


2005-09-25 08:08:20 | フランス旅行

I'm alive!!! In Barcelona, at my friend's house!!
Here, surprising for me, house is made by stone!!
My friend let me use one room and it's comfortable.No problem.

Today we went to the big fesival and saw a contemporary circus for free.
The quality of that show is very very high!!! unbelievavle.

There are 3 performers, all of them have high skills of juggling or circus act,
and durling their 1 hour performance they are quite well organized with each other.
Music and singing is performed by themselves, and not only to show their high skills
but also there exist a communication with each other.

They have a very strong and attractive character, two men and one woman.
The man is good at ball bouncing and hat juggling,
the other man has incredible body movements and astonishing meteo routine,
and the woman has very good circus skills (trepeze, = ku-chu-buranko).

It will never boring, the movement of all of them were strictry calculated...

After the show I ran to them and talk about something.
It was found that they are from Denmark, calld 'Lice de Luxe'.

If you have a time and are interested in it, please look at website; www.licedeluxe.com


Anyway, I'm so glad because not only to meet my friends again but also to find quite highly skilled contemporary circus company!!

I haven't decided where to go after staying Barcelona,
but hopefully it'll be somehow exciting things.

See you!!

