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Large brown cicada

2005-08-11 |  creature

     I heard the noisy sound of cicada.

I wondered where the cicada was. 
So I came up to the sound.
At last I could see a 'large brown cicada';(a-bu-ra-ze-mi) on the branch of a 'dogwood';(ha-na-mi-zu-ki).

There was a snail beside the cicada. 

I took this picture yesterday afternoon in my yard.

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7 コメント

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Large brown cicada (Nickelbird)
2005-08-11 21:32:14
Good evening. ya421

This cicada came in my room now. This is Larg brown Cicada(ABURA-ZEMI).

I did TB in my blog.

Look, please.
Sorry! (Nickelbird)
2005-08-11 21:43:21
I made twice TB!

Good morning ! (ya421)
2005-08-12 11:42:31
毎日暑いですが、Nickelbird さんはお元気で、絵など書いていらっしゃるようで何よりです。

TB がダブっていたので、一つ削除させてて頂きました。

Aaaaaa!! Abura zemi!! (Minatsuki)
2005-08-12 15:57:36
I've seen it for the first time in a long while!! They aren't seen easily around the area I live after Hanshin Awaji earthquake. Maybe many larvas of brown cicada died under ground because of the quake. Instead of them, bear cicadas (kuma-zemi) are seen a lot. I want to hear the noise of Abura-zemi...
I can expalin this situation. (Cakeater)
2005-08-12 19:15:34
Insects have cold blood. So, in the hot summer day, flying makes them too hot to live actively. They creep into the cool place and rest there. And in the cool place, there live snails. You could easily see cicadas and snails spending their time together behind thick leaves.

But I have never seen the view as this picture! I envy you now.

To Minatsuki san (ya421)
2005-08-13 13:16:48
I don't know the name of cicadas very much.

As I took this picture, I searched it with Google.

I learn to know the names of flowers, plants and insects thanks to this blog.

You know the names of cicadas well, don't you?

But I'm sorry that you don't hear the sound of this cicada.
To Cakeater san (ya421)
2005-08-13 13:20:47
Your explanation is very interesting.

I didn't know the reason at all.


