Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年10月15日 23時25分19秒 | Weblog


Since I was a child I’ve experienced bullying, threats of violence, intimidation, and verbal abuse on the street and on public transport. That this is because of the way my face looks, owing to a genetic condition doesn’t mean it should be dismissed as just “mocking”. It’s a disability hate crime. And three years ago, I finally decided to report it to the police.

“You can shut the fuck up, you ugly big-chinned bitch,” said the man on the bus, his grin as flashy as the ring on his left hand. Five minutes earlier, I’d been sitting quietly on the bus with my baby daughter asleep in her pram, when I’d overheard him making racist comments to two black women. I watched with horror as they left the bus in distress. So when I told him, in no uncertain terms, that I thought he was a racist scumbag and should get off the bus, his aggression turned to me.





