Let's enjoy English !



2010-07-23 |  creature

Taking a walk in the evening, I came across three ducks taking a walk along the rice field.
These three ducks live in the pond near my house all year round while many other ducks stay there only from autumn to spring.
They seemed very cute !

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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-07-25 09:32:40
I also saw those ducks sometimes near 大池.
I suppose that the ducks are 合鴨 in 大池.
The ducks were five or six before, but now the ducks are three.
In 下土師池 near my house, I can see a family of 鷭(ban).
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-07-25 22:58:03
Oh, did you ?
I have seen five ducks in 大池 before.
Two of them seem to have died by an accident or so.

I want to see 鷭(ban) in 下土師池.

