

【論】Chen,2007,Gene selection with multiple orderin~

2008年08月22日 08時03分24秒 | 論文記録
James J Chen, Chen-An Tsai, ShengLi Tzeng, and Chun-Houh Chen
Gene selection with multiple ordering criteria
BMC Bioinformatics. 2007; 8: 74.

・遺伝子抽出法として Layer ranking algorithm を提案する。これは複数の(既存の)ランキング法の結果を重ね合わせ(layer)て独自のランキングを行う。
1.Colon Data set [Alon]
2.Ionizing Radiation Data set [Tusher]
3.Dilution Data set
・提案法:Layer ranking algorithm の三種の設定
2.Line-admissible (convex)
3.Frequency of selections by the SVM-RFE

・Wrapperとは「The wrapper approach is an alternative gene selection method; the wrapper approach finds a subset of genes and evaluates its relevance while building the prediction model.
・概要「This paper proposes three layer ranking algorithms for gene ranking with multiple ranking criteria, where each individual criterion constitutes its ordering of preference for selection.
・注意点「Note that cross-validation performed after gene selection process is known as internal cross-validation (e.g., the SVM classifier), whereas cross-validation prior to gene selection is known the external cross-validation [8].
・「Recently, the MicroArray Quality Control consortium suggested: "Fold-change ranking plus a non-stringent P-value cutoff can be used as a baseline practice for generating more reproducible signature gene lists" [18].
・課題「We are currently investigating different univariate selection criteria in conjunction with layer ranking algorithms to improve predictive accuracy.


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