今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 29日

2023-11-30 | Weblog


Recently there has been a string of scandals involving athletes, and since athletes tend to seek stimulation, they may sometimes lose control and run off in the wrong direction. Sports produce a rush of adrenaline and dopamine. Perhaps when you play sports for competitive, you are feeling more heightened than normal and you are looking for stimulation. I think this is especially true in intense sports such as boxing. Boxing is a intense and active sport that easily raises your heart rate and releases adrenaline, which pump you up. Furthermore, it has been found that dopamine is secreted when you are excited listening to your favorite music, so listening to music while training and having fun during training will put you in a positive mood and motivate you. and I realize that when I was a competitor, I was bold and reckless. I don't think about now, but unless I had those kinds of things give off, I wouldn't be an idiot to say in a tournament where I have to win about five times to win, "If I can not win, I will be out of your sight. Basically, such a group needs a role model. Our coach used to say, "Be a gentleman when you are out of the ring," and he was a man of a very high intellectual level. When such a person leads a group, the order of the group is naturally maintained, but order is also maintained when there are a certain number of people with a high intellectual level. That is why my view is to value intelligence.

We can speak several languages including English. We welcom people come from oversea. Please Don't hesitate to visit us.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 28日

2023-11-29 | Weblog


What will you do in boxing train at first.
First, learn the jab cross (one-two punch); this is a basic punch in boxing. After learning one-two punch, straight left, straight right, and then hook and uppercut, after learning a series of punches, move stepping with jab, and when you get used to punching, punching while circling, learn defense, and if you want to try it, you can do non-contact mass boxing. I'm telling that straight is not stright in your arms being stright but trajectory of the fist is straight.

I sometimes blog about "Being Loved" by E Fromm. At Christmas time, a Korean friend of mine who was a college student once told me, "Christmas is not a day to receive presents, but a day to give presents. kids actually might be happy when they receive a present, but people who give them a present more happy than them.
Fromm's "loving" basically means that if you want to be loved, you have to give, I believe a community where people can give to each other is attractive and stable. Our club is basically made up of volunteers. The advantage of MOB is the relationships among the members, and since everyone is generous in giving, there is a sence of stability and an atmosphere that makes it easy for anyone to join.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記11月 25日

2023-11-27 | Weblog

ヨハン・ホイジンガ は、人間は遊ぶ生き物だという意味で人間をホモ・ルーデンスと呼びましたが、ホイジンガによる遊びの定義は5つあります。「自由な行為」「 仮構の世界」「場所的時間的限定性をもつ」「秩序を創造する」「秘密をもつ」の5つですが、特に人は利益のためではなく、命令されることもなく、遊ぶことそれ自体が面白いから遊ぶのでそれは自由な行為と言えるでしょう。またその中でもきちんと秩序をもって遊ぶのが遊びのルールですが、ジムに来る人たちそういう秩序を守って楽しく遊んでいると思います。私の仕事はここでみなさんを遊ばせることです。また遊びはパフォーマンスを最大限に上げる行為でもあります。遊びだと思ってやるから続けられるし、頑張れるのです。ジムは修行の場ではなく遊びの場です、ジムではすべてのことから解放されてトレーニングを楽しんでください。

In boxing, you don't watch the punches, you watch the opponent's movements. Punches are connected to movements, so if you watch your opponent's movements, you can know when opponent punch. When you get used to practical traning, you move using your body and shadow or do mass boxing. I think that those who can do such movements have been able to see their opponent's movements.

Johan Huizinga called man homo ludens, meaning that man is a creature that plays. Heizinga's five definitions of play are "free action," "a fictional world," "limited in place and time," "creating order," and "having secrets. It is a free act, especially because people play not for profit, but because playing is interesting in itself, without being ordered. The rules of play are to play in an orderly manner, and I believe that the members who come to the gym enjoy playing in such an orderly manner. My job is to let them play here. Play is also an act that maximizes performance. You can keep going and do your best because you think of it as play. The gym is a place of play, not a place of training like a monk, and in the gym you can get away from it all your burden and enjoy your training.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 22日

2023-11-24 | Weblog

一冊本をお勧めしたい。日経ビジネス人文庫から出ている「室内生活 スローで過剰な読書論」経営書から教養書まで幅広いテーマについて、独自の視点から名著を読み解き、解説した1冊。「読書は、アスリートにとっての基礎練習。本さえあれば、1年365日、呼吸をするように思考を鍛えられる」と著者は言っているが、アスリートは体だけではなく、頭も鍛えなくてはいけないというのが私の考え。

The number of young people in our gym, where there are many old men, is increasing. The young members who come to the gym enjoy training every day. The other day, a high school student told me that he changed his mind about sports after coming here. At MOB, we believe sports are not for training like a monk but for fun. In fact, member's level of skill have been improved, even though they are just staying their health. The atmosphere is like that of a easy college club, so it is easy to get used to, and you can train openly regardless of age or purpose. You will see when you come here that male and female of all ages enjoy training here.

I would like to recommend a book. "Indoor Life: Slow and Excessive Reading" It is a book that reads and explains famous books from a unique perspective on a wide range of topics from management to culture books. Reading is the basic practice like athletes practice. As long as you read books, you can train your thinking like breathing 365 days a year," says the author. My opinion is that athletes need to train not only their bodies but also their minds.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 21日

2023-11-22 | Weblog


The gym was crowded with many people today. The ratio of male to female was fifty-fifty, and today the female member who is planning to compete in a mass boxing match did mass boxing in 1 minute and 30 seconds. Most of our female members don't seem athlete, and most of them have no experience in sports, but they came and enjoyed boxing and continued training, and, before they knew it, they join in competition. I think they are happy to continue boxing rather than competing. I think this is because the gym is an environment where it is easy to continue boxing, no matter what your goal is, even if you are older than the average age.

I often recommend books about philosophy and religion, and studying them on my blog, because studying philosophy and religious studies can change the way you look at people. People often see people from only one perspective, but when you study philosophy, you can see things from multiple perspectives, so you can see people impartially, without being limited by one person's actions or words. So I think we must train ourselves to be able to see things that way by studying philosophy. There are many people in the gym, and they all have their own personalities. I think we, as manager, are required to look at them from multiple perspectives and make fair judgments, rather than from a single perspective.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 18日

2023-11-20 | Weblog



Many of the vistor are in their 40s or older, and It is no wonder if 40s or older have already retired from sports, but here they are all very active. One of our female members, who had no experience in sports and was not good at exercise, started boxing. She trained at her own pace, and passed the first prize in the test. She also is planning to participate in the next mass boxing competition. She said "I will do boxing as long as I am able to continue to do boxing", and I believe she is truly enjoying boxing. We have many 40s or older members, everyone encourages each other and works hard in training here.

There is a Jewish proverb that says, "The more empty in the vessel, the louder the sound. I think it is very funny to see people shout themselves with their limited vocabularies, "I am strong and I am different from you guys. We don't allow such a people in our club, because when they get together, they tell their stories of heroism to show themselves off, and others are intimidated and lose their presence. In our club, there is no place for a particular group. It is a place where ordinary people can train in peace.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 17日

2023-11-18 | Weblog

There is a novel called "Under the Wheel" by Hermann Karl Hesse . " Under the Wheel" is not popular in other countries, but it is well read in Japan. It is a sad story about a child who is constantly pressured by his crammed education to become a great person in the future, and ends up under the wheel. I think Japanese people are a very diligent people. The more a diligent person is in his work, the more pressure he feels to live, and I think that is because he has a sense of responsibility. We need time to forget everything and be released. Hans, the main character, was so distressed that he could not do his favorite fishing, and that is when the wheels began to turn by mistake. I opened a boxing club to encourage and inspire people like that, and I also want people to be able to enjoy themselves in the gym, free from the stresses of everyday life.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 16日

2023-11-17 | Weblog


I think the shadowboxing of the New Face peoplewho have been here since the fall. is improving and getting better. At first, it is difficult to know how to move in shadowboxing. But don't be shy and try to do watching and imitating. It may seem a little strange at first, but you can improve it soon.

What I am thorough that "the instructor should be a koroko(power behind the scenes.). I believe many people who used to box are narcissistic by nature and try to stand out. For example, they may emphasize their own achievements, or push their own personal theories onto us when teaching, but honestly speaking, no one wants to hear such nonsense or bragging when they come to the gym. What members are looking for are the satisfaction of the day. If they can have a good day of practice, and relieve some stress, they are happy. There are many members here, and it is thanks to all of you that we are able to run. I am grateful to each and every one of them, and I believe that it is my role to serve.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 14日

2023-11-15 | Weblog
今日の男女比率は久しぶりにフィフティフィフティ、最近はおっさんの多い日が多かったです。ルソーは「人間不平等起源論 」の中で、長く生きるということはただ長い年月生きていることではなく、目的を持ち人生を楽しんでいることを意味するとも言っています。ここには多くの年配の人が在籍しています。私の持論ではまじめに目的をもって生きて来た人は人に喜ばれることを知っていると思っています。そしてそういう人たちがジムに在籍すると雰囲気はよくなります。ヴォルテールは「自尊心とは、空気で膨らませた風船である。 」と言いましたが、核心をつく言葉だと思いますが、MOBの会員の人たちは武勇伝などの自慢話をして人にマウントをとって満足するような人間はいません。ただここに来たら楽しんでトレーニングして、そして人にいい影響を与えてくれますが、それらのことはその彼彼女らが一生懸命まじめに人生を楽しんで生きて来たからだと思っています。MOBはスポーツを通して楽しむ遊び場であって、決して修行の場ではありません。ここに来たら大いに楽しんでください。

Today's ratio of male to female is fifty-fifty after a long time, and recently there have been many days with many old guys. In his "Theory of the Origin of Human Inequality," Rousseau said that to live long is not just to live for a long time, but also to have a purpose and enjoy life. Many experienced people are here. My theory is that people who have lived earnestly with purpose know how to please others. And when those people are in the gym, the atmosphere become livly and good. Voltaire said, "Self-esteem is a balloon inflated with air. MOB members are not the kind of people who boast of themselves with tales of heroism and bragging to be standout. They have been giving good effect. MOB is a place to have fun through sports, not a place to train like monks do. Please enjoy yourself when you come here.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 11日

2023-11-13 | Weblog


Gym was quite lively saturday today. There are many people here who teach us, including trainers. Boxing techniques are difficult to explain because those are instinctive movements, and it is difficult to explain them well, but everyone understands and explains them from their own standpoint. A philosopher called Pythagoras said "Do not speak little with many words, but much with few." But if you talk too long, the important points will be blurred. Especially in today's information society, it is important to explain the necessary information to others in an efficient manner.

Our club welcomes people who are not good at any sports and chicken, we don't allow violent people to join our club, and we thoroughly exclude anything violent. We believe that everyone is the main character here, and we train and respect each other's goals. Boxing is a sport that deals with violence, so you don't have to do anything that makes you feel scared, and we are not a club where competitors are the priority. We welcome people who are not good at any sports and chicken.


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