

Whirlwind Days

2014-05-28 12:40:44 | Art & Culture,Life

_0000_ What's new in my Life?
Been having quite Whirlwind days since I got a huge commissioned painting for the Nishihara town's to mid of June. On top of that, I got an interview requst by NHK TV in my studio! They want to visit my studio for coverage me and my artworks, shoot the movie and comment that will be showing my artistic career...The program will be on early July, 5mins evening time on island:) This is great, since NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) is Japan’s only public broadcaster.

The problem is..I need to get through with all the thngs as soon as I can, otherwise I won't be able to join in ANY of upcoming fun social events!!! Lol.

Always Thankful to the friends and cutomers who really love the artpieces I'm creating. The Foster Library Show has few more days, I will remove the prints on coming Friday so hope everyone who wants to see the show will visit the library!

Have a wonerful season of early Summer!! Love, Kyoko

__00000 忙しい。そして楽しい。

締切が6月中旬とあり、かかせないsocial eventやartshowも挟まりとんでもない毎日になっている。12月のリウボウ個展の作品や、その他引き受けている作品もすべて後回しの番狂わせだが、これぞartistic life! 何よりも、素晴らしいホールのpublic collectionとなる絵なので丁寧に仕上げていきたい。


_0001__3 スタジオにアポイントで訪ねて下さる顧客やグループも多く、遠くヨーロッパやアメリカ、東京・九州・大阪等々本土からも長いお付き合いのお客様が見えて楽しいひと時を持たせていただいている。


Ok! Hang in there, Kyoko! Lol.

Kyoko Nakamoto Studio-KYOKOART Gallery
Kyoko Nakamoto Gallery FB page
