文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

La disparità non è creata solo dal capitalismo

2021年05月12日 16時38分06秒 | 全般

Quanto segue è tratto da un articolo di Hiroshi Furuta e Yutaka Asaka su WiLL, una rivista mensile ora in vendita, dal titolo "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene!
Quello che segue è una caratteristica unica di una conversazione tra Hiroshi Furuta e Yutaka Asaka nella rivista mensile WiLL.
È una lettura obbligata non solo per i giapponesi ma per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Si chiama "ricerca marxista all'avanguardia", ma provo un grande senso di disagio.
Non è diverso dalla teoria ambientale convenzionale. È come un "virus mutato" di Marx.

Si dice che "Das Kapital 'of the Anthropocene" (Shueisha Shinsho) abbia venduto più di 200.000 copie.
È stato anche selezionato per il "New Book Award 2021" sponsorizzato da Chuokoron Shinsha.
Si dice che sia "la ricerca marxiana più avanzata", ma sembra riformulare la teoria del riscaldamento globale.
Quindi, è lo stesso tipo di "istigazione" di "petrolio finirà" o "foreste scompariranno"?
L '"Antropocene" non mi è familiare, ma si dice che sia un'era in cui gli umani distruggeranno la Terra.
Tuttavia, "The Anthropocene" è una "idea radicale" che provoca crisi e pericolosi cambiamenti sociali.
Come ci si aspettava da un marxista, l'autore, Kohei Saito, crede che il capitalismo sia la principale causa del riscaldamento globale e prende una feroce "svolta a sinistra".
Gli SDG (obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile) lasciati all'élite non sono sufficienti!
Rinuncia alla crescita economica e usa l'energia micro-idroelettrica per l'elettricità!
È come se volessero che tornassimo alla società del villaggio dei tempi antichi.
Se proviamo a "decrescere", i "poveri bambini del mondo", che l'autore vuole salvare, soffriranno di più. ......
In ogni caso, questa è la perfetta "istigazione" per accelerare la "decarbonizzazione" e distrarci dalla minaccia rappresentata dalla Cina.
Come lo leggeranno il signor Furuta e il signor Asaka?
L'umanità sta diventando più ricca.
Ho letto "Capitalism in the Anthropocene" (Shueisha Shinsho) di Kohei Saito.
Cosa ne pensa, signor Asaka?
In una parola, l'umanità ha distrutto la Terra attraverso il capitalismo.
È una storia su come dovremmo fermare la crescita economica e tornare a piccole comunità come la società del villaggio.
Ho l'impressione che Marx sia opportunamente cosparso di questo pensiero.
Sig. Saito, è convinto che "gli umani abbiano conquistato la Terra.
È quello che chiama "Antropocene"?
Il termine "Antropocene" è una nuova era nella geologia, e il suo padrino è Paul Crutzen dei Paesi Bassi, che ha vinto il Premio Nobel per la Chimica.
La sua specialità è il buco dell'ozono, ed è un tipico teorico del riscaldamento globale.
La Terra, che Saito ei suoi colleghi credono di aver conquistato completamente, sta ora iniziando ad espandersi nel Circolo Polare Artico, principalmente da grandi potenze.
È perché è "inesplorato".
Se guardi il Discovery Channel, vedrai che la Terra è ancora piena di natura: giungle, savane e grandi fiumi. ......
Leggere "The Anthropocene" mi ha ricordato me stesso quando ero di sinistra.
Penso che il signor Saito deve essersi sentito come me quando è diventato di sinistra.
Mi chiedo sempre se gli esseri umani stiano usando le risorse della Terra a loro piacimento, davvero bene.
È convinto che se non avremo il controllo sociale, il mondo sarà in un terribile pasticcio.
Marx risuona con questo senso di giustizia.
Come ho detto nella nostra ultima conversazione, i marxisti e i liberali come il signor Saito non provengono da famiglie povere.
D'altra parte, non sono nemmeno di classe superiore.
Hanno una certa somma di denaro. Li immagino che provengano dal basso della classe superiore.
Il signor Saito si è laureato in una scuola media privata e superiore a Tokyo e ha frequentato la Wesleyan University negli Stati Uniti.
Il suo master e il dottorato provenivano da scuole di specializzazione in Germania, quindi è chiaro che proveniva da una famiglia benestante.
In un'intervista con Akira Ikegami nel numero di aprile di Bungeishunju, ha detto quanto segue.
Ho studiato negli Stati Uniti all'università e quando ho visto l'enorme disparità nella società americana, ho pensato: "Voglio studiare Marx.
Se guardi da vicino, puoi vedere che anche all'interno dell'università, i lavoratori della mensa e i custodi sono impoveriti. D'altra parte, il mio amico che ha trovato un lavoro in una banca d'investimenti ha guadagnato improvvisamente 20 milioni di yen all'anno.
Saito deve aver sentito una grande disparità perché era ricco.
Ma questo è quello che è Marx.
La disparità non è creata solo dal capitalismo.
Può essere una brava persona, ma è così ingenuo (ride).
Ho scritto chiaramente nella colonna "Seiron" del Sankei Shimbun (14 marzo 2019) che "l'economia socialista è falsa" e "follia dell'umanità".
Finché il socialismo sarà falso, non avremo altra scelta che farlo con il capitalismo.
Ci sono alcuni aspetti negativi, come l'aumento della disuguaglianza, ma non rimarrà nulla se neghiamo del tutto il capitalismo.

La disparità si sta effettivamente allargando.
Ma ciò non significa che i poveri stiano diventando sempre più poveri.
I poveri hanno sicuramente alzato lo standard.
Ad esempio, il numero di persone che muoiono per disastri naturali è diminuito della metà negli ultimi 100 anni a causa del progresso dello sviluppo delle infrastrutture.
Oltre a questo, l'80% dei bambini di un anno nel mondo ha ora accesso a qualche forma di vaccinazione.
Tra il 1990 e il 2015, la popolazione mondiale è cresciuta da 5,8 miliardi a 7,3 miliardi, ma il numero di persone affamate è diminuito da oltre 1 miliardo a meno di 800 milioni.
La percentuale dei poveri assoluti del mondo è diminuita di circa 0,6 punti percentuali all'anno e ora è di circa il 10%, meno della metà di quello che era 20 anni fa. Si dice che la povertà assoluta sarà quasi eliminata entro il 2040.
Certo, sarebbe meglio se non ci fossero più senzatetto, ed è un problema che ci siano persone che non possono rimborsare le borse di studio e donne che non possono permettersi i prodotti sanitari.
Ma nel pensare alla società nel suo insieme, non è un atteggiamento intelligente esagerare tali problemi e ignorare il fatto che l'umanità sta diventando più ricca.
È come guardare gli alberi e non vedere la foresta.
Se guardiamo alla realtà, possiamo vedere cosa succede se eseguiamo quella che il signor Saito chiama "decrescita".
Nel 2020, l'economia globale è diminuita a causa dello shock Corona.
Come risultato della "decrescita", c'è la preoccupazione che il numero di persone che vivono in povertà assoluta aumenterà.
Perché non riesce a rendersi conto che la "decrescita" renderà i poveri, che il signor Saito vuole salvare, più poveri e più poveri?
Questo articolo continua.

إن التفاوت لا تخلقه الرأسمالية فقط

2021年05月12日 16時35分34秒 | 全般

ما يلي هو من مقال مميز بقلم هيروشي فوروتا ويوتاكا أساكا في WiLL ، وهي مجلة شهرية معروضة للبيع الآن بعنوان "القطع" Das Kapital "من الأنثروبوسين!
فيما يلي ميزة فريدة من نوعها للمحادثة بين هيروشي فوروتا ويوتاكا أساكا في المجلة الشهرية WiLL.
إنه أمر لا بد منه ليس فقط للشعب الياباني ولكن للناس في جميع أنحاء العالم.
يطلق عليه "البحث الماركسي المتطور" ، لكني أشعر بإحساس كبير بعدم الراحة.
إنها لا تختلف عن النظرية البيئية التقليدية. إنه مثل "فيروس متحور" لماركس.

يقال إن "رأس المال" من عصر الأنثروبوسين (Shueisha Shinsho) باعت أكثر من 200000 نسخة.
كما تم اختيارها لجائزة الكتاب الجديد 2021 برعاية Chuokoron Shinsha.
يُقال إنه "أكثر الأبحاث الماركسية تقدمًا" ، لكن يبدو أنه يعيد صياغة نظرية الاحتباس الحراري.
إذن ، هل هو نفس نوع "التحريض" مثل "نفاد النفط" أو "تختفي الغابات"؟
"الأنثروبوسين" ليس مألوفًا بالنسبة لي ، لكن يقال إنه عصر سيدمر فيه البشر الأرض.
ومع ذلك ، فإن "الأنثروبوسين" هي "فكرة راديكالية" تثير أزمة وتغيير اجتماعي خطير.
كما هو متوقع من الماركسي ، يعتقد المؤلف ، كوهي سايتو ، أن الرأسمالية هي السبب الرئيسي للاحتباس الحراري وتتخذ منحى شرسًا "يسارًا".
أهداف التنمية المستدامة (أهداف التنمية المستدامة) التي تُركت للنخبة ليست كافية!
التخلي عن النمو الاقتصادي واستخدام الطاقة الكهرومائية الصغيرة للكهرباء!
يبدو الأمر كما لو أنهم يريدوننا أن نعود إلى مجتمع القرية في العصور القديمة.
إذا حاولنا "إضعاف النمو" ، فإن "أطفال العالم الفقراء" ، الذين يريد المؤلف إنقاذهم ، سيعانون أكثر من غيرهم. ......
على أية حال ، هذا هو "التحريض" المثالي لتسريع "إزالة الكربون" وإلهاءنا عن التهديد الذي تشكله الصين.
كيف سيقرأ السيد فوروتا والسيد أساكا هذا؟
الإنسانية تزداد ثراء.
قرأت "الرأسمالية في الأنثروبوسين" (شويشا شينشو) لكوهي سايتو.
ما رأيك في ذلك يا سيد أساكا؟
باختصار ، دمرت البشرية الأرض من خلال الرأسمالية.
إنها قصة حول كيف يجب أن نوقف النمو الاقتصادي والعودة إلى المجتمعات الصغيرة مثل مجتمع القرية.
لدي انطباع أن ماركس يتسم بسهولة بهذا التفكير.
السيد سايتو ، إنه مقتنع بأن "البشر قد غزا الأرض.
هل هذا ما يسميه "الأنثروبوسين"؟
مصطلح "الأنثروبوسين" هو حقبة جديدة في الجيولوجيا ، وعرابه هو بول كروتزن الهولندي ، الحائز على جائزة نوبل في الكيمياء.
تخصصه هو ثقب الأوزون ، وهو منظّر نموذجي لظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري.
الأرض ، التي يعتقد سايتو وزملاؤه أنهم قد غزاها بالكامل ، بدأت الآن في التوسع في الدائرة القطبية الشمالية ، بشكل رئيسي من قبل القوى الكبرى.
لأنه "غير مستكشف".
إذا شاهدت قناة ديسكفري ، فسترى أن الأرض لا تزال مليئة بالطبيعة: الأدغال والسافانا والأنهار العظيمة. ......
ذكرتني قراءة "الأنثروبوسين" بنفسي عندما كنت يساريًا.
أعتقد أن السيد سايتو لا بد أنه شعر بنفس الطريقة التي شعرت بها عندما أصبح يساريًا.
أسأل نفسي دائمًا ما إذا كان البشر يستخدمون موارد الأرض كما يحلو لهم ، حقًا.
إنه مقتنع بأنه إذا لم يكن لدينا سيطرة اجتماعية ، فسيكون العالم في حالة فوضى رهيبة.
يتردد صدى ماركس مع هذا الشعور بالعدالة.
كما ذكرت في حديثنا الأخير ، فإن الماركسيين والليبراليين مثل السيد سايتو لا ينحدرون من عائلات فقيرة.
من ناحية أخرى ، فهم ليسوا من الطبقة العليا أيضًا.
لديهم مبلغ معين من المال. أتخيلهم يأتون من أسفل الطبقة العليا.
تخرج السيد سايتو من مدرسة ثانوية خاصة للمبتدئين والثانويين في طوكيو والتحق بجامعة ويسليان في الولايات المتحدة.
كانت درجتا الماجستير والدكتوراه من كليات الدراسات العليا في ألمانيا ، لذلك من الواضح أنه جاء من عائلة ثرية.
في مقابلة مع أكيرا إيكيجامي في عدد أبريل من بونجيشونجو ، قال ما يلي.
لقد درست في الولايات المتحدة في الجامعة ، وعندما رأيت التباين الهائل في المجتمع الأمريكي ، فكرت ، "أريد أن أدرس ماركس.
إذا نظرت عن كثب ، يمكنك أن ترى أنه حتى داخل الجامعة ، فإن عمال الكافتيريا والحراس فقراء. من ناحية أخرى ، حصل صديقي الذي حصل على وظيفة في أحد البنوك الاستثمارية فجأة على 20 مليون ين سنويًا.
لابد أن سايتو شعر بتفاوت هائل لأنه كان ثريًا.
لكن هذا ما هو ماركس.
إن التفاوت لا تخلقه الرأسمالية فقط.
قد يكون شخصًا جيدًا ، لكنه ساذج جدًا (يضحك).
لقد كتبت بوضوح في عمود "Seiron" في Sankei Shimbun (14 مارس 2019) أن "الاقتصاد الاشتراكي مزيف" و "حماقة البشرية".
طالما أن الاشتراكية مزيفة ، فلن يكون أمامنا خيار سوى القيام بذلك مع الرأسمالية.
هناك بعض الجوانب السلبية ، مثل زيادة عدم المساواة ، ولكن لن يتبقى شيء إذا أنكرنا الرأسمالية تمامًا.

إن التفاوت آخذ في الاتساع بالفعل.
لكن هذا لا يعني أن الفقراء يزدادون فقرا.
من المؤكد أن الفقراء رفعوا المستوى.
على سبيل المثال ، انخفض عدد الأشخاص الذين يموتون بسبب الكوارث الطبيعية بمقدار النصف في المائة عام الماضية بسبب التقدم المحرز في تطوير البنية التحتية.
بخلاف ذلك ، فإن 80٪ من الأطفال البالغين من العمر عام واحد في جميع أنحاء العالم يمكنهم الآن الحصول على شكل من أشكال التطعيم.
بين عامي 1990 و 2015 ، نما عدد سكان العالم من 5.8 مليار إلى 7.3 مليار ، ومع ذلك انخفض عدد الجياع من أكثر من مليار إلى أقل من 800 مليون.
انخفضت النسبة المئوية للفقراء المطلق في العالم بنحو 0.6 نقطة مئوية سنويًا وهي الآن حوالي 10٪ - أقل من نصف ما كانت عليه قبل 20 عامًا. يقال أنه سيتم القضاء على الفقر المدقع بحلول عام 2040.
بالطبع ، سيكون من الأفضل عدم وجود المزيد من المشردين ، وهي مشكلة أن هناك أشخاصًا لا يستطيعون سداد المنح الدراسية والنساء لا يستطعن ​​تحمل تكاليف المنتجات الصحية.
لكن عند التفكير في المجتمع ككل ، ليس من الذكاء المبالغة في مثل هذه المشاكل وتجاهل حقيقة أن البشرية تزداد ثراءً.
إنه مثل النظر إلى الأشجار وعدم رؤية الغابة.
إذا نظرنا إلى الواقع ، يمكننا أن نرى ما سيحدث إذا نفذنا ما يسميه السيد سايتو "تراجع النمو".
في عام 2020 ، تراجع الاقتصاد العالمي بسبب صدمة كورونا.
نتيجة "تراجع النمو" ، هناك قلق من أن عدد الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في فقر مدقع سيرتفع.
لماذا لا يدرك أن "التقليل من النمو" سيجعل الفقراء ، الذين يريد السيد سايتو إنقاذهم ، أكثر فقرًا وفقرًا؟
يستمر هذا المقال.

Die verskil word nie net deur kapitalisme geskep nie

2021年05月12日 16時33分19秒 | 全般

Die volgende is uit 'n artikel van Hiroshi Furuta en Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, 'n maandblad wat nou te koop aangebied word, getiteld 'Slashing' Das Kapital 'van die antroposeen!
Die volgende is 'n unieke kenmerk van 'n gesprek tussen Hiroshi Furuta en Yutaka Asaka in die maandblad WiLL.
Dit is 'n moet-lees nie net vir die Japannese nie, maar ook vir mense regoor die wêreld.
Dit word 'voorpunt-marxistiese navorsing' genoem, maar ek voel baie ongemaklik.
Dit verskil nie van die konvensionele omgewingsteorie nie. Dit is soos 'n "gemuteerde virus" van Marx.

Daar word gesê dat 'Das Kapital' van die antroposeen '(Shueisha Shinsho) meer as 200 000 eksemplare verkoop het.
Dit is ook gekies vir die "New Book Award 2021" geborg deur Chuokoron Shinsha.
Daar word gesê dat dit 'die mees gevorderde Marx-navorsing' is, maar dit lyk asof dit die aardverwarmingsteorie herdruk.
Dus, is dit dieselfde soort "aanstigting" as "olie sal opraak" of "woude sal verdwyn"?
Die "Anthropocene" is vir my onbekend, maar daar word gesê dat dit 'n era is waarin mense die aarde sal vernietig.
'The Anthropocene' is egter 'n 'radikale idee' wat krisis en gevaarlike sosiale verandering aanwakker.
Soos van 'n marxis verwag, is die skrywer, Kohei Saito, van mening dat kapitalisme die grootste oorsaak van aardverwarming is en neem hy 'n kwaai 'linksdraai'.
Die SDG's (Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte) wat aan die elite oorgelaat word, is nie genoeg nie!
Gee moed op met ekonomiese groei en gebruik mikro-hidrokrag vir elektrisiteit!
Dit is asof hulle wil hê dat ons moet terugkeer na die dorpsvereniging van antieke tye.
As ons probeer 'ontgroei', sal die 'arme kinders van die wêreld', wat die skrywer wil red, die meeste ly. ......
Dit is in elk geval die perfekte 'aanstigting' om 'koolstofdioksisering' te versnel en ons aandag af te lei van die bedreiging wat China inhou.
Hoe sal mnr. Furuta en mnr. Asaka dit lees?
Die mensdom word ryker.
Ek lees 'Kapitalisme in die antroposeen' (Shueisha Shinsho) van Kohei Saito.
Wat het u daarvan gedink, meneer Asaka?
Kortom, die mensdom het die aarde vernietig deur kapitalisme.
Dit is 'n verhaal oor hoe ons ekonomiese groei moet stop en terugkeer na klein gemeenskappe soos die dorpsgenootskap.
Ek kry die indruk dat Marx gemaklik met daardie denke besprinkel word.
Mnr. Saito, hy is oortuig daarvan dat 'mense die aarde verower het.
Is dit wat hy die "Antroposeen" noem?
Die term "Antroposeen" is 'n nuwe era in die geologie, en sy peetpa is Paul Crutzen van Nederland, wat die Nobelprys vir Chemie verower het.
Sy spesialiteit is die osoongat, en hy is 'n tipiese teoretikus vir aardverwarming.
Die aarde, wat Saito en sy kollegas glo dat hulle heeltemal verower het, begin nou uitbrei na die Noordpoolsirkel, hoofsaaklik deur groot moondhede.
Dit is omdat dit 'onverkend' is.
As u die Discovery Channel kyk, sal u sien dat die aarde nog vol natuur is: oerwoude, savanne en groot riviere. ......
Die lees van "The Anthropocene" het my aan myself laat dink toe ek links was.
Ek dink dat mnr. Saito seker ook so gevoel het toe hy 'n linkse persoon geword het.
Ek vra myself altyd af of mense regtig die regte hulpbronne van die aarde gebruik.
Hy is oortuig daarvan dat as ons nie sosiale beheer het nie, die wêreld in 'n vreeslike gemors sal verkeer.
Marx vind aanklank by hierdie gevoel van geregtigheid.
Soos ek in ons laaste gesprek genoem het, kom Marxiste en liberale soos mnr. Saito nie uit armoedige gesinne nie.
Aan die ander kant is hulle ook nie 'n hoër klas nie.
Hulle het 'n sekere hoeveelheid geld. Ek verbeel my hulle kom van die onderkant van die hoër klas af.
Mnr. Saito studeer aan 'n privaat junior en senior hoërskool in Tokio en studeer aan die Wesleyan Universiteit in die Verenigde State.
Sy meesters- en doktorsgrade was afgestudeer in Duitsland, en dit is dus duidelik dat hy uit 'n welgestelde gesin kom.
In 'n onderhoud met Akira Ikegami in die April-uitgawe van Bungeishunju, het hy die volgende gesê.
Ek het op universiteit in die VSA studeer en toe ek die geweldige ongelykheid in die Amerikaanse samelewing sien, het ek gedink: 'Ek wil Marx studeer.
As u mooi kyk, kan u sien dat kafeteria-werkers en huisbewaarders selfs binne die universiteit verarm word. Aan die ander kant verdien my vriend wat by 'n beleggingsbank werk gekry het skielik 20 miljoen jen per jaar.
Saito moes 'n groot verskil gehad het omdat hy skatryk was.
Maar dit is wat Marx is.
Die verskil word nie net deur kapitalisme geskep nie.
Hy is miskien 'n goeie mens, maar hy is so naïef (lag).
Ek het in die 'Seiron'-kolom van die Sankei Shimbun (14 Maart 2019) duidelik geskryf dat' sosialistiese ekonomie nep is 'en' dwaasheid van die mensdom '.
Solank sosialisme vals is, het ons geen ander keuse as om dit met kapitalisme te doen nie.
Daar is 'n paar negatiewe aspekte, soos toenemende ongelykheid, maar daar sal niks oorbly as ons kapitalisme heeltemal ontken nie.

Die ongelykheid neem inderdaad toe.
Maar dit beteken nie dat die armes al hoe armer word nie.
Die armes het beslis die standaard verhoog.
Die aantal mense wat aan natuurrampe sterf, het byvoorbeeld die afgelope 100 jaar met die helfte afgeneem as gevolg van die vordering met die ontwikkeling van infrastruktuur.
Anders as dit, het 80% van die eenjarige kinders wêreldwyd nou toegang tot een of ander vorm van inenting.
Tussen 1990 en 2015 het die wêreldbevolking gegroei van 5,8 miljard tot 7,3 miljard, maar tog het die aantal honger mense van meer as 1 miljard tot minder as 800 miljoen afgeneem.
Die persentasie van die wêreld se absolute armes het met ongeveer 0,6 persentasiepunte per jaar afgeneem en is nou ongeveer 10% - minder as die helfte van wat dit 20 jaar gelede was. Daar word gesê dat absolute armoede teen 2040 amper uitgeskakel sal word.
Dit sal natuurlik beter wees as daar nie meer haweloses is nie, en dit is 'n probleem dat daar mense is wat nie beurse kan terugbetaal nie en vroue wat nie sanitêre produkte kan bekostig nie.
Maar as u aan die samelewing as geheel dink, is dit nie 'n intelligente houding om sulke probleme te oordryf en die feit dat die mensdom al hoe ryker word, te ignoreer nie.
Dit is soos om na die bome te kyk en nie die bos te sien nie.
As ons na die werklikheid kyk, kan ons sien wat gebeur as ons uitvoer wat mnr. Saito 'ontgroei' noem.
In 2020 het die wêreldekonomie gedaal weens die Corona-skok.
As gevolg van 'ontgroei' is daar 'n kommer dat die aantal mense wat in absolute armoede leef, sal toeneem.
Waarom kan hy nie besef dat 'ontgroeiing' die armes, wat mnr. Saito wil red, armes en armer sal maak nie?
Hierdie artikel gaan voort.

Top 10 real-time searches 2021/5/12, 15:27

2021年05月12日 15時27分01秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/5/12, 9:52










Mr. Saito, however, developed a crude theory that completely ignored reality.


At least, Mr. Saito does not have a conscience as a scholar.


It is a malicious reinterpretation that violates a scholar's conscience,


the top 50 searches for the past week


If such a vicious method spreads, humanities studies will come to an end.


However, if I look at the original, there is no "bell.

2021年05月12日 15時21分53秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
"The Bell Wasn't Ringing!
When I read the original, I made another amazing discovery.
I think you will be surprised, Asaka-san.
There is a passage just before the part quoted by Mr. Saito.
The bell rings, signaling the end of capitalist private ownership. The dispossessed will be dispossessed.
This phrase is "very popular" among leftists.
However, if I look at the original, there is no "bell.
This sentence never existed!
Someone, somewhere, rang the bell on their own (laughs).
What a lie!
We know that the Marxian economics people have not done a text critique (comparing printed books and studying the definitive text) of "Capitalism.
It is both historical and actual that even the best scholars can tamper with the original text when they get into a demon's grip, and even in the New Testament, for example, someone has tampered with it on their own.
For example, in "The First Epistle of John," it is written, "There are three things that bear witness in heaven. The Father, the Word (Christ the Logos), and the Spirit. ...... and these three are one" (manuscript example), and this was the basis for the Trinity theory.
But this part is called Comma Johanneum, and Erasmus found it when he checked the Greek manuscripts and found that someone had inserted it without permission.
It is why text criticism is essential.
These are the results of my two-day "journey to the original" (laughs).
It's disappointing because I was also moved by the "bell" in the past.
I'm still amazed that a person like you can become an associate professor at Osaka City University.
Do they hire people based on their ideology?
In "Hideo Kobayashi's Eyes" (Chuokoron Shinsha), a collection of essays on Hideo Kobayashi by Jun Eto, it is written, "The evil of intellectuals who try to see reality in ideas rather than in people.
Marx despised the "Marxists" who blindly believed in his dogmatic ideas and said, "I am clearly not a Marxist," so if he saw the state of universities in Japan today, he might get angry (laughs).
I heard that a certain man I excommunicated was employed by the Institute of Oriental Culture of the University of Tokyo.
He is now a professor and claims on the institute's website that he will atone for his "war responsibility" to Korea, which has never engaged in war with Japan.
It is clear that research organizations deteriorate more and more when they select people based on their ideology.
This article continues.



When I read the original, I made another amazing discovery.

2021年05月12日 15時17分06秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
"The Bell Wasn't Ringing!
When I read the original, I made another amazing discovery.
I think you will be surprised, Asaka-san.
There is a passage just before the part quoted by Mr. Saito.
The bell rings, signaling the end of capitalist private ownership. The dispossessed will be dispossessed.
This phrase is "very popular" among leftists.
However, if you look at the original, there is no "bell.
This sentence never existed!
Someone, somewhere, rang the bell on their own (laughs).
What a lie!
We know that the Marxian economics people have not done a text critique (comparing printed books and studying the definitive text) of "Capitalism.
It is both historical and actual that even the best scholars can tamper with the original text when they get into a demon's grip, and even in the New Testament, for example, someone has tampered with it on their own.
For example, in "The First Epistle of John," it is written, "There are three things that bear witness in heaven. The Father, the Word (Christ the Logos), and the Spirit. ...... and these three are one" (manuscript example), and this was the basis for the Trinity theory.
But this part is called Comma Johanneum, and Erasmus found it when he checked the Greek manuscripts and found that someone had inserted it without permission.
It is why text criticism is essential.
These are the results of my two-day "journey to the original" (laughs).
It's disappointing because I was also moved by the "bell" in the past.
I'm still amazed that a person like you can become an associate professor at Osaka City University.
Do they hire people based on their ideology?
In "Hideo Kobayashi's Eyes" (Chuokoron Shinsha), a collection of essays on Hideo Kobayashi by Jun Eto, it is written, "The evil of intellectuals who try to see reality in ideas rather than in people.
Marx despised the "Marxists" who blindly believed in his dogmatic ideas and said, "I am clearly not a Marxist," so if he saw the state of universities in Japan today, he might get angry (laughs).
I heard that a certain man I excommunicated was employed by the Institute of Oriental Culture of the University of Tokyo.
He is now a professor and claims on the institute's website that he will atone for his "war responsibility" to Korea, which has never engaged in war with Japan.
It is clear that research organizations deteriorate more and more when they select people based on their ideology.
This article continues.



If such a vicious method spreads, humanities studies will come to an end.

2021年05月12日 14時54分40秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Saito's Vicious "Fake
They hate Capitalism, after all.
I was also a leftist, so I understand the conflict of whether capitalists who only pursue profit are correct or not.
However, it is not the case that capitalists in reality only seek profit.
Take Konosuke Matsushita, for example.
At the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake, he cut the uncollected accounts receivable of his business partners in Tokyo in half and kept the prices of goods delivered the same as before the disaster.
While other suppliers raised their prices due to shortages, he did not follow suit.
What he did was completely different from the behavior of capitalists, as Marx thought.
As we can see from the development of Matsushita Electric, companies can run without the profit-first policy.
The short-sighted view that "capitalists are evil people who exploit people" is a "big-headed" theory that ignores reality.
But the leftists don't realize this, and they think that their conscience as scholars cannot be satisfied unless they make Capitalism the bad guy.
At least, Mr. Saito does not have a conscience as a scholar.
When I read "'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene," I found a very vicious "fake."
On page 142, to realize de-growth communism, he uses Marx as an example.
[In addition, Marx envisioned a society in which people would manage the means of production and the earth as a "common," as communism.]
Next, a passage from the end of the first volume of Capital is quoted.
[This negation of negation does not reconstruct the private ownership of producers but creates private ownership based on the achievements of the capitalist age. In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation and the common possession of the means of production produced by the earth and labor. 
Then he concludes: "We will reclaim the earth and the means of production as 'common'!"
What Marx was trying to reclaim was not only the means of production controlled by the capitalists.
He wanted to reclaim the means of production controlled by the capitalists and the earth itself.
I was really curious about the words "common" and "earth," so I went to the university library to look up Capitalism's original.
I found it in the complete works of Marx and Engels, published in Hamburg in 1872 and reprinted in 1987.
I've never done German, but I read it from the beginning using the Chinese reading method and found the part quoted by Saito.
You're right; I've never read the original.
How was it?
First of all, the word "Erde," which Mr. Saito translates as "earth," should be read as "land.
It is true that "Erde" also means "earth.
But since "Capitalism" devotes a lot of space to land rent, it must be read as "land" to make sense.
Furthermore, "Gemeineigenthum," which means public goods, is replaced by "common" arbitrarily by Mr. Saito.
What a surprise!
Marx did not say "occupy the earth as a common," did he?
No, he did not!
It is a malicious reinterpretation that violates a scholar's conscience, and if he were in my laboratory, I would excommunicate him immediately.
If such a vicious method spreads, humanities studies will come to an end.
He is only 34 years old, but I'll tell you clearly that he is "vicious."
In the first place, the quoted part is a prominent part of the materialistic historical view that the socialist revolution will happen anyway, which is itself a fake.
Mr. Saito deliberately gave a different translation to the fake, thus covering up the fake.
And the source doesn't mention the year of publication of "Capitalism" that Mr. Saito quoted, which is also not suitable for a researcher.
Incidentally, the Otsuki Shoten edition of "Capitalism" (Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972 edition/the first edition in 1968), supervised and translated by Hyoue Ouchi, was faithful to the original.
"In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation, sharing of land, and sharing of the means of production produced by labor itself." (p. 995)
This article continues.


if he were in my laboratory, I would excommunicate him immediately.

2021年05月12日 14時52分56秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Saito's Vicious "Fake
They hate Capitalism, after all.
I was also a leftist, so I understand the conflict of whether capitalists who only pursue profit are correct or not.
However, it is not the case that capitalists in reality only seek profit.
Take Konosuke Matsushita, for example.
At the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake, he cut the uncollected accounts receivable of his business partners in Tokyo in half and kept the prices of goods delivered the same as before the disaster.
While other suppliers raised their prices due to shortages, he did not follow suit.
What he did was completely different from the behavior of capitalists, as Marx thought.
As we can see from the development of Matsushita Electric, companies can run without the profit-first policy.
The short-sighted view that "capitalists are evil people who exploit people" is a "big-headed" theory that ignores reality.
But the leftists don't realize this, and they think that their conscience as scholars cannot be satisfied unless they make Capitalism the bad guy.
At least, Mr. Saito does not have a conscience as a scholar.
When I read "'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene," I found a very vicious "fake."
On page 142, to realize de-growth communism, he uses Marx as an example.
[In addition, Marx envisioned a society in which people would manage the means of production and the earth as a "common," as communism.]
Next, a passage from the end of the first volume of Capital is quoted.
[This negation of negation does not reconstruct the private ownership of producers but creates private ownership based on the achievements of the capitalist age. In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation and the common possession of the means of production produced by the earth and labor. 
Then he concludes: "We will reclaim the earth and the means of production as 'common'!"
What Marx was trying to reclaim was not only the means of production controlled by the capitalists.
He wanted to reclaim the means of production controlled by the capitalists and the earth itself.
I was really curious about the words "common" and "earth," so I went to the university library to look up Capitalism's original.
I found it in the complete works of Marx and Engels, published in Hamburg in 1872 and reprinted in 1987.
I've never done German, but I read it from the beginning using the Chinese reading method and found the part quoted by Saito.
You're right; I've never read the original.
How was it?
First of all, the word "Erde," which Mr. Saito translates as "earth," should be read as "land.
It is true that "Erde" also means "earth.
But since "Capitalism" devotes a lot of space to land rent, it must be read as "land" to make sense.
Furthermore, "Gemeineigenthum," which means public goods, is replaced by "common" arbitrarily by Mr. Saito.
What a surprise!
Marx did not say "occupy the earth as a common," did he?
No, he did not!
It is a malicious reinterpretation that violates a scholar's conscience, and if he were in my laboratory, I would excommunicate him immediately.
If such a vicious method spreads, humanities studies will come to an end.
He is only 34 years old, but I'll tell you clearly that he is "vicious."
In the first place, the quoted part is a prominent part of the materialistic historical view that the socialist revolution will happen anyway, which is itself a fake.
Mr. Saito deliberately gave a different translation to the fake, thus covering up the fake.
And the source doesn't mention the year of publication of "Capitalism" that Mr. Saito quoted, which is also not suitable for a researcher.
Incidentally, the Otsuki Shoten edition of "Capitalism" (Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972 edition/the first edition in 1968), supervised and translated by Hyoue Ouchi, was faithful to the original.
"In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation, sharing of land, and sharing of the means of production produced by labor itself." (p. 995)
This article continues.


It is a malicious reinterpretation that violates a scholar's conscience,

2021年05月12日 14時50分51秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Saito's Vicious "Fake
They hate Capitalism, after all.
I was also a leftist, so I understand the conflict of whether capitalists who only pursue profit are correct or not.
However, it is not the case that capitalists in reality only seek profit.
Take Konosuke Matsushita, for example.
At the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake, he cut the uncollected accounts receivable of his business partners in Tokyo in half and kept the prices of goods delivered the same as before the disaster.
While other suppliers raised their prices due to shortages, he did not follow suit.
What he did was completely different from the behavior of capitalists, as Marx thought.
As we can see from the development of Matsushita Electric, companies can run without the profit-first policy.
The short-sighted view that "capitalists are evil people who exploit people" is a "big-headed" theory that ignores reality.
But the leftists don't realize this, and they think that their conscience as scholars cannot be satisfied unless they make Capitalism the bad guy.
At least, Mr. Saito does not have a conscience as a scholar.
When I read "'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene," I found a very vicious "fake."
On page 142, to realize de-growth communism, he uses Marx as an example.
[In addition, Marx envisioned a society in which people would manage the means of production and the earth as a "common," as communism.]
Next, a passage from the end of the first volume of Capital is quoted.
[This negation of negation does not reconstruct the private ownership of producers but creates private ownership based on the achievements of the capitalist age. In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation and the common possession of the means of production produced by the earth and labor. 
Then he concludes: "We will reclaim the earth and the means of production as 'common'!"
What Marx was trying to reclaim was not only the means of production controlled by the capitalists.
He wanted to reclaim the means of production controlled by the capitalists and the earth itself.
I was really curious about the words "common" and "earth," so I went to the university library to look up Capitalism's original.
I found it in the complete works of Marx and Engels, published in Hamburg in 1872 and reprinted in 1987.
I've never done German, but I read it from the beginning using the Chinese reading method and found the part quoted by Saito.
You're right; I've never read the original.
How was it?
First of all, the word "Erde," which Mr. Saito translates as "earth," should be read as "land.
It is true that "Erde" also means "earth.
But since "Capitalism" devotes a lot of space to land rent, it must be read as "land" to make sense.
Furthermore, "Gemeineigenthum," which means public goods, is replaced by "common" arbitrarily by Mr. Saito.
What a surprise!
Marx did not say "occupy the earth as a common," did he?
No, he did not!
It is a malicious reinterpretation that violates a scholar's conscience, and if he were in my laboratory, I would excommunicate him immediately.
If such a vicious method spreads, humanities studies will come to an end.
He is only 34 years old, but I'll tell you clearly that he is "vicious."
In the first place, the quoted part is a prominent part of the materialistic historical view that the socialist revolution will happen anyway, which is itself a fake.
Mr. Saito deliberately gave a different translation to the fake, thus covering up the fake.
And the source doesn't mention the year of publication of "Capitalism" that Mr. Saito quoted, which is also not suitable for a researcher.
Incidentally, the Otsuki Shoten edition of "Capitalism" (Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972 edition/the first edition in 1968), supervised and translated by Hyoue Ouchi, was faithful to the original.
"In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation, sharing of land, and sharing of the means of production produced by labor itself." (p. 995)
This article continues.



At least, Mr. Saito does not have a conscience as a scholar.

2021年05月12日 14時44分25秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Saito's Vicious "Fake
They hate Capitalism, after all.
I was also a leftist, so I understand the conflict of whether capitalists who only pursue profit are correct or not.
However, it is not the case that capitalists in reality only seek profit.
Take Konosuke Matsushita, for example.
At the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake, he cut the uncollected accounts receivable of his business partners in Tokyo in half and kept the prices of goods delivered the same as before the disaster.
While other suppliers raised their prices due to shortages, he did not follow suit.
What he did was completely different from the behavior of capitalists, as Marx thought.
As we can see from the development of Matsushita Electric, companies can run without the profit-first policy.
The short-sighted view that "capitalists are evil people who exploit people" is a "big-headed" theory that ignores reality.
But the leftists don't realize this, and they think that their conscience as scholars cannot be satisfied unless they make Capitalism the bad guy.
At least, Mr. Saito does not have a conscience as a scholar.
When I read "'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene," I found a very vicious "fake."
On page 142, to realize de-growth communism, he uses Marx as an example.
[In addition, Marx envisioned a society in which people would manage the means of production and the earth as a "common," as communism.]
Next, a passage from the end of the first volume of Capital is quoted.
[This negation of negation does not reconstruct the private ownership of producers but creates private ownership based on the achievements of the capitalist age. In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation and the common possession of the means of production produced by the earth and labor. 
Then he concludes: "We will reclaim the earth and the means of production as 'common'!"
What Marx was trying to reclaim was not only the means of production controlled by the capitalists.
He wanted to reclaim the means of production controlled by the capitalists and the earth itself.
I was really curious about the words "common" and "earth," so I went to the university library to look up Capitalism's original.
I found it in the complete works of Marx and Engels, published in Hamburg in 1872 and reprinted in 1987.
I've never done German, but I read it from the beginning using the Chinese reading method and found the part quoted by Saito.
You're right; I've never read the original.
How was it?
First of all, the word "Erde," which Mr. Saito translates as "earth," should be read as "land.
It is true that "Erde" also means "earth.
But since "Capitalism" devotes a lot of space to land rent, it must be read as "land" to make sense.
Furthermore, "Gemeineigenthum," which means public goods, is replaced by "common" arbitrarily by Mr. Saito.
What a surprise!
Marx did not say "occupy the earth as a common," did he?
No, he did not!
It is a malicious reinterpretation that violates a scholar's conscience, and if he were in my laboratory, I would excommunicate him immediately.
If such a vicious method spreads, humanities studies will come to an end.
He is only 34 years old, but I'll tell you clearly that he is "vicious."
In the first place, the quoted part is a prominent part of the materialistic historical view that the socialist revolution will happen anyway, which is itself a fake.
Mr. Saito deliberately gave a different translation to the fake, thus covering up the fake.
And the source doesn't mention the year of publication of "Capitalism" that Mr. Saito quoted, which is also not suitable for a researcher.
Incidentally, the Otsuki Shoten edition of "Capitalism" (Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972 edition/the first edition in 1968), supervised and translated by Hyoue Ouchi, was faithful to the original.
"In other words, it creates personal ownership based on cooperation, sharing of land, and sharing of the means of production produced by labor itself." (p. 995)
This article continues.


Mr. Saito, however, developed a crude theory that completely ignored reality.

2021年05月12日 14時04分30秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
"De-growth" is all yours.
Mr. Saito, however, is more radical and "dangerous."
He says that even the SDGs is "the opium of our time.
「The SDGs are just an alibi to distract us from the crisis at hand.  Marx once criticized "religion" as "the opium of the masses" to alleviate the suffering caused by the painful reality of capitalism. The SDGs are a modern version of the "opium of the masses." 」
Therefore, the "Anthropocene" cannot be overcome unless people voluntarily abandon capitalism and shift to a "village society" that has given up on economic growth-or, in Saito's words, "degrowth communism.
For example, he is proposing to use micro-hydroelectric power generation to provide electricity.
Is that even possible?
There is no way it can be done in a modern society of 7 billion people.
Even if we do a simple calculation, the amount of energy we can get from heavy oil is about 10 million times different from the amount of energy we can get from micro-hydroelectric power generation with a drop of 40 centimeters.
Or is he saying that to live with less energy, stop using air conditioning, stop watching TV, stop listening to music, and stop using trains?
He wants us to go back to the savage? 
He means the popular "solo camping" (laughs).
Mr. Saito doesn't understand how rich people are today.
We are probably much more affluent than the feudal lords of the Edo period.
With the advancement of freezing technology, sashimi in supermarkets must be tastier than what the feudal lords used to eat.
We would not have to worry about food, clothing, and shelter and would be able to travel abroad. 
We can also enjoy music and movies in the palm of our hand.
Mr. Saito writes that this kind of affluent life is an "imperial lifestyle.
He also says that this lifestyle is based on the exploitation of the "Global South.
The "Global South" is a reworking of the "North-South problem," which was said to have rich countries in the north and emerging countries south of the earth.
But as Asaka-san explained, the lives of the emerging countries are also being raised.
Marx believed that even if you say "such a society is desirable," it will not be realized unless the conditions are met.
Mr. Saito, however, developed a crude theory that completely ignored reality.
'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene is said to be "the most advanced study of Marx," but I feel a great deal of discomfort.
This article continues.




2021年05月12日 12時48分36秒 | 全般

でも、この部分はコンマ・ヨハンネウム (Comma Johanneum)といって、誰かが勝手に挿入したことをエラスムスがギリシア語写本を校合して見つけた。



2021年05月12日 12時46分03秒 | 全般

でも、この部分はコンマ・ヨハンネウム (Comma Johanneum)といって、誰かが勝手に挿入したことをエラスムスがギリシア語写本を校合して見つけた。



2021年05月12日 12時39分20秒 | 全般

でも、この部分はコンマ・ヨハンネウム (Comma Johanneum)といって、誰かが勝手に挿入したことをエラスムスがギリシア語写本を校合して見つけた。

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Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - Live at the Royal Albert Hall


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