文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

However, if I look at the original, there is no "bell.

2021年05月12日 15時21分53秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article by Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Slashing 'Das Kapital' of the Anthropocene! 
The following is a unique feature of a conversation between Hiroshi Furuta and Yutaka Asaka in the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
"The Bell Wasn't Ringing!
When I read the original, I made another amazing discovery.
I think you will be surprised, Asaka-san.
There is a passage just before the part quoted by Mr. Saito.
The bell rings, signaling the end of capitalist private ownership. The dispossessed will be dispossessed.
This phrase is "very popular" among leftists.
However, if I look at the original, there is no "bell.
This sentence never existed!
Someone, somewhere, rang the bell on their own (laughs).
What a lie!
We know that the Marxian economics people have not done a text critique (comparing printed books and studying the definitive text) of "Capitalism.
It is both historical and actual that even the best scholars can tamper with the original text when they get into a demon's grip, and even in the New Testament, for example, someone has tampered with it on their own.
For example, in "The First Epistle of John," it is written, "There are three things that bear witness in heaven. The Father, the Word (Christ the Logos), and the Spirit. ...... and these three are one" (manuscript example), and this was the basis for the Trinity theory.
But this part is called Comma Johanneum, and Erasmus found it when he checked the Greek manuscripts and found that someone had inserted it without permission.
It is why text criticism is essential.
These are the results of my two-day "journey to the original" (laughs).
It's disappointing because I was also moved by the "bell" in the past.
I'm still amazed that a person like you can become an associate professor at Osaka City University.
Do they hire people based on their ideology?
In "Hideo Kobayashi's Eyes" (Chuokoron Shinsha), a collection of essays on Hideo Kobayashi by Jun Eto, it is written, "The evil of intellectuals who try to see reality in ideas rather than in people.
Marx despised the "Marxists" who blindly believed in his dogmatic ideas and said, "I am clearly not a Marxist," so if he saw the state of universities in Japan today, he might get angry (laughs).
I heard that a certain man I excommunicated was employed by the Institute of Oriental Culture of the University of Tokyo.
He is now a professor and claims on the institute's website that he will atone for his "war responsibility" to Korea, which has never engaged in war with Japan.
It is clear that research organizations deteriorate more and more when they select people based on their ideology.
This article continues.


