今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 28日

2021-01-29 | Weblog


最近Quello che faro (私ができること)は一体何だろうと自問自答します。みなさんコロナ禍でのジムの運営のことを考えて、日常の自分の行動に気をつけて生活し、ジムに来た時もまわりのことを配慮し、協力してくれています。そういう協力においてジムを運営していくことは非常に心強く、安心できることです。マスクの着用もパフォーマンスがさがるのにいやな顔一つせず、みなさん途中で外すことなく、トレーニングしてくれて本当に感謝しています。私自身ができることは会員の人たちの信用を裏切らない、世の中の動きを見て、時には厳しく、自分自身も決して軽率な行動をとらない、ジムを安全な場として提供することだと思っています。コロナ収束まであと一歩です、ジムに来ても安心できるように務めて行きたいと思っていますので、さらにご協力よろしくお願いします。

Female members has took up doing non contact mass boxing.
they are taught by experienced male members first, and once they get the distance and timing of defense, and they do mass boxing with each other. Taishou said that it almost is hit. They sometimes fool around and say "hey you hit me" . It is so fun. we don' t hit usually.
Basically we don't allow people who get angry easily and attack with hostility to join our gym, so you can do mass boxing safely.

One Cup Matsui-san took punching mitt.
I was hesitant at first if he get hurt because I had heard "OMG, I got knocked down by the punching bag" when he hit the punching bag the other day. however he is the more than 50 years experienced boxer. He can take a mitt for only female.

Recently, I have been asking myself, "What can I do for them ? ”.  Everyone in the gym consider members in the coronavirus pandemic and is careful about their daily life, and when they come to the gym, they are considerate of their surroundings and cooperate with us.
It has very encouraged and is reassured to run a gym with such cooperation.
I really appreciate that they wear masks in training, even though their performance decline.
what I can do is not to betray the trust of my members, and to be strict at times , to never act rashly myself, to provide the gym as a safe place.
We are one step closer to the end of Corona, and I would like to do my best to make sure that people feel safe when they come to the gym, so I would appreciate your further cooperation. thank you.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 27日

2021-01-28 | Weblog

Thank you for your cooperation in wearing masks, so we can train safely.
Kochi's situation is getting better, but the number of infected people in the urban has not decreased yet. As the economy becomes more active, Kochi may also be affected. It will take some more time until the situation settles down nationwide, but I would like to ask for your cooperation until the situation settles down in order to protect not only our own lives, but also the lives and safety of others, as well as our socially position.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 25日

2021-01-26 | Weblog

Our situation in Kochi is getting better.
Training with masks on may be a bit of a bother but until things settle down nationwide, we ask for your cooperation.
Please wear a breathable sports mask, as training with a paper mask can cause oxygen shortage.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月20日

2021-01-21 | Weblog



Female members has been increasing. Boxing is an aerobic exercise, so it is very effective for weight loss. Boxing is also a great way to relieve stress, and I've heard some member say that she used to overeat when she was stressed out, but now she can control it much better. 
We are always on the side of those who work hard. We want to support people who want to lose weight and build your bodies. Our goal is to create a gym that is free of violence and where the general public can easily train, but this is not to attract people. This is our community policy. 

We have great trainers. They also show you how to punch well.
Our chief trainer in particular understands not only the sport, but also the body, so he can show you how to punch in scientific ways. Our members have acknowledged him as good trainer, so if you want to get better, you should definitely take his lesson.
Use a breathable mask for training, especially in mass boxing and hitting mitt. Hitting with unbreathable mask on can be dangerous.
After hitting the mitts with breathable mask on " zeeze zeeze Gosh! the mask is stuck to my mouth and I can't breathe" he show us the worst things we should not do during training,  Akan wombat trainer.
Please don't imitate him.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 16日

2021-01-17 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。 ジムではマスクを着用してトレーニングしてください。尚マスク着用に関してご事情のある方は遠慮なく申し出てください。




Temperature check is being carried out before entering gym. you are not allowed to enter if your temperature is 37 degrees or higher. Disinfect your hands and fingertips with alcohol when entering Gym.
Please wear a mask to train at the gym. 

As female members has been increasing, Joohsama has been released. Since women come to the gym to lose weight, training with masks on makes the aerobic ratio a little less efficient, so we decided to release to make it more effective. As for Joohusama, I think it will be fine because there is little risk of droplet infection . The workout is tough, so it is quite effective for burning calories and sweating.

many people come to train on Saturdays. We had a mass boxing today. They were doing mass boxing in turn each five-person, most of them are old guys above 40s.  There are many old guy in our club. Most of them are in 40's and 50's, and most of them have had not experience,  but they have been doing it for a long time, so they have improved a lot, and most of them are doing contact training like massboxing.
Boxing is a dangerous and tough sport, but if you know how to do it, you can continue to do it even in 40s, 50s, and even 60s, and you'll see how much fun it is from their training.

We have a new member in the comedy, the wolf of Passola, Onecup Matsui. The wolf of Passola is like it is.
And One Cup Matsui like the guy, who can be found under the girder bridge in the Shinbashi on weekends after 10 o'clock. However, many people are watching our website, and if they show up on website now, they might say, "Are you guys kidding me?" Maybe after corona shock.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  1月12日

2021-01-13 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。 ジムではマスクを着用してトレーニングしてください。尚マスク着用に関してご事情のある方は遠慮なく申し出てください。


Temperature check is being carried out before entering gym. you are not allowed to enter if your temperature is 37 degrees or higher. Disinfect your hands and fingertips with alcohol when entering Gym.
Please wear a mask to train at the gym.

The number of people who come for training during the daytime  is increasing. Most of them are women, but everyone sweats happily for diet. About 40% of our gyms members are female, I repeat: talking about stupid outrageous experiences , boxing boasting, naked training, shouting in the gym, these behavior are unacceptable for the general society even though these are common in martial arts gyms. I understand that polite people have a common sense and don't do things that make women and others uneasy.
I believe that maintaining a good community is not about greetings or hierarchy between older people and younger people, but about the being of people with this common sense and creating a gym atmosphere that makes it easier for people with this kind of common sense to come.
Your consideration for others keep us Peacefully in the gym. Thank you very much.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 7日

2021-01-08 | Weblog




A state of emergency has been declared in Tokyo. The
coronavirus is spreading in Tokyo and other urban areas.
In spite of this situation, the number of new members and visitors is increasing. Those who come trust us, and so do our members. Wearing a mask is important to prevent infection. Please be sure to wear a mask in the gym, but also visitor.

If you do any of the following, please be sure to come after at least over two weeks or make those a priority if you do so.
activity there is possibility of droplet infection
Karaoke, band activities, etc.
Places where many people gather and are easily infected
Karaoke, lounge, pub, live music club, etc.

Please disinfect gloves and other stuff after use, as we have enough alcohol on hand. 

 if you are worried about coming gym, you should not come to Gym. even If you stop training for a while, we can support you when you come back. Even if you forget how to punch we will be responsible for teaching you the technical aspects when you come again. 

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 5日

2021-01-06 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。 ジムではマスクを着用してトレーニングしてください。尚マスク着用に関してご事情のある方は遠慮なく申し出てください。 



Temperature check is being carried out before entering gym. you are not allowed to enter if your temperature is 37 degrees or higher. Disinfect your hands and fingertips with alcohol when entering Gym.

A new year has begun. The number of new members has been increasing this week. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, we are asking people to wear masks in the gym.
The masks are suitable for training and we can recommend some masks that can be purchased for about 1000 yen that are used by gym members, so please feel free to ask.

Some of them did not change their weight  and some gained a little after a week off. many said that their weight stayed relatively the same, but people who have been training for more than three months have a high BMR, basal metabolic rate , so a blank does not seem to cause weight gain or rebound.
In addition, people who has a high BMR continue to do steady work out for muscle , and just like in studying, keeping on doing basic things will lead to great results. Sometimes people do work out at the gym, so you can ask them how they do it.

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A Happy New Year!

2021-01-04 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。 ジムではマスクを着用してトレーニングしてください。尚マスク着用に関してご事情のある方は遠慮なく申し出てください。

A Happy New Year!


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