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A bringer of good luck; (ki-ttyo-u)

2005-01-10 | scenery
Many stores along the approach to Inari Shrine, they sell these ornaments.

It is put on an altar for a year.
And they buy a new one in the next New Year.
It is one of the bringers of good luck like decorative arrow supposed to ward off evil;(ha-ma-ya).

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Written oracle

2005-01-10 | diary
I consulted an oracle at Inari.

The written fortune said that I would have the best of luck this year.
It had been bad luck in the oracle for the last few years.
So I feel happy this year.

Somethig good may happen to me this year!!

The left picture is the one of bamboos for tying the oracles that aren't good.

And in the right picture, they are burning incense.
The smoke seem to be good for our health.

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A new product

2005-01-10 | new product
Finger print reader

The other day my son brought back this 'finger print reader.'

Using a computer, we need a password or a code.
But this reader can save the trouble of typing the password.
Putting our forefinger on the red place, a computer reads the finger mark.
Once we register them, we don't have to type a code or a password.
We have only to put our finger on the red place.

This is a very useful thing!
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