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Beginning of rice farming

2005-05-19 | rice field (farming)

We scattered paddies on these black boxes filled with soil for agriculture using this machine today.

There were about ninety boxes.
Turning the handle of this machine, we can scatter paddies very easily.
So we finished the work for about two hours.

After three or four days, tiny buds of rice plant will come out.

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2005-05-18 | animal

Yuki seemsed to be relaxed on the TV set.
Her tail on the screen was an obstruction.

After that she scratched itchy points and was grooming herself.

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Proverb 38

2005-05-18 | proverb
 You may take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.

Spontaneity is the most imprtant thing.

For example, even if a child is made to study under compulsion, he will not be able to acquire real scholastic attainments.

Mo-kko-u ba-ra
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2005-05-17 | plant

Buds are sprouting on the kiwi.

A bird might have carried the seed as it has grown naturally.

Only a pair of trees can bear fruits, so we can't get the fruits of this tree.

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Hi-ru-za-ki tsu-ki-mi-so

2005-05-16 | plant
This flower is 'Evening primrose that bloom in the day';(Hi-ru-za-ki tsu-ki-mi-so).

There were some bugs like a Japanese gold beetle sucking nectar from the flower.
They are also busy collecting honey from various kinds of flowers.

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2005-05-16 |  creature

There are many ducks in the pond near my house.

They don't run away even if we approach to them.
People around the pond feed them so they seem to be familiar to men.

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2005-05-14 | plant
These yellow flowers are blooming.

They look like 'Cosmos'.

Its name is 'Ki-n-ke-i-gi-ku'.

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Ear of grass

2005-05-14 | scenery
Now in early summer, wild grasses are growing very fast.

The scenery around us is changing day by day.
And some wild grasses are putting out the ears like this picture.

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Field poppy

2005-05-14 | plant

This is one of my favorite flowers.

The red flowers were swaying in the wind.

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2005-05-14 | animal
Taking a walk, I saw thses cats.

The picture above was taken last week.
The cat was sitting on the roadside without doing anything.

And the picture below was taken this evening.
This cat was very big.
It was sharpening its claws on this piece of the tree.

Taking these pictures, I approached to them little by little so that they shoudn't run away.

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Creeping saxifrage;(Yu-ki-no-shi-ta)

2005-05-13 | plant
Now this flower also began to bloom in the yard.

It is called 'Creeping saxifrage' or 'Strawberry geranium'; (Yu-ki-no-shi-ta).
The little white flowers are pretty.

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2005-05-12 | plant
The other day I was presented this flower named 'ka-ra' from Mrs.ame1.

She grows lots of flowers and vegetables in her field.
I went to her field to take this picture.

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Broad bean and green pea

2005-05-11 | plant
Flower of green pea

Broad bean and green pea bear fruits in Shizusan's field now.

I cooked green peas for dinner this evening.
Drinking beer, broad beans are good to eat.

'Green peas'

'Broad beans'
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Proverb 37

2005-05-11 | proverb
'Euryops daisy' in a green house 0'5, 3/13

Walls have ears.

Talking about imprtant or secret things, we shoud be careful as someone may listen to us.

There is a Japanese saying 'Kabe ni mimi ari shouji ni me ari.'

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Flowers in the pond

2005-05-10 | scenery
I saw many leaves of iris in the pond.
The flowers weren't so many yet.

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