

マハティールさんマレーシアのスタンス: Malaysia will use Huawei tech ‘as much as possible’ - the Future of Asia 2019

2019-06-13 01:54:40 | アジア・太平洋の文化
Mahatir: Malaysia will use Huawei tech ‘as much as possible’ - the Future of Asia 2019

米国と中国の戦争を否定している。対話を要求している。それぞれの犠牲がある。すり合わせる対話・協議が必要。政治システムやアイディアが異なるがー。対立は緩和・解決されるか?政府のシステムには関与せず、政権転覆にも関与しないこと、ほかの国のシステムは尊重すること。現在の中国のシステムは以前よりオープンになっている。USは何をgive upすべきか?アジアの工場に依存するアメリカの生産システム。競争力の問題。USはすべてをアメリカ国内で生産できない。それぞれの地域や国家の立場・尊厳・システムがある。




Mahathirは、5月30日に東京で開催される第25回アジアの未来会議で、アメリカが中国を脅していると述べた(写真:Yuki Nakao)


忠誠の彼の最新のショーでは、マレーシアの指導者は彼が成長している米中競合の最新の発展に立っているフェンスのどちら側であるかを明らかにしました - 中国の技術グループHuawei Technologiesに対するワシントンの攻撃。

トランプホワイトハウスに感謝する言葉で、Mahathirは5月30日に開催された日経アジアの未来会議で、米国が世界の技術競争において必ずしも先んじているとは限らないことを受け入れるべき時であると主張した。彼はアメリカの政策を嘲笑して言った、「私が先に行かなければ、私はあなたを禁止します、私は軍艦を送ります - それは競争ではなく、それは脅迫しています。」



しかし、月が経つにつれて、マハティールはタックを切り替えました。今年のBRIサミット - 中国のXi Jinping大統領の下での世界的リーダーの集まり - の準備段階で、マレーシアの指導者は別の中国から資金を提供されたプロジェクト、Bandar Malaysia(マレーシアの郷)の中断を解除しました。



彼がナジブのアプローチに対する彼の見解だけでなく、彼が中国の「デットトラップ」外交に陥る危険性について警告したフィリピンを含む彼のASEANパートナーを提供した中国批判的なアドバイスを完全に忘れていたかのようです。 「中国からの影響を規制または制限する」












重要なことに、マレーシアの外相Saifuddin Abdullahは、複雑な南シナ海紛争の二国間要素を二国間で解決するという中国の提案を否定した。

マレーシアは、紛争 - フィリピンとベトナムも含む - はASEANの問題であり、加盟国の統一を維持したいと考えている。




Shankaran Nambiarは、マレーシア経済研究所の上級研究員です。彼は最近出版された本「マレーシア:変革の最先端の経済」の著者です。

What next for Mahathir's pivot to China?
Malaysian leader's U-turn will test ties with South East Asian partners and US

Shankaran Nambiar
JUNE 06, 2019 14:01 JST

Mahathir said the U.S. is threatening China during the 25th Future of Asia conference in Tokyo on May 30. (Photo by Yuki Nakao)
When Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took power in May 2018, it seemed clear that he would go cool on China.

But a year later, he is warming up his bonds with Beijing.

In his latest show of allegiance, the Malaysian leader made clear on which side of the fence he stands in the latest development in the growing U.S.-China rivalry -- Washington's assault on Chinese tech group Huawei Technologies.

In words that will grate in the Trump White House, Mahathir argued at the Nikkei Future of Asia conference on May 30 that it was time for the U.S. to accept that it was no longer necessarily ahead in the global technology race. He mocked American policy, saying: "If I am not ahead, I will ban you, I will send warships' -- that is not competition, that is threatening."

It is all a far cry from last year's election campaign, when Mahathir accused his predecessor, Najib Razak, of selling Malaysia's sovereignty to Beijing in return for costly loan-financed infrastructure schemes under China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Once in office, Mahathir followed up by successfully pressing Beijing to renegotiate plans for the China-backed the East Coast Rail Line, or ECRL, change the route, cut out a tunnel and drop the price to Malaysia by $5 billion from the original $ 16.4 billion original plan.

But as the months went by, Mahathir switched tack. In the run-up to this year's BRI Summit -- a global leaders' gathering under Chinese president Xi Jinping -- the Malaysian leader lifted a suspension on another Chinese-financed project, Bandar Malaysia (Malaysian Township).

The Bandar Malaysia site, pictured in July 2018 during construction: Mahathir lifted a suspension on the Chinese-financed project. © Getty Images
After earlier blocking the scheme on the grounds that it benefited only China he declared that Malaysian companies would profit from it after all.

Following a prominent appearance at the BRI Summit, Mahathir appears to have decided that the initiative is genuinely about peace, prosperity and shared development. The arch anti-imperialist, who suggested only last year that China might be the new colonial power, now seems to see China's global aspirations in an altruistic light.

It is as if he has totally forgotten not only his view of Najib's approach but the China-critical advice he offered his ASEAN partners, including the Philippines which he warned of the dangers of falling into China 'debt-trap' diplomacy, urging Manila to "regulate or limit influences from China."

So, what explains Mahathir's newfound confidence in China?

Good old-fashioned election politicking played a role. He needed to bash discredit Najib over his China ties because they fitted into his attacks on the former prime minister for financial greed and non-transparency. With the vote won, Mahathir could reassess.

Also, the growing uncertainty in the global economy and, especially the increasing trade dispute between the U.S. and China, seem to have convinced the Malaysian leader that he needed Beijing's economic power and largesse after all.

Finally, while Najib leaned heavily toward China, he was not suspicious of the West or the U.S. He enjoyed a good relationship with former President Barack Obama, and was keen on the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which Obama backed and from which Beijing was excluded. By contrast, Mahathir, who spent years as a critic of western colonialism and neocolonialism, would never easily have invested in ties with the U.S., even if the unpredictable Donald Trump had not made the White House.

And what are the consequences of Mahathir's China pivot?

It appears that Beijing will gain a firmer foothold in the region with the implicit support of South East Asia's elder statesman, Mahathir. At least the silencing of his invective against China, will make life a lot more comfortable for Beijing in the region, especially as Xi, from his side, has pledged to listen more to the views of China's BRI partners.

While Malaysia has been a big proponent of ASEAN and the central role ASEAN should play for its ten members, including in trade, Mahathir may now put his support behind completing the long and much-delayed negotiations for the broad Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which would include China.

The Malaysian leader might hope RCEP could facilitate moves to turn Malaysia into a Chinese investment hub for the region. With the U.S.-China trade war developing, Malaysia could be an alternative export production hub for Chinese companies, with sufficient local content to overcome Trump's barriers.

Meanwhile, Mahathir may now have fewer concerns about expressing his reservations over the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) -- which is now being ratified and implemented after Trump pulled out of its predecessor, the TPP.

Mahathir, always a TPP doubter, will have less reason to have Malaysia ratify the new pact, now that the U.S. is out of the accord. Nor will he have much truck with the ideas of those CPTPP signatories who see it as a way of containing China. Malaysia is in any case disturbed by key elements of CPTPP including intellectual property rights, investor-state dispute settlement and government procurement.

When it comes to security issues, Mahathir, like most other ASEAN leaders, would prefer that the U.S.-China rivalry would avoid the region and allow ASEAN to stick with its long-standing preference to manage its own affairs without outside interference.

Importantly, Malaysia's foreign minister, Saifuddin Abdullah, has rebuffed China's proposal that the bilateral elements of the complex South China Sea dispute be resolved on a bilateral basis.

Malaysia says the dispute -- which also involve the Philippines and Vietnam -- are an ASEAN matter, wanting to preserve the unity of the member states.

But, in a veiled warning to Washington, Mahathir has declared that it is not right to have warships in the South China Sea, a reference to frequent American patrols that have annoyed China.

Certainly, there is no reason why Mahathir would jeopardize his China ties by involving himself in the emerging Indo-Pacific strategy being developed by the U.S., Japan and other American allies on limiting China's military expansion in the region.

In sum, the outspoken criticism Mahathir briefly voiced against China is passing into history. His future ties with Beijing may be at least as warm as Najib's. His ties with Washington much cooler. The idea that he might in some way resume his former role as the world's last non-aligned leader is fading fast.

Shankaran Nambiar is a senior research fellow at the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research. He is author of the recently published book, "Malaysia: An Economy at the Edge of Transformation."


