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Scenery in early summer

2023-06-09 | scenery

Hydrangea macrophylla

June is the season of hydragea and there are verious kinds of hydrangeas.

My daughter prezented this flower to me on a mother's day a few years ago.

I planted the flower in the alley and it grew like this.


Okuraleaf hydrangea


heart-leaved houttuynia, Fish Mint

I made Dokudami tincture by soaking the flower in alcohol last year.

It is useful when I am attacked by mosquitoes.

I did the same with it's leaves, but Ihaven't used it yet.

It seems to be lotion that is gentle on the skin.


Swallows are warming eggs in the eaves of the barn.

It seems that they are having a hard time with the lack of places to make nests these days.

They are making their best to protekt eggs from external threats such as crows and snakes.

I hope they grow and leave the nest safely. 

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