

Avoir (to have, have動詞)をEtre(be動詞)の場所で使うという奇妙な表現

2014年03月15日 21時21分54秒 | 語学



上のURLではたとえばI am hungryはフランス語ではI have faim (Hungry)、つまり空腹を持っていると表現すると述べています。以下例を示しています。

I am hungry ==> J'ai faim
He is hungry ==> il a faim.

I am thirsty ==> j'ai soif.
She is thirsty ==> elle a soif

She seems to be surprised. ==> Elle a l'air surprise. (She looks surprised.)


j'ai == I have
tu as == you have
il a == he has
elle a == she has
on a == we have

nous avons == we have
vous avez == you have
ils ont == they have
elles ont == they have (女性)


J'ai un parapluie. ==> I have an umbrella.
Il a un probleme ==> He has a problem.
Ils ont des motos ==> They have motor bikes.
Tu as un ballon. ==> You have a ball.
Elles ont des allumettes. ==> They have matches.
Nous avons des crayons. ==> We have pencils.
Il a une cigarette. ==> He has a cigarette.
Il a un appareil photo. ==> He has a camera.

ここから本来 is とかareというbe動詞で述べるところをhave動詞で述べる例を示します。

avoir faim = to be hungry ==> Il a faim == He is hungry.
avoir soif = to be thirsty ==> Elle a soif. == She is thirsty.
avoir l'air = to seem ==> Elle a l'air surprise. == She seems to be surprised.
avoir sommeil = to be sleepy ==> Elle a sommeil. == She is sleepy.
avoir raizon = to be right ==> L'arbitre a raison. == The referee is right.
Avoir tort = to be wrong ==> Tu as tort. == You are wrong.
Avour peur = to be afraid ==> Elle a tres peur. == She is very afraid.
Avoir froid = to be cold ==> 例文なし
Avoir chaud = to be hot. ==> 例文なし
Avoir envie = to want ==> J'ai envie de ca. = I want this.


avoir besoin = to need ==> Il a besoin de sa maman. == He needs his mother.

現在のところdeとかdesについて不明な部分がたくさんありまして、課題となっておりますが、フランス語ではとにかく名詞は単独では文章中に存在せず、必ずun, une, de, desとかつける必要があるようです。いま想像できるのは上の3個のdesは英語のsomeに当たる「複数の」という意味だと思います。下の2個のdeまだ不明です。

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