle. The reason is to break the negative spiral. The muscles you build in boxing are the muscles that make your body slimmer. If you are lack of muscle, the body gets tired easily and the amount of exercise is reduced. What happens when the amount of exercise is reduced is that the body has excess energy and body fat is stored, resulting in weight gain. I call this "negative spiral." To break this negative spiral, sufficient work out like boxing is necessary.

The Year-End and New Year's Holidays.
December 29th (Thu) - January 3rd (Tue) will be a holiday.
Please spend Christmas with your family as much as possible.


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2022-12-05 | Weblog
The Year-End and New Year's Holidays.
December 29th (Thu) - January 3rd (Tue) will be a holiday.
Please spend Christmas with your family as much as possible.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 1日

2022-12-02 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 1日
ラテン語のことわざに"Postquam nave flumen transiit, navis relinquenda est in flumine. (川を渡り終えたら、船を川においていかなくてはならない。)"とあります。みっともない人間は過去の小さい実績に固執し、いつまでもそれを自慢して人よりも優位に立ちたがる人間、そういうあほなことで張り合えば、悪口やねたみ、虚勢を張る人間が出てきてジムは一部の人間以外居場所はないでしょう。私はジムの会員の人たちを心から尊敬しています。仕事が忙しいのにボランティアで教えてくれるトレーナーたち、教えてくれるベテランの人たち、そして仕事や学業の合間に作って時間をつくってきてくれる会員の人たち、それらの人たちはこのジムにとって貴重な存在で、そういう人たちがいるからこそジムの運営が成り立ち、私の存在価値があります。昔習ったドイツ語に"Ich bin indem du bist. (あなたが存在するから私がある)"とありますが、私が常にこころがけていることは過去の小さな実績にこだわらず相手を心からリスペクトすることです。

It suddenly got cold in December. Our club is a boxing club mainly for people who do workout or lose their weight.
We do not display any personal record or boxing posters in our gym. The main character of the gym is each member.
There is a Latin proverb that says, "Postquam nave flumen transiit, navis relinquenda est in flumine. (When you have finished crossing the river, you must leave the boat in the river). I believe stupid people stick to their tiny record they did, but if we compete in such foolishness, there will be people who will speak ill of, envy, and bluff, and the gym will be no place for anyone but a few people. I respect the people who are members of the gym. The trainers who volunteer to teach even though they are busy working, the experienced members who teach in the gym, and the members who make time to come to the gym. These people are precious to the gym. They are the reason why the gym is able to run and why I am able to exist. I learned the German phrase when I was in college "Ich bin indem du bist." (I exist because you exist), I do not care about my tiny record, what I always try to do is to respect others from the bottom of my heart.


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