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Words of a bulletin board 11

2010-06-01 | shrine and temple

This is a bulletin board at a zen temple near my house.
The meaning of these words are as follows.

  The look of a man seems to be formed by the attitude of him or her.  
  If he is avaricious, he looks greedy.
  If he is always angry, he looks evil.
  If he is always complaining about something, he looks  dissatisfied.

So we should be careful not to have a bad face.


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4 コメント

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Wow (mekkan)
2010-06-01 22:35:27
The temple is just integrated in a beautiful scenery. Must be a very prestigious temple as well.
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-06-02 17:20:38
I suppose the bulletin board is in the front of 千光寺'gate.
Do you know a tombstone called 命尊碑.
The monument exists near 千光寺.
Many peoples of 更生館 were buried there.
Concerning 更生館, You can hear many things from your husband, I think.
To Mrs. mekkan (yaya)
2010-06-02 19:51:17
Taking a walk, I pass in front of this temple every day.
The scenery from there is so nice.
And this temple is very prestigious as you say.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-06-02 19:54:42
This temple is 千光寺.
Regret to say, I don't know 命尊碑 though I know about 更生館.
I wonder where it is.


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