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Beginning of rice farming

2005-05-19 | rice field (farming)

We scattered paddies on these black boxes filled with soil for agriculture using this machine today.

There were about ninety boxes.
Turning the handle of this machine, we can scatter paddies very easily.
So we finished the work for about two hours.

After three or four days, tiny buds of rice plant will come out.

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4 コメント

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Unknown (mnd)
2005-05-22 11:25:22
Paddies are rice fields filled with water. So you can't scatter them, can you? Isn't it seeds that you mean?
Hi, Mr.mnd ! (ya421)
2005-05-22 13:42:05
It's raining now.

How's the weather where you are living?

By the way, I meant the 'paddies' as seeds of rice plant.

I don't know well but consulting some dictionaries, I thought the usage all right.
Unknown (mnd)
2005-05-22 19:44:29
I'm very sorry. I was quite ignorant. I must learn to be more discreet.

By the way a little doubt still remains.

Why do they say "rice paddy"?

Isn't it a little redundant, if "paddy" means "rice"?
Good evening! (ya421)
2005-05-22 22:21:03
I understand your question.

But I don't know why they say so.



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