文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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He should suffer a painful blow! If he loses the lower house election, he will naturally resign.

2023年06月07日 12時15分01秒 | 全般

Kiyotaka Kato (bunkajintv.MC).
Mr. Kishida doesn't know what will happen if he forces a vote on the LGBT bill and dissolves the House of Representatives.
So far, despite his incompetence, he has been holding on by luck alone, but that's as far as it goes.
He should suffer a painful blow!
If he loses the lower house election, he will naturally resign.

Quoted tweets

Yoichi Shimada
Kishida's LDP's "power not to listen" was even greater than I imagined.
He has gained confidence and will probably go straight to raising taxes from now on.
LDP plans to pass LGBT ruling party plan



