Let's enjoy English !


Se-n-ry-o-u, Ma-n-ryo-u

2004-12-08 | plant
The seeds of 'se-n-ryo-u' and 'ma-n-ryo-u' became red these days.

We can use these plants for flower arrangement.
Crimson is making a good contrast with green leaves.

The seeds of 'se-n-ryo-u' are above the leaves, while the ones of 'ma-n-ryo-u' are below the leaves.

Se-n-ryo-u (12/7)


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Proverb 15

2004-12-08 | proverb
Practice makes perfect.

It means if we practice hard something that isn't our speciality so much, it will be part of our nature someday.

So I am keeping a diary in this blog in English as often as possible to be good at it!

Flower of weed
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