文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

must be transferred to young researchers right now!

2020年10月24日 16時30分26秒 | 全般

The following is from this week's issue of Weekly Shincho.
*~* is me.
The 'Thousand Talents Plan' to steal Japanese science and technology
The "Thousand Talents Plan" in which former members of the Science Council of Japan also participate.
Following the previous issue, which introduced the sinister ambition to steal science and technology from Japan and the rest of the world, the second volume lifts the veil on the project, which has been shrouded in mystery through the real voices of the invited Japanese researchers.
Why were these scientists educated in Japan's highest academic institutions, including the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, and who are now leading the way to the future, caught up in their own country? 
When I posed this straightforward question to a former professor in his seventies at Osaka University who applied for the "Thousand Talents Plan" and went to China, he spoke on the condition of anonymity. 
He said, 'I didn't put my hand up, but eight years ago, I was invited by my friend, the dean of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, to join the project. It will prepare a position equivalent to the top of the research department, so I was asked to do it by all means ...'
The university invited him is one of the "Seven National Defense Schools" active in military research and has been selected as one of China's "National Key Universities."
If one hears that he belonged to a think tank in Japan engaged in research on nuclear physics and other topics, one wonders if it might divert his wisdom to the military. 
'I'm a researcher in a fundamental field, and my papers are open to the world, so I don't have to worry about it. Before Corona, I traveled back and forth between China and Japan every two weeks, but it was only two and a half hours one way, and I didn't feel inconvenienced. I'm essential of retirement age in China, but they want me to be here still, so I've been able to continue for a long time. 
And then, just as he was about to say this, he revealed his true feelings: "I've been inviting young Japanese researchers to come to China, but they can't get jobs in Japan. 
I've been inviting young Japanese researchers to China, but they can't get jobs in Japan. In some cases, they have no choice but to come here to train the next generation." 

*The more than 600 million yen in scientific research funds that we are giving to the most anti-Japanese lowlife bastards in the world, such as Jiro Yamaguchi and others, must be transferred to young researchers right now! Politicians and media don't realize that this is the most pressing issue in Japan today! *
It is precise because China has seen through the "sadness" of the Japanese researchers and is cleverly calling out to them for an invitation.
This article continues.

The 'Thousand Talents Plan' to steal Japanese science and technology

2020年10月24日 16時27分27秒 | 全般
The following is from this week's issue of Weekly Shincho.
*~* is me.
The 'Thousand Talents Plan' to steal Japanese science and technology
The "Thousand Talents Plan" in which former members of the Science Council of Japan also participate.
Following the previous issue, which introduced the sinister ambition to steal science and technology from Japan and the rest of the world, the second volume lifts the veil on the project, which has been shrouded in mystery through the real voices of the invited Japanese researchers.
Why were these scientists educated in Japan's highest academic institutions, including the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, and who are now leading the way to the future, caught up in their own country? 
When I posed this straightforward question to a former professor in his seventies at Osaka University who applied for the "Thousand Talents Plan" and went to China, he spoke on the condition of anonymity. 
He said, 'I didn't put my hand up, but eight years ago, I was invited by my friend, the dean of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, to join the project. It will prepare a position equivalent to the top of the research department, so I was asked to do it by all means ...'
The university invited him is one of the "Seven National Defense Schools" active in military research and has been selected as one of China's "National Key Universities."
If one hears that he belonged to a think tank in Japan engaged in research on nuclear physics and other topics, one wonders if it might divert his wisdom to the military. 
'I'm a researcher in a fundamental field, and my papers are open to the world, so I don't have to worry about it. Before Corona, I traveled back and forth between China and Japan every two weeks, but it was only two and a half hours one way, and I didn't feel inconvenienced. I'm essential of retirement age in China, but they want me to be here still, so I've been able to continue for a long time. 
And then, just as he was about to say this, he revealed his true feelings: "I've been inviting young Japanese researchers to come to China, but they can't get jobs in Japan. 
I've been inviting young Japanese researchers to China, but they can't get jobs in Japan. In some cases, they have no choice but to come here to train the next generation." 

*The more than 600 million yen in scientific research funds that we are giving to the most anti-Japanese lowlife bastards in the world, such as Jiro Yamaguchi and others, must be transferred to young researchers right now! Politicians and media don't realize that this is the most pressing issue in Japan today! *
It is precise because China has seen through the "sadness" of the Japanese researchers and is cleverly calling out to them for an invitation.
This article continues.


2020年10月24日 16時08分00秒 | 全般
「『千人計画』は、海外にいる理工系の優秀な研究者を好待遇で中国に集め、軍事、経済の発展に寄与させることを目的としています」 と解説するのは、産経新聞ワシントン駐在客員特派員で麗澤大学特別教授の古森義久氏である。 
国別にみれば、日本はアメリカ、ドイツに並んでトップ3に入る。 このプロジェクトが単なる「学術交流」でなく、知財の流出を招くとして欧米や豪州などが警戒するのには大きな理由があった。
それだけに危険に見合った報酬も用意されており、前述したハーバード大教授は中国から日本円で1億円強の資金提供を受けていた。 「米国人の場合、本業で貰える年俸の3、4倍は受け取っていました」(国際ジャーナリストの山田敏弘氏)  


Call for Japan's Revival! Repel China's 'Silent Invasion'

2020年10月24日 15時46分46秒 | 全般
The following is from the reading section of today's Sankei Shimbun.
Call for Japan's Revival! Repel China's 'Silent Invasion'
Rui Sasaki (Heart Publishing, 1,500 yen + tax)
On July 1 this year, the Sankei Shimbun ran a front-page article titled "Hong Kong is Dead."
The article responded to the enforcement of the Hong Kong National Security Law by China, which announced the end of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong.
This book asks the question, "What should Japan do about it?
Measures to be taken against looming risks
Rui Sasaki is an active reporter at the Sankei Shimbun and vice chairman of the editorial board.
He sharply warns us against dabbling in China's money and mismanaging the nation and gives us a big "pep talk" to "revive" a strong Japan.
*It is a must-read for Biden and other politicians in the US Democratic Party*. 
In recent years, the existence and problematic nature of the relationship between the Science Council of Japan and China has become apparent in the "Thousand Talents Plan."
This book is one of the first to report on the actual state of the plan and illustrate the danger of the world's brains going to China. 
Not a day goes by without news of other "China issues," such as the acquisition of land by China and other countries, the plagiarism of "Japanese brands" such as agricultural products, the arrest of a member of the Diet on suspicion of an IR (Integrated Resort Facility) scandal, the battle for supremacy in the next-generation 5G communications network, and the safety of Chinese-made apps. 
The author has been covering these "China risks" in detail and has clearly indicated what measures the Japanese should take.
The 'quiet invasion' by China is steadily approaching and is just around the corner.
This book will make you believe that.  
(Hiroaki Koreyasu, Editor, Heart Publishing)


2020年10月24日 15時26分02秒 | 全般
佐々木類 (ハート出版・1500円+税)
(ハート出版編集部 是安宏昭)