今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 27日

2022-08-31 | Weblog

先日テレビ取材の依頼がありました。テレビや雑誌、時には公演的な依頼もあるが、すべて断っています。特にテレビの取材は受けないようにしているのですが、理由はジムはクラブ会員の人たちがトレーニングする場所だからです。まず撮影となると会員の許可が必要です。許可なく部外者が来てその時間を占領されると、忙しい中時間をつくって来てくれているのに、突然やって来る部外者の人間に気をつかわせたり、トレーニングができなくなると申し訳ないからです。テレビも教育番組ならまだしもバラエティ的なテレビにでたところで宣伝以外何の得があるのかわからないが、うちのジムの哲学にNullus est instar domus(わが家にまさる所なし) とありますように、ここはしっかりとした理念によって運営されている会員の人たちの場所であって我々はコミュニティです。


I recently received a request for a TV interview. We sometimes get TV, magazine, and but Lecture. But we turn them all down. I especially try not to accept TV interviews because the gym is a place where club members train. First of all, when it comes to filming, we need the permission of the members. If somebody who are not our members comes in without permission and occupies that time, I feel so sorry that members will be bothered in spite of taking time from busy schedule by them. Education program would better, but I don't know what does a variety show profit us, except for publicity. As our gym philosophy says, "Nullus est instar domus" (There is no place better than home), this is a place for our members that is run with a solid philosophy. We are a community.

A French friend is coming to visit me next year with his family. You can't imagine that I get along well with French people. but I have French friends. But French people have a various types of characters. I can't describe them in one word, I mean that I get along with people who loves Japan. He lives in Vietnam and is like a younger brother to me. Since there are people in the gym who have studied abroad or are planning to go abroad, I would like to have some opportunities for international exchange after the pandemic.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記8月 20日

2022-08-23 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記8月 20日



We set the air conditioner at 25 degrees. Please be careful of heat stroke and drink water frequently. Candy are available to help you replenish salt, so feel free to take some. The temperature is set to avoid heat stroke even with a mask. Please wear a mask when necessary.

Although Pandemic restricts our freedom in some ways, everyone enjoys working out in the gym. Our club is mostly consist of people who want to stay fit and lose weight, so you can understand that it's like a college circle club. The other day I told a member that martial arts gyms don't have air conditioners, and if you think about it, you can see how so gutless we are, but he said it's fine because even such a gutless person can train freely and openly. But even though we are gutless in the gym but We have responsibility and success in society. I would be happy if such people could come here to release their stress, have fun, and achieve their own goals.


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2022-08-21 | Weblog
Mr. Sato is going to come on September 17th Saturday. Last time he visited us, many people came and had a great time. He will be there from 16:00 to 20:00. So please come and try mitts and get advice from him.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 17日

2022-08-18 | Weblog
The hot days are continuing. The temperature rises when people gather, so we set the air conditioner at 25 degrees. Please be careful of heat stroke and drink water frequently. Candy are available to help you replenish salt, so feel free to take some. Please wear a mask when necessary.
Recently I have been reading  Classical Literature in Japanese. The classics, such as Wu Tzu's Art of War and Machiavellism, which I mentioned in my blog, may be one of them, but the classical literature contain the basics of philosophy. As the saying goes "developing new ideas based on study of the past” it is important to learn the basics, even if they are old.
MOB is a club for people who start boxing as a hobby, and here we teach the basics. If you don't have the basics skill, even if you are trying to lose weight, your interesting will be lost and your plan will be deadlocked. We have many members who have been with us for more than 5 years, and they all have basic skill and enjoy working training. Learning the basics also helps prevent injuries. Not to mention mass boxing, We avoids doing anything dangerous, but if you can't hit a punch straight, or if you are just trying to hit a hook in your own way, you can get hurt. Whether he or she are boxer are not important priority in our gym, and we train equally. We do not discriminate against things such as female, older, or being not good at sports, so please train with pride.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 13日

2022-08-14 | Weblog
MTオリーブフィットネスボクシングボクシングクラブの日記 8月 2日


The hot days are continuing. The temperature rises when people gather, so we set the air conditioner at 25 degrees. Please be careful of heat stroke and drink water frequently. Candy are available to help you replenish salt, so feel free to take some.

Mr Sato, representative of lucky star, came in to instruct us on13th. There were a lot of people there, but everyone there had a mitt and he instructed us. Lucky star and our club has a good relationship, probably our experience members have known each other for almost 10 years. Mr Sato ask experienced members "how is your condition" or "how often do you come to train here"? like that. I really was impressed. and he also gave new members warm encouragement during the mitts training. I think that everyone's motivation to train has increased. I hope that we can continue to inspire each other and to have good relationship.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 9日

2022-08-10 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 9日
It is getting hotter. Please be careful of heat stroke and drink water frequently. Candy are available to help you replenish salt, so feel free to take some.
Since it is getting hotter, more people come at night. The air-conditioned run in the gym, so we can train comfortably. Today, several groups of people, including Joousama, did mass boxing. In actual training, it is important to do defense as well as offense. Although most of the training is focused on offense, but defense training is important as well for actual train. In defense training, there are two types of training: one is to actually do in pairs, alternating between offense and defense, and the other is to punch and defend as a combination in mitts training.
It was a firework festival today. Many people gathered at the gym while the sound of fireworks were echoing. In those days in Hawaii, amateur bout sometimes were sometimes held at night. I remember one time we had a match in the open-air ring at the U.S. Army base. I remember that we had a match while fireworks were going off.

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2022-08-08 | Weblog
On Saturday, August 13th, Lucky Star's Mr. Sato, will be teaching at the gym.
He will teach with mitts while the gym open.
So please come and train. I think there is a lot to be gained from advice from such a experienced person.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月 2日

2022-08-03 | Weblog
MTオリーブフィットネスボクシングボクシングクラブの日記 8月 2日

暑かったらすぐエアコン、マスなどのコンタクトトレーニングは基本2分、3分やると気合入ってるやんと言われる。"Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take it easy. "がモットーです。


The hot days are continuing. The temperature rises when people gather, so we set the air conditioner at 25 degrees. The ratio of male to female today was fifty-fifty. The purpose of the gym is not only to build more stamina, but also to relieve stress by punching the mitts and punching bag. Our club is MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club. Fitness is an exercise to be healthy, but being healthy is not only about your body, but also about your mind. I hope members can get relieve  their stress and gain strength, and become health.

About our advantage 
There are many female members. Probably more than half of our members are female. 
We don't have people who use violent words, and get naked when it gets hot.
There is no hierarchy. Competitors stand out and trainers are treated as great people in the gym, which is not the case here. There is a tendency to respect elders who have worked diligently in society rather than those who are boxers.
We don't push ourselves. If it's hot, we use air conditioner immediately, contact training such as mass boxing is basically 2 min, if you do it for 3 min, they say you have guts.
The members around you teach you kindly. They not only teach you, but also motivate you to do things. They are so kind to help you by doing mass boxing with you. I am always grateful to them.


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