今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 27日

2020-10-28 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。



A lot of new visitor come lately.
Boxing is one of the effective aerobic sport for burning fat, and the more you move, the more you can burn your fat.
One of our members told me that our club is easy to keep going because we respect our own way. basically We never put compulsion or obligation on you. We respect your goal whatever is it. We don't have a boxer who come in and show a big attitude towards people in the gym. Every person can be respected, and you can do workout without hesitation.
so you can train at your own pace.

A lot of people came and seemed to enjoy training in the evening session today.
Recently, the number of young people has increased, but at the same time the number of old people has also increased. We have many old guys in the gym. We sometimes have 100yrs old and over mass boxing.
It is said that we will live to be 100 years old now, but if you think so, people in their 40s and 50s are still young, and we want them to enjoy whenever they come.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 24日

2020-10-26 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。




We had English Club today, so it was mostly women training at 3 o'clock.
Recently the women have improved, and some of them have been doing mass boxing. Mass boxing is safe because of no contact,
Since we are not allowed to punch direct when we do it, women can do it without worrying about it. Even if you don't do well, experienced members tell you how to move and you can feel a real boxing, so please try it for your diet.
By the way, old guys mass boxing in night is ”I've punched by mistake mass boxing".
It's not just at night, but it's pretty lively during the day as well. During the daytime, members can focus on their training, they have been able to improve. We have a lot of adult who work a week day, so they mainly come to the gym at night. But we also have a lot of members start training at three o'clock. During the daytime, the trainers are very popular because they teach us effective strength training and other things.

A few coronavirus infection cases has been confirmed in the prefecture.
If you go to an area where the infection is still spreading, you should wait for 2 weeks at least before coming.
What is important now is to be considerate to others. You should not think you are Ok, you must consider if you are infected and infect people. I can not say we will always be 100% safe, but when someone is infected in future, what is the most important is whether we can accept somewhat or not even if someone get infected. So I will be sometimes strict to all of you, and I must try to avoid infecting in the gym.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 20日

2020-10-21 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。



It is getting cooler these days, especially It's a little colder at night.
A lot of people were training in the gym today.
We have many old guy's members , they enjoy doing even though they are old.
Especially, they like doing mass boxing and a number of members do that here.
However, the energy ran out soon, and in the second round they completely used up their energy although they did 2 round in 2 min.
They can not beat a ageing after all.
Every members can do mass boxing, mass boxing is safe for women, so some women do it too, why don't you try it no matter what level you're.

Our club is a club for fitness and losing weight.
We thoroughly kick violent behavior out as well as violent and make it easy for women.
And experienced guys for boxing are very supportive.
they make room for women when they come in and tell beginner how to punch and boxing skill.
The trainers and old guys do probably more than 80 % of the work of the gym, I am so grateful to everyone. They don't act like it's a big deal even though they do great job. Normally People would think that if they did great job, it is no wonder they think they were special,
but they are great people who put their own training on the back burner and put other people first.
Our club's advantage is our members, and I am so grateful that we are able to open in corona virus because everyone thinks of each other and acts in considerate manner. 감사드립니다

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 15日

2020-10-16 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。

うちのクラブは健康維持やダイエットが中心だ、今のところは競技者中心のジムにはしないというのが私の考え、そこにはできるだけ格闘技ではマイノリティの女性やおっさんたちがここでは楽しくトレーニングしてほしいという思いがある。今日も多くの女性やおっさんたちがここに集ってくれた。今日の夜はあてないマス大会、福ちゃんから組み合わせが発表されて大勢が参加、そして今日も鬼のような形相でボディをなぐるおおざしきわらし、ボディだとけがをさせない安心があるのか、普段見せない鬼のような形相で思い切りふりかぶってうちまくる。わたしはよく容赦のないマスをする人間にゲバルト〇〇と言っているが、ゲバルトと言う言葉は意外と知らない人が多い、大学闘争時代につかわれていた言葉なのでかなり古いが、ゲバルトは英語ではなくGewalt ドイツ語、意味は暴力、うちでは容赦ない戦いをする人にはゲバルトの称号をあたえているが、その第一人者はゲバルトおおざしきわらしである。


Please check your temperature before entering the gym; you cannot train if it's over 37 degrees. Disinfect your hands and fingers with alcohol when you enter. Please follow the guidelines in the gym. The alcohol is used with a concentration of over 70% as much as possible.

We had the non contact massboxing game tonight.
Many people joined in game.
Fuku-chan announced the pairing of the players. And Oozashiaki Warashi punch the body like demon as usual. I often call people who punch without mercy Gewalt 〇〇, but many people don't know the word Gewalt, it was used a long time ago. Gewalt is not an English word but a German word, meaning violence. Oozashiaki Warashi was given the first title of Gewalt.

Fuku-chan said, non contact massboxing more get tired than contact massboxing.
because they throw punches a lot in non contact mass boxing. we can not help spiting in contact massboxing, so we should judge carefully until the time comes when you can say it is safe to do so.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 14日

2020-10-15 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。


We have a lot of visitors in the fall, I'd like to explain our training.
First of all, our club is not a training club for athletes, our goal is for people who want to stay fit and lose weight.
A round is three minutes, and how many rounds you do depends on your stamina and how you feel, or if you're not confident in your condition, you can do after taking a break.
Skipping rope, shadow boxing, punching mitts, and punching bags are the basics of the training.
The age group is mostly over thirty, they enjoy training. By the way, English and Japanese are the common languages.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 10日

2020-10-12 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。



私は仲間を集めているのではなくて、コミュニティをつくっている。仲間は狭い世界の共通認識やかばいあうことで成り立つ集団、コミュニティはお互いの立場や目的を認めて、正しい共通認識による秩序からなる集団である。私は社会人がトレーニングしやすい場を提供したいと考えている、コミュニティの考え方が仲間程度であれば、その集団は社会人にとってここちいいものだとは思わない、アリストテレスは「国家」において人間はzoon politikon(社会的動物)だと言ったが、正しい秩序があるからこそ、守られ、安心してトレーニングできるのだと思う。

We had English Club at 2:00 on Saturday.
We have an hour-long group discussion at 2:00 every Saturday. Teacher got on their level to work with them there(teacher teach them according to level), so even beginners can participate.

We had a great training today. It is getting popular to punch old guys who are in body protector because we haven't had contact mass boxing these days.
Sometimes some members crouch down with sound of woo when it works, ages 40 or 50 and over old guys are having fun like kids, the gym is not a place to come to work out, it's a place to come and play.
oozasikiwarasi, he was punching fukichan's body herder like demon. taisho said when he watch his doing "I don't want to do mass boxing against him because I'm so afraid of him."
Speaking of demons, when Raja and I talk about academic topics, then if I have different opinion against him, and say something , he is Standing with his arms crossed by me like asyura.

I never try to gather a group of friends, I try to create  a community. A community respect each other's position, purpose, and right common understanding.
Aristotelēs said in the "state" that people are zoon politikon (social animals) ; if there are right order in our community, we can train in protection and peace of mind.
I want to provide a place where people can come and train here easily.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 3日

2020-10-05 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。




We have an English Club on Saturdays. Members can take group lessons with a foreign teacher according to their level.
The teacher who, has PhD can speak very intelligent English and have a good understanding of not only economics, but also philosophy and religion.
Most of the members are beginners, If you are interested. You are welcome to join our class.

A lot of people come for training on Saturday. Today, Masanori was doing nocontact massboxing.
I was surprised at how fast he improved and grew.
Even if We don't allow them to do contact training until high school student, However he was able to move like a boxing athlete.His improvement is so faster. I believe his level is almost the same as high school students in nocontact massboxing.

When It's crowded in the gym, please give priority to women, children and beginners.

We have few infected people in Kochi Prefecture, so it is safe for now, but until the vaccine is ready and the situation is confirmed to be safe, we will regulate according to the situation.
please wear a mask when you come.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 1日

2020-10-02 | Weblog



Thursday night is the usual gathering of members. Members do mitts for new members and help them to improve, and they are very helpful to us.

we have many southpaws these days.
A student who has been nicknamed a rakugokanodesi, who is prominent in them , he is very aggressive in his training, and he has has been enjoying boxing.
He don't care if there are elementary or junior high school students around, he habitually turn the Dung Beetle series of gacha. Akan Wombat.
He always say you don't pick a youth's buds, but a youth beat old guys will come at that time.

yossi is back,! he's been in the hospital for about a month, but he has recovered well and starting to train. he is not only an athlete but sometimes he's teaching members with his mitts, so it's going to be even more exciting again.

I′d like to tell you how to train when you visit for the your first time because Visitors read the website well before they come.  .  
Each round is 3 minutes, then a 30 second break and repeat.
First you stretch and then you skipping rope. Skipping ropes is tough for three minutes, so we usually start with about one minute.
Then you do shadow boxing, we'll teach you how to throw a punch. Then, after you learn how to punch, you put on gloves and do the punching mitt. This is the first training for beginners, and it takes about 30 to 40 minutes including a break.

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