Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年06月05日 22時05分30秒 | Weblog













鬱も国民性だったりして? 鬱改善に希望をもつなんて100年はやいとか?


Dutch girl, 17, who was sexually abused at 11 and raped as a 14-year-old is legally allowed to die after contacting ‘end-of-life’ clinic because she felt her life was unbearable due to depression
Noa Pothoven from Arnhem died last Sunday in a hospital bed in her living room
She had suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anorexia
In a final Instagram post the teenager wrote 'Love is letting go, in this case,' and asked her followers not to try and change her mind

PUBLISHED: 12:35 BST, 4 June 2019 | UPDATED: 13:12 BST, 5 June 2019



Dutch law allows euthanasia when each of the following conditions are met:

The patient's suffering is unbearable with no prospect of improvement
The request to end their life must be voluntary (without the influence of mental illness and drugs) and persist over time
The patient must be fully aware of their condition, prospects and options
A second, independent doctor must confirm the above conditions are met
The death must be carried out in a medically appropriate fashion with the doctor present
The patient is at least 12 years old, and patients under 16 require parental consent
Afterwards the doctor must report the cause of death to the municipal coroner




2019年05月28日 08時30分37秒 | Weblog

ep 20 2018, 5:20am
Meet the Woman Who's Picked Her Own Death Date
"I don't want someone else deciding for me whether I'm ready to die or not. I'm not a child anymore—I know what I want."

In 2016, the French government passed a law that allows doctors to sedate terminally ill patients until death. Jancquel wants the government to go further by giving 75 and overs the right to choose to die even when they're not terminally ill.

It's an issue she has campaigned over for decades, as the vice president of the pro-assisted suicide organization ADMD, and a member of the Swiss right-to-die campaign group Exit.

You say all that, but right now your life seems pretty fun. You have a boyfriend 30 years younger than you, you're comfortable, you're athletic, you travel, you have three grandchildren you love. Why would you want to end it all, when life has been so good to you?
Because, inevitably, there will come a day when I won't be able to live the life I want anymore. I don't want to wait until I'm senile, in diapers, and in a wheelchair, to address the issue of leaving this life with dignity. Yes, as far as most people are concerned, I'm lucky. And, I still have so many good years ahead of me. But I hate those clichés. Who are other people to judge me? None of them are in my body or in my head.

So you're not worried that assisted suicide will be exploited?
That's ridiculous. Euthanasia has been legal in the Netherlands since 2001, in Belgium since 2002, and it's not as if there's been a wave of assisted suicides. A few hundred cases every year, at most.

DYING WISH ‘I’ve planned my death for 2020 even though there’s nothing wrong with me – and I’d like to spend my final 24 hours with a toyboy’
Jacqueline says she doesn't want to be a burden on her children and has organised a booze-fuelled last day so she can go out on a high

By Samantha Brick
30th November 2018,

While euthanasia is illegal in the UK – it isn’t in numerous other countries including Holland, Switzerland, certain states in the US, Canada and Australia.

What you need to know about assisted suicide in Switzerland
George Mills
3 May 2018

Is assisted suicide legal?

The short answer is yes, by omission.

While article 115 of the Swiss penal code prohibits assisted suicide for “self-serving reasons” and article 114 prohibits "causing the death" of a person for “commendable motives, and in particular out of compassion for the victim”, assisted suicide for non-selfish reasons is not specifically prohibited as long as certain conditions are met

Art. 114
Any person who for commendable motives, and in particular out of compassion for the victim, causes the death of a person at that person’s own genuine and insistent request is liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty

Art. 115
Any person who for selfish motives incites or assists another to commit or attempt to commit suicide is, if that other person thereafter
commits or attempts to commit suicide, liable to a custodial sentence
not exceeding five years or to a monetary penalty125

What are the conditions for assisted suicide?

The Swiss supreme court has ruled the following: people must commit suicide by their own hand, for example, by taking medication themselves. A doctor cannot administer a lethal injection without being liable for criminal prosecution.

People must also be aware of actions they are undertaking and have given due consideration to their situation. In addition, they be consistently sure they wish to die, and, of course, not be under the influence of another person, or group of persons.


The right to die is a basic human right






The right to die is a basic human right

2018年12月06日 00時36分04秒 | Weblog

The Economist

24 & ready to die

Emily is 24 years old and physically healthy, but her extreme mental suffering means she wants a doctor’s help to end her life. This is her story. Warning: this film contains distressing content






2016年08月14日 18時02分44秒 | Weblog

One of the first Californians to die under the state’s new doctor-assisted suicide law held a party before ending her life.

Betsy Davis, a 41-year-old artist, who suffered from ALS, a neurodegenerative disease, held a gathering of 30 friends in the mountain town of Ojai in southern California.

She then took a cocktail of drugs, prescribed by her doctor, which killed her.

Ms Davis ended her life the month after the California law went came into force. The law allows adults who are terminally ill and have less than six months to live to be given “aid-in-dying” drugs by a doctor.

The California End of Life Option Act makes the state the fifth in America to legalise doctor-assisted dying.






2016年07月30日 10時47分42秒 | Weblog
第158回 【やまもといちろう氏 特別寄稿】相模原の障害者19人刺殺は思想犯と言えるのか
2016/07/28 17:00



given that I can only observe the behavior of others, how can I know that others have minds?




暑さ寒さ痛さを感じるが、例えば、ある個人を母親として認識できるのか、自分を自分として認識できるのか、自分の記憶はあるのか、将来について思い馳せることはできるのか、など哲学や法学でいえば、Personhood 人格の基準の問題であろう。


Brain-damaged woman who smiles at nurses and weeps at pop songs has right to live, rules judge



When killing becomes an act of mercy
































2014年07月03日 16時15分14秒 | Weblog


“You mean you think it’s better to die?”

I’ve thought about that question many times in the years since then, and my answer today is an even more resonant, “Yes.” It isn’t that I’m so eager to die, but I can’t help thinking about how destructive our fear of death is ― how it compels us to live, even when “living” may be little more than breathing; how we have made living, just to be alive, the unqualified objective. For me, that’s quite simply not enough. No, that’s not right. It isn’t “simple” at all. But I do have a concrete plan to end my life when I decide it’s time – and the tools to implement it. Will I have the courage to do it?

I can almost hear some people shout, “Courage? Suicide is cowardice, not courage.” To which I can only ask: Does it take courage to live as my now-deceased husband did ― a 10-year slide into increasing dementia, so that by the time he died, from a fall that cracked his ribs and led to pneumonia, there was nothing left but a body that needed constant care? Couldn’t we just as easily call it cowardice?

At 88-going-on-89 and not in great health, what’s cowardly about my deciding to turn out the lights before putting my family through the same pain they’ve already lived through with their father and grandfather? What’s courageous about spending our children’s inheritance just so we can live one more month, one more year?



“Why,” I ask, “do I have the right to make choices at every life stage until the last one? Why does an adolescent have the right to decide whether to continue in high school or drop out, to go to college or get a job? Why does an adult have the right to marry or stay single, to have children or remain childless, to retire at 65 or continue to work? Yet, I do not have the right to die.”



Still, I can’t let it go, so when I get home I send him a note that includes the statistics on physician-assisted suicide in Oregon – the first of three states to have legalized the practice and the only one that has a 15-year history to report. Those who opposed the law argued that the state would be swamped with suicides. I couldn’t imagine why that would trouble them – still can’t. But in truth, I didn’t expect that a decade and a half after the inauguration of the Death With Dignity Act, state health records would show only 935 prescriptions written for men and women who asked for drugs to allow them to take their own lives. And of those, only 596 actually took the pills. Last year alone – 2011 – just half of the 114 people who received such prescriptions used them.


My doctor sends back a brief note telling me he’s impressed with the numbers, but apparently not enough to accede to my request since we never talk about it again. More important, what do those numbers tell us? Why do so many people who ask for help in hastening their death fail to use the medication when they have it? The answer, I believe, lies in the word ambivalence ― a reality of our internal life Freud spoke of long ago. In my own inner world, my insistence that I want to die when I decide it’s time lies right alongside my contrary feelings about leaving this world, about never again seeing the people I love, never again writing another sentence.


Years before her death, Susan Sontag, a brilliant, accomplished woman whose words were always brimming with clarity and unflinching honesty, wrote of death as “an obscene mystery, the ultimate affront, the thing that cannot be controlled. It can only be denied.” A denial she lived out to the last moments of her life when she insisted on pursuing aggressive treatments that her doctors said were “medically futile.” She was “not interested in the quality of life,” her son wrote after her death; she wanted only “to live no matter how terrible her suffering.”


Tears stung my eyes when I read those words, tears for this woman I had so admired. And I thought once again: courage or cowardice? Which do we call her willingness to submit to torture just to live another day, another week, another month? Is death, to use her words, “the ultimate affront . . . only to be denied?” Is there a line between courage and cowardice, or do they inevitably coexist? She had, after all, battled death to a temporary standstill twice before. Why shouldn’t she try to do it again? How much of a chance justifies continuing the fight: 5 percent? 1 percent? At what point is the chance so small that it’s not worth it.

 死を恐れて、彼女のように苦しんで、あと一日、あと一週間、あと一ヶ月拷問を受けたい、というのは、勇気なのか、それとも臆病なのか? たしかに、彼女は、死の瀬戸際までいって2度ばかり、助かったこともあるが、何パーセントそのような可能性があれば、その可能性に賭けるに値し、何パーセントになれば、値しないというのか?

。I write to a friend with whom I’ve been discussing these issues for some time and who’s more on the side of fighting for every day of life than I am. “I don’t think I’d ever give up the fight to live,” he writes. “It’s either that or nothingness, and who can tolerate nothingness? I simply can’t imagine myself not being, it’s impossible to conceive. It isn’t just denial of death, it’s an affirmation of life.”

His reply puzzles me. How can it be an affirmation of life when someone is in constant pain, when the mind is no longer fully functional, when the body can’t do for itself the basic things necessary to sustain life? True, I’m not there yet, but I know it’s coming. Why do I have to wait for that? What’s life-affirming about needing to have someone in my house to do the ordinary tasks of daily life? Or spending my last days in a nursing home? Is it affirming life or fearing death that drives us to submit to every indignity of old age, to fight for every breath?

 友人のなかには、戦って生き続けるのをあきらめることなどできない、永遠の無 になんて耐えられない。


“I actually don’t understand what you’re talking about,” I write back. “Doesn’t the quality of life mean something? If I’m tired and weak and worn out and hurting both physically and mentally, why would the idea of nothingness fill me with such anxiety. Why wouldn’t it feel like a relief?”

 たんに生きている、ということではなく、生の質が問題なのであって、もし、疲れ果てて、肉体的にも精神的にもぼろぼろになったら、その人にとって、無 というのは、不安というより、安心ではないのか?


He replies, “Okay, so for you the quality of life is what counts. But where do you draw the line? How terrible does life have to be to exchange it for eternal nothingness? If you can deal with that nothingness, you’re a better man (pardon the gender confusion) than I am.”Then, in a postscript the next day, he writes, “I’ve been thinking about our conversation and, to tell you the truth, I think I’d change places with you if I could. Yours seems the easier road.” 


Which is easier, which harder? I don’t know. What I do know is that death is the great unknown, the mystery we’ll never solve and that, if we dare to look it in the face, offers only the terrifying realization of our helplessness. It signals the end – the end of possibility, the end of promise, the end of our very physical being ― and leaves behind only a vast unknowable emptiness.

Does this make life worth living at any cost? Most people say no, adding that their deepest wish is for “a good death,” by which they mean one that’s quick and painless. Tell any 70-year-old man that a friend died of a heart attack in his sleep, and it will strike both fear and hope in his heart – fear that he could be next; hope that if he is, death will come quickly and painlessly. The worst possibility, people say ― far more frightening than dying itself ― is a lingering death where pain is unremitting or they’re hooked up to machines that keep them alive to no purpose. I have no doubt they mean what they say, but ambivalence reigns in death as well as in life, and when the question arises, so do the fears and the conflicting feelings.




 So where am I in all this? The answer is: ambivalent but believing I’ll overcome it when the time comes – perhaps when I finish this article and have nothing left to say. What if I do the deed before it’s absolutely necessary? I shrug at the question, “So what?” I’ll have descended into the nothingness I believe awaits me and maybe for the first time in my life will actually rest in peace. What if I’m wrong about that? Well, I’ve lived a life of many risks with no regrets, and I’m tired.


 絶対的に必要というわけでないのに、命を絶ってしまったとすれは? という思いがもたげるが、しかし---それで??ーーーと応える。 




甘い話 他

2011年08月20日 02時07分31秒 | Weblog

Man in assisted suicide case spells out why he wants to be helped to die
Martin, 46, is going to court for an assurance that any professional person who helps him to die will not be prosecuted

Video: 'Life is not worth living'

reddit this

Sarah Boseley
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 18 August 2011


The Philosophy of Death


only about 14 percent of manic depressive kill themselves.
most chronic drinkers don't kill themselves.
only about 10% of schizophrenics kill themselves.



A) 生命不可侵説
















C) 判別能力のある人が、正しい情報を与えられ、ある方法での死を選択する判断をしたがその判断が間違っている場合、介入して止めるべきか。













子育て支援 財源の裏付けある総合施策を(8月20日付・読売社説)



(2011年8月20日01時29分 読売新聞)




Online International Marriage Broker Promises Men Love and Women Escape, but It Comes With Risks
Aug. 18, 2011


lawmakers and advocacy groups worry most about abused immigrant brides like Katerina Brunot, a Russian.

According to an article in The New York Times, after marrying a romance tourist and moving to the Atlanta suburbs, Brunot's Prince Charming turned into a monster. He physically abused her and, when she tried to flee, cut himself and had Brunot arrested for assault.
While she hid in a shelter, he went back to Russia on an unsuccessful search for a replacement bride. He stalked and terrorized Katerina for years until the day he died in a shootout with police.

U.S. men and foreign women face roadblock in walk down the aisle - Americas - International Herald Tribune
By Eduardo Porter

Reports of violence in international marriages, some of them Internet matches, have increased in recent years. In 1998, fewer than 2,500 foreign women applied to become permanent residents under the Violence Against Women Act, which allows abused wives to apply for residence without the support of their husbands. In the fiscal year that ended in September, 9,500 applied.

The government does not keep tabs on international matchmaking, so there are no reliable data on the prevalence of domestic abuse involving mail-order brides. One such case, however, involved Katerina Brunot, a Russian who was 22 when Frank Sheridan, then a 38- year-old plumber, spotted her on a European Connections Web site seven years ago.

After Brunot married Sheridan, it went downhill fast. Her husband kept her a virtual prisoner, beat her, had her put in jail and harassed her. He died in a shootout with a police officer who was trying to arrest him for stalking.

"I think the percentage of men looking for someone from another country who are violent is very high," said Brunot. "Probably most of them want to control because when you are a foreigner you sort of belong to that person."


Foreign Students on U.S. Summer Visas Tricked to Work at Hershey’s Factory



The students said they were expecting to practice their English, make money and learn what life is like in the United States.


Foreign Students in Work Visa Program Stage Walkout at Plant
Published: August 17, 2011

PALMYRA, Pa. ― Hundreds of foreign students, waving their fists and shouting defiantly in many languages, walked off their jobs on Wednesday at a plant here that packs Hershey’s chocolates, saying a summer program that was supposed to be a cultural exchange had instead turned them into underpaid labor.

The students, from countries including China, Nigeria, Romania and Ukraine, came to the United States through a long-established State Department summer visa program that allows them to work for two months and then travel. They said they were expecting to practice their English, make some money and learn what life is like in the United States.

In a way, they did. About 400 foreign students were put to work lifting heavy boxes and packing Reese’s candies, Kit-Kats and Almond Joys on a fast-moving production line, many of them on a night shift. After paycheck deductions for fees associated with the program and for their rent, students said at a rally in front of the huge packing plant that many of them were not earning nearly enough to recover what they had spent in their home countries to obtain their visas.

Their experience of American society has been very different from what they expected.

“There is no cultural exchange, none, none,” said Zhao Huijiao, a 20-year-old undergraduate in international relations from Dalian, China. “It is just work, work faster, work.”

Each summer, the State Department brings many thousands of foreign students to the United States on the international work-travel program, with visas that are known as J-1. Over the years, the program has successfully given university students from distant countries a chance to be immersed in everyday America and to make lasting friends.

But in recent years, the program has drawn complaints from students about low wages and unexpectedly difficult work conditions. It appears, however, that the walkout at the Palmyra plant is the first time that foreign students have engaged in a strike to protest their employment.



(搾取 スエットショップ sweatshop)


Woman shackled while in labor wins suit against sheriffs
permalink email story to a friend print version
Published: 19 August, 2011


Woman shackled during labor awarded damages from deputies
The Associated PressUpdated

NASHVILLE ― A federal jury on Thursday awarded $200,000 in damages to a Nashville woman who was shackled by Davidson County Sheriff's deputies during labor.

The jury deliberated for about an hour before deciding the amount to give to Juana Villegas, who was arrested in July 2008 on a minor traffic violation for which charges were later dropped.
Villegas testified that her wrists and ankles were bound while she was in labor during an ambulance ride from the jail to the hospital. She said she did not know that a deputy who could unlock the shackles was riding in the front of the vehicle.


Be careful whom you wish for
Aug 17th 2011, 16:45 by H.T. | TOKYO

The bizarre part of Mr Noda’s argument is that he says the San Francisco treaty “restored the honour” of all Japan’s war criminals. When he made this point to Junichiro Koizumi in 2005, in response to the then-prime minister’s controversial visit to Yasukuni, even Mr Koizumi said he did not know what Mr Noda was talking about.


里子の女児暴行、死なせた疑い 警視庁、40代女逮捕へ



AUGUST 19, 2011 · 1:37 PM
Two Plead Guilty To Hate Crime Charges For Swasitka Branding Of Disabled Navajo Man

Two men have pleaded guilty to federal hate crimes for a racially motivated assault in New Mexico that included branding a developmentally disabled man of Navajo descent with a swastika, the Justice Department has announced.
“The young victim in this case was assaulted, branded and scarred because he happens to be a Native American –- that simply is inexcusable and criminal. Today’s guilty pleas demonstrate the law enforcement community’s resolve to bring to justice anyone who victimizes a person because of the color of their skin or ethnic heritage.”

During Thursday’s hearing, according to a statement released by the Justice Department, Beebe, 27, and Sanford, 25, said that the victim was taken to Beebe’s apartment, which had racist paraphernalia, including a Nazi flag.

After the victim fell asleep, the defendants “began defacing the victim’s body by drawing on him with blue, red and black markers.

Once the victim awoke, Beebe branded the victim, who sat with a towel in his mouth, by heating a wire hanger on a stove and burning the victim’s flesh, causing a permanent deep impression of a swastika in his skin,” according to the Justice Department.


AUGUST 19, 2011 · 1:36 PM

Arizona Tribe Demand Apology For Racist Remark Targeting Its Leadership

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. ― A northwestern Arizona tribe is demanding an apology from the developer of the Grand Canyon Skywalk for what it contends was a racist comment.

The Hualapai Tribe and Las Vegas businessman David Jin have been engaged in a contract dispute over the glass bridge that extends from the canyon on tribal land.

Jin spokeswoman Aimee Romero was quoted in the Vegas Seven magazine in an article published Thursday as saying that the tribal leadership is "lawless" and has an " government."

Tribal lawmaker Waylon Honga says the language is discriminatory and perpetuates stereotypes about American Indians.


AUGUST 19, 2011 · 1:31 PM
Report: Hate Crimes And ‘Incidents’ Against Blacks And Muslims Up In Orange County
Something is rotten in the state of Orange County, because as hate crimes and incidents overall are going down, they are on the rise against blacks and Muslims.


AUGUST 19, 2011 · 1:29 PM
Ohio Couple’s Apartment Vandalized With Racial Slurs, Death Threats

A couple living at the Liberty Circle Apartments at 2205 Tower Blvd. were subjected to racial slurs and death threats left after the second of two break-ins in a week’s time.

The 23-year-old woman and her 34-year-old boyfriend found their apartment ransacked with “die n―-ers” written in lip balm on their television and “N―-er ill kill you b―- die n―-er” written on a bathroom mirror, according to police Officer Ryan Vrooman’s incident report.

“It was just a hate crime,” the woman said in a Wednesday interview. “Nothing was stolen, just racial slurs all over the place.”

The woman said she is black and Latino and her boyfriend is black. She said they have kept to themselves since moving into their apartment on June 10 and have no idea who targeted them.

オハイオ ”黒人”とラティーノのハーフの女性と”黒人”のカップルのアパートが留守中に侵入され、「ニガー死にやがれ」などと書かれた落書きが。

AUGUST 19, 2011 · 1:32 PM

British Councillor Suspended For Racist Comment About Rioters


jungle bunny


Can You Write a Check for Genocide?
By Edwin Black
Published August 18, 2011

America’s pseudo-scientific crusade to create a white, blond, blue-eyed biologically superior “master race” was a misguided twentieth century quest called eugenics. More than twenty-seven states joined the shameful decades-long utopian campaign of medically and legislatively engineered racial supremacy. But only one state, North Carolina, is now readying a massive plan of financial reparations to its surviving victims. Just how much North Carolina should pay is now the subject of a historically wrenching debate even as the state grapples with its budget deficit.
Eugenics was a fraudulent social theory claiming that a better society could be created by eliminating “undesirable” human blood lines, while promoting the desirable types. This dark crusade was waged by progressives, liberal do-gooders, and social engineers who sought to forcibly manufacture a utopia. In Greek, the word utopia means “no where.”

Ultimately, more than 60,000 Americans, mainly women, were coercively sterilized. Many victims were systematically tricked into thinking it was a harmless procedure. At all times, California led the nation in the number of such sterilizations, all taxpayer funded.
America’s eugenics movement, powered by millions of dollars from the opulent Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman railroad fortune sought to extend its reach into Germany. Rockefeller and Carnegie spent Depression-era fortunes to finance the worst Nazi doctors and race institutes. Hitler promptly implemented American precepts with stunning ferocity and velocity. Among the chief recipients of Rockefeller money was top Nazi doctor Otmar von Verschuer. During the Holocaust, Verschuer’s assistant, Josef Mengele, continued eugenic twin research at Auschwitz. Mengele’s efforts yielded monstrous experiments. At Nuremberg, the Nazis read the words of Holmes and entered the California statutes in their defense. Nonetheless, Nazi doctors were convicted of genocide.
Universities changed their plaques from “Department of Eugenics” to Department of Genetics. Research labs, scientific journals, organizations, and others in the field did likewise. States coast-to-coast began repealing or dead-lettering their eugenics-influenced laws, from marriage prohibition, to compulsory confinement in special colonies, to state-ordered sterilization. Modern genetics cast off its genocidal past, and raced into the future promising to benefit mankind. New generations of caring scientists forged medical miracles, advanced animal husbandry, developed strains of food resistant to agricultural pests, and initiated the Human Genome Project.
But North Carolina continued its eugenic practices for years, with vestigial race laws designed and purportedly deployed to eliminate poverty. From 1946 to 1968, an estimated 7600 more Americans were sterilized, mainly poor blacks. One county, Mecklenburg, coercively imposed an estimated 468 sterilizations― three times as many ―as any of North Carolina’s 100 counties.
Now, the state of North Carolina, under the weight of a multi-billion dollar deficit and a rising black political power base, is struggling to augment its official apology for its racist ways into financial compensation.
Some have suggested $20,000 per survivor. Others suggest $50,000. An estimated 2,900 medically ravaged victims may be qualified. But can society right a wrong by merely writing a check?


Venice Police: Racism was crime spree motivation

Staff Report
Published: Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 9:49 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 4:55 p.m.

VENICE - An 18-year-old man who says his crimes are motivated by his belief in “white supremacy” admitted to going on a crime spree with a juvenile accomplice Sunday night, Venice Police say.

Detectives believe Hobson and juvenile burglarized and slashed the tires of cars, vandalized property with racial graffiti and tossed three stolen bicycles into a water body.

ヴェネツィア  ”白人”至上主義的動機で、窃盗、器物破損など。

Hollywood: Stop Stereotyping Colombians and Latinos
Posted: 8/18/11 01:

When you arrive at any airport in the world and you show your Colombian passport, you're already prepared for a rough welcome. Something similar happens when a Colombian starts dating someone; suspicion and apprehension are usually followed by the obnoxious question: "¿Será que este tipo/mujer vende drogas?" (Is this guy/gal a drug dealer?) Similar stories are also shared by many fellow Latinos. Motivated by these negative stereotypes among more, a group of Colombian students living in the U.S. joined efforts and created PorColombia.

PorColombia have been working so hard for; showing that Colombia and its people are much more than violence and drugs.


Colombiana - Trailer

Colombiana (film)
From Wikipedia


Also, I've read online comments playing the racism card asking if Colombians have a problem with Ms. Saldaña portraying a Colombian woman. These comments are usually spouted by other Latinos who know little about the Colombian psyche and inner culture. This does not mean that our society has not had issues protecting its black and indigenous populations, but Colombia is hardly alone in Latin America and the world when it comes to these issues.



Five accused of racial assault on cabbie

August 19, 2011

Two Binfield men are among five people who have appeared in court accused of racially abusing a taxi driver and vandalising his cab in Reading town centre.

Maximillian Merrall-Wyre, 21, of Nash Park, Binfield; Thomas Jackson, 22, of Savory Walk, Binfield; Andrew Biart, 21, from Ashton Road, Wokingham; Jack Boswood-Nunn, 19, of Lowther Road, Wokingham; and James Hodges, 21, of Woodward Close, Winnersh, faced two charges at Reading Crown Court on Tuesday this week.

They all deny racially aggravated assault on Mohammed Ali and racially aggravated criminal damage during the alleged incident on January 31.

裁判 イギリス、中東系のタクシーの運転手に暴行、器物破損。人種差別的な動機は否定している、と。

The Major Roadblock to Muslim Assimilation in Europe
AUG 18 2011,

Secularism, as its understood and practiced in Europe, is not value-neutral. It asks conservative Muslims to be something that they're likely not. "Secularism," the thinking goes, allows all groups, including Muslims, to practice their religion as they see fit. This assumes that the practice of religion is fundamentally a personal, private act detached from public, political life. It is here that Islam (how it is understood, if not necessarily practiced by most Muslims) and Europe's traditional identity and culture find themselves at odds.
French Muslims much more strongly identify with their religion than the French population at large. According to a 2009 Gallup poll, 52 percent of French Muslims either "very strongly" or "extremely strongly" identify with their religion -- compared to only 23 percent of the French public. The numbers for Britain are even starker -- 75 percent versus 23 percent. Other poll results underline this clash in values. Remarkably, zero percent -- yes, zero percent -- of British Muslims believe homosexuality is morally acceptable.



Chicago Police Officers Remain on Duty After Alleged Beating
Updated: Thursday, 18 Aug 2011, 10:43 PM CDT
Published : Thursday, 18 Aug 2011, 8:54 PM CDT

By Craig Wall, FOX Chicago News

Chicago - One day after Fox Chicago News broke the story about Chicago Police officers involved in an alleged beating caught on video, the officers remain on the street. Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, dealing with his first big police scandal since taking over the department, has declined to comment.

Michael Ayala, a manager at the 7-9-11 Food and Liquor store in the 4800 block of South Archer Avenue, says he remains terrified of police and wonders if he will ever get over what happened.

Ayala and his younger brother Adrian were closing up the store at 1:00 A.M. Tuesday when some 8th District officers handcuffed and questioned them on suspicion they were burglarizing the store. After verifying Ayala's story and employment the officers let the brothers go. But Michael Ayala says he told the sergeant in charge at the scene that their actions had been captured on surveillance video and he was not going to let the incident end there.

The video then shows the officers charging Ayala. One bashes his head against a window outside and then after Adrian Ayala tries to help his brother several other cops join in and rush the two men, shoving them into the store and then pushing them to the floor. The video shows the officers punching and kicking the men as they lay on the floor.

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シカゴ 自分の店を締めようとしたら警官にボコボコにされる。調査中であるが、暴力をふるった警官はいまだ街で職務執行中である、と。

(police brutality)
AUGUST 19, 2011 · 1:36 PM

Black scientists are less likely than whites to win research dollars from the National Institutes of Health, says a study released Thursday that is prompting changes at the premier science agency.

“This situation is not acceptable,” declared NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, who announced steps to better train young scientists in seeking the highly competitive grants and appointed a high-level task force to explore other actions.

Increasing diversity in science, to better reflect the U.S. population and its health problems, is a big concern.

While women have made gains over the past few decades, minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics, still make up a small proportion of the nation’s doctors, medical school faculty and biomedical researchers.



2009年03月09日 17時59分49秒 | Weblog
French Colonies in the Caribbean Demand Decent Pay, End to Racism
San Francisco Bay View, News Feature, Abayomi Azikiwe, Posted: Mar 02, 2009

Mediapart published a letter the next day sent from the hospital bed of Alex Lollia, a philosophy teacher and a member of LKP, recounting his experiences of police violence and racism on the night of Feb. 16. The letter said Lollia and his trade union comrades “were doing everything in our power to keep things calm and to steward the demonstrators …. [W]e experienced a tornado of baton blows when we had already left the side of the main road …. They surrounded me ….

“While I was being kicked in the stomach as I lay on the ground, they said, ‘We saw your filthy face on the telly; we’ll smash it for you so you can’t show it anymore. We’ll smash you filthy niggers, nigger dogs.’”

 フランスのColonies でなんとか、というので、なんじゃらほい、と調べてみると。

1635年 フランス領有

* 黒人奴隷制によるサトウキビ栽培で発展

1759年 英軍占領(~1763年)
1794年 英軍上陸、撃退
1810年 英軍占領(~1816年)
1848年 奴隷制廃止
1946年 フランス海外県となる




China: Auction of looted relics a lesson to world
Updated: 2009-03-02 19:05

Chinese winner of looted relics auction denounces Christie's
2009-03-03 13:09:57 GMT



英閣僚の顔に緑色のクリーム 環境活動家“英国名物の一撃


NI tops creationist belief survey
A quarter of those questioned in Northern Ireland said they believed in creationism while 16% said they believed in Intelligent Design.
Theos spokesman Nick Spencer said the survey found many people had inconsistent views.
"The overall picture in the UK is that about one in four are convinced evolutionists, while one in five people are convinced in their opposition to evolution - half of whom are creationists and half who believe in intelligent design," he said.






L.A. area Muslims say FBI surveillance has a chilling effect
The Islamic Center of Irvine is a beige stucco building that blends into the rows of office buildings surrounding it. But last week, it became the most publicized mosque in California with disclosures that the FBI sent an informant there to spy and collect evidence of jihadist rhetoric and other allegedly extremist acts by a Tustin man who attended prayers there.


claiming the right to die

The meaning of life

2009年01月26日 17時55分45秒 | Weblog
The Meaning of Life:

The search for meaningがわりに面白かったので、期待したが、これはそれほどでもなかった。表紙などにはいろんな人に称賛されているが、なんちゅうか文芸評論家が哲学者などの名前をちょろちょろだして深淵そうにみせる、日本でもあるような評論文のような印象。筋だっているかというとそうでもないが、ときどき面白そうな洞察がある。

page 15
By and large the meaning of your life consisted of its function within a larger whole. Outside of its context, you were an empty signifier.

 リベラルやリバタリアンの個人のとらえ方の批判にもなる。(Public Philosophy参照)



 本書を離れて、今度は、ネット上の哲学百科のThe Meaning of Lifeの記事をみると、その関連のことが書いてある。(こっちの方が筋が通っていて面白い)

Returning to topics on which there is consensus, most writing on meaning believe that it comes in degrees such that some periods of life are more meaningful than others and that some lives as a whole are more meaningful than others

Another uncontroversial element of the sense of “meaningfulness” is that it connotes a good that is conceptually distinct from happiness or rightness.




The familiar idea is that God has a plan for the universe and that one's life is meaningful to the degree that one helps God realize this plan, perhaps in the particular way God wants one to do so. Fulfilling God's purpose (and doing so freely and intentionally) is the sole source of meaning, with the existence of an afterlife not necessary for it (Brown 1971; Levine 1987; Cottingham 2003). If a person failed to do what God intends him to do with his life, then, on the current view, his life would be meaningless.




、A second problem facing all God-based views is the existence of apparent counterexamples. If we think of the stereotypical lives of Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, and Pablo Picasso, they seem meaningful even if we suppose there is no all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good spiritual person who is the ground of the physical world.






In contrast, the most external perspective, an encompassing standpoint utterly independent of one's particularity, would be, to use Henry Sidgwick's phrase, the “point of view of the universe,” that is, the standpoint that considers the interests of all sentient beings at all times and in all places. When one takes up this most external standpoint and views one's finite―and even downright puny―impact on the world, little of one's life appears to matter. What one does in a certain society on Earth over an approximately 70 year span just does not amount to much, when considering the billions of years and likely trillions of beings that are a part of space-time.



Very few accept the authority of the (most) external standpoint





The meaning of life is life itself



 快楽をむさぼりながら性交に耽る行為や人助けをする献身的・自己犠牲的行為も、愛に満ちあふれて微笑むことも、what a wonderful world !なら、鼻くそをほじる、他人を斬首する、あるいは斬首されること、よだれにまみれてなさけなくよこたわること、糞まみれのおむつをはいて天井をみつめることなどなども、what a wonderful world!で、ちょっと気違いじみた境地ですけど、神秘主義に近いものがある。


they theorized about the relationship of interior experience to society. The incompatibility of his inner experience with what society recognizes as valid experience seems to have especially afflicted Bataille. In Inner Experience (1943), Bataille admits that this incompatibility or gap soon plunged him into a crisis of meaninglessness. Bataille goes on to recount how Blanchot, by asserting the primacy and inculpability of interior experience, helped him to resolve his crisis. Its resolution appears to have transpired suddenly when Blanchot offered the proposition that inner "experience itself is authority (but that authority expiates itself)" (8).
The Negative Eschatology of Maurice Blanchot


The search for meaning
The examined life
status anxiety

seach for meaning
moral relativity
taking ourselves seriously

The search for meaning

2008年09月02日 06時40分21秒 | Weblog
The Search for Meaning: A Short History
1 神話
2 哲学
3 科学
4 ポストモダニズム
5 プラグマティズム
6 元型論心理学
7 形而上学
8 自然主義


Examined Life
Status Anxiety


2008年01月08日 22時55分34秒 | Weblog
Sex, Drugs, Death, and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights and Overcriminalization (Paperback)
by David A.J. Richards

1 生命は神の所有物
2 生命は国家の所有物
3 絶望は悪である。
4 生命は倫理的自律性の基礎
5 特定の第3者への配慮
6 父権主義
7 濫用の危険


