Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

First mixed-race Miss Universe Japan wants Japan to be more like America

2015年10月15日 22時59分11秒 | Weblog
フォロー buvery @buvery
Banking while black: College students handcuffed after ‘uncomfortable’ white customers complain Tom Boggioni TOM BOGGIONI 13 OCT 2015 AT 17:05 ET まったく別件であるが、
Now, after Ajibade was stripped of his clothes and handcuffed to a restraining chair, we see the worst. The police Taser has a camera attached to it that is automatically triggered when the device is turned on. Strapped to the chair after already being beaten and Tasered multiple times, we see a red light, the target of the Taser, pointed at Ajibade's groin. The audio from the Taser camera is distorted, but we see little to no movement from Ajibade. As the camera gets closer to his genitals, it is deployed. You hear the awful shock of the Taser, followed by screams. The video then ends; perhaps as the Taser is turned off, but we don't know. Matthew Ajibade died in his cell, strapped to this restraining chair, soon after being Tasered here.
 捕まった後で、椅子に縛り付けられ、金玉に電撃銃を撃たれ、後に死亡ーーーアメリカ。 (miyamoto)


