Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

狙われた日本人 他

2011年10月01日 18時55分19秒 | Weblog

国家公務員給与 人勧だけの削減では不十分だ(10月1日付・読売社説)

社説:国家公務員給与 「8%削減」ほごにするな



「日本語練習したい」に要注意 上海でぼったくり急増



SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 · 8:29 AM
New Zealand White Supremacist Jailed For Attacks On Asians

A white supremacist who attacked Asians as he walked along a Christchurch road has been jailed and told of the damage he has done to New Zealand.

The group Jared Levi Peck was with abused or attacked at least five Asians in Riccarton Rd on September 24 last year.

A Japanese man has now returned home and tells people they should be cautious about travelling to New Zealand.

A Chinese victim was attacked three-on-one and had his jaw broken.

“The actions of your group caused him to decide to leave New Zealand,” Christchurch District Court Judge David Holderness told Peck at his sentencing at the Rangiora Courthouse.

Peck stood in the dock with a shaved head and a skull tattoo on his neck as Judge Holderness imposed a jail term of two years and four months.

His mother ran from the courtroom in tears when she realised he was not going to be allowed home detention. She wanted him at home to help her while she is treated for cancer.

A 17-year-old co-offender, Michael Holmes, has already been sentenced in Auckland, where he was given six months home detention.

Judge Holderness said he regarded Holmes’ sentence as “extraordinarily lenient” and there was no proper basis to extend the same leniency to Peck, who was two years older, had a record of offending and had continued to offend.

Peck had admitted charges of intentionally injuring a Chinese man, stealing the bicycle the man abandoned after his jaw was broken, and burgling a house where the group chased a Japanese man and his partner into the front yard after kicking down a gate.








Belgian cop attacked for trying to unveil Muslim woman
permalink email story to a friend print version
Published: 29 September, 2011,

A police officer has been attacked by a Muslim man in Brussels after he demanded that the man’s wife remove her veil. Belgium outlawed the wearing of Islamic garments which cover the face.
The incident occurred after the couple was spotted by a police squad patrolling the Saint-Josse community – a neighborhood where many immigrants live, reports Belga news agency.

One of the officers demanded the woman’s ID and wanted to see her face for proper identification. The husband became angry and threatened the officers with death should they ever come close to his wife again.

The ensuing quarrel quickly became a fistfight, which ended with one of the policemen receiving mild injuries.

The 37-year-old assailant was detained and charged with attacking an officer of the law. His wife will be issued a fine for wearing the forbidden garment.



SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 · 8:34 AM
California Woman Alleges Daughter Suffered Racism

A Taft woman said her daughter has been the target of racism at school. The woman pulled her daughter out of school after what she said were repeated incidents.

Waymona Arterberry moved to Taft over the summer to be closer to work. But shortly after her daughter started Roosevelt Elementary, she said the girl became the victim of racial slurs.

Rejoice Arterberry, 9, the bullying began just after school started.

“I heard them say, ‘no you do it; no you do it’. Then I thought, ‘Uh-oh’. Then at the end of the school day it was time to go home, and they were pulling my hair. Both of the guys pulled my hair, and then the other girl pushed me to the wall, and I bumped my head, and I started crying,” Rejoice Arterberry said.

Then she said the name calling started.

“They was calling me ‘black girl’. ‘I hate you, black girl; ain’t nobody going to play with you because you are black,’” Rejoice said.

Rejoice drew a picture about the bullying. It shows one young girl crying, as another calls her names.

“She drew a picture of the situation of herself telling a kid to stop bullying her,” said Rejoice’s mom Waymona Arterberry.

Rejoice’s mom said the racial bullying happened more than once.

“They hit her. They pushed her down. They called her n****r every day, asked her why her skin is black,” Arterberry said.

Arterberry said her daughter has even come to her asking why her skin is so dark.

“It is shocking. I always heard rumors about the area, but I didn’t believe it was true, but the children are telling the story that it is true,” Arterberry said.

She said she stopped sending her daughter to school on Monday.

“We are just tired of it. My daughter is crying, and we want help,” Waymona said.

The Arterberrys said they reported all of the incidents to school staff, but when 23ABC called the superintendent Thursday, he said he hadn’t heard about the incidents.


SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 · 8:32 AM
Hispanic Parents Allege Mistreatment At Dallas’ Ebby Halliday Elementary

They are stunning allegations at one of DISD’s newest schools – Ebby Halliday Elementary. Complaints made by dozens of parents who say their children are being called racial slurs, denied bathroom privileges, and in some cases, reportedly being physically assaulted by staff.

“We have this teacher that grabbed a little child, I want to say second or third grade, grabbed [the student] and shook him and threw him to the floor,” said parent Debbie Martinez. “And we have parents that seen this.”

Martinez is one of a handful of parents who met this week with interim superintendent Alan King about the concerns.

“This is our children,” Martinez said. “I don’t know how these people can do it.”

The Latino civil rights group LULAC, or League of United Latin American Citizens, is also concerned. They say parents have come to them, complaining that their children were forced to eat lunch like dogs – without using their hands.

“In 25 years, that I’ve been a volunteer with DISD schools, I’ve never seen such a hostile environment,” said Beatrice Martinez, a LULAC spokeswoman.

Parents say that some of their children were warned not to talk about what was going on. They say that some teachers actually threatened to call immigration and have their parents deported if they spoke.

LULAC blames the school’s principal, Kamalia Cotton, for many of the problems and for allegedly not working well with parents.

“She needs to be gone,” Beatrice Martinez said. “And she needed to be gone yesterday.”

Cotton did not return News 8 phone calls. Two of her employees remain on leave and district officials say they are working quickly to address the concerns – which continue to have parents and staff deeply divided



Whatever the BBC say, Britain is still mainly white, Christian and straight
Last updated at 4:28 PM on 30th September 2011

According to the ONS, it is the definitive study of ‘sexual identity, religion, ethnicity and perceived general health’.

I’d have thought the new figures would come as something of a disappointment to the high priests of homosexual equality. Only 1.3 per cent of men who replied to the survey say they are gay and just 0.6 per cent of women identify as lesbian.
That’s well short of the seven per cent claimed by the gay rights organisation Stonewall. And nowhere near the alleged 27 per cent who were reported by the BBC website last year to be either gay or bisexual.

Exaggeration: Whatever the BBC or stonewall may say, the ONS survey reports that only 1.3 per cent of men are gay
Ninety four per cent of men and women consider themselves 100 per cent heterosexual. Another four per cent said they couldn’t or wouldn’t answer the question. In other words: mind your own damn business.
It’s the same when it comes to religion. Despite the oft-repeated mantra that Britain is a secular society, in which the only faith which matters is Islam, the ONS reports that 70 per cent of us regard ourselves as Christians.



Detroit Red Wings vs. Philadelphia Flyers Shootout (Banana peel incident) (2011.09.22) London

FLINT, Michigan ― The NHL was outraged last week when a fan at Detroit Red Wings-Philadelphia Flyers exhibition game in London, Ont. threw a banana peel on the ice.

Racism in hockey is 'everywhere,' says Michigan Warriors defenseman Andrew Huckleby
Published: Thursday, September 29, 2011,


Keith RushingCommunications Manager, Rights Working Group
Vermont State Police Engage in Clear Case of Racial Profiling
Posted: 9/29/11 05:09 PM ET

Have you ever been a passenger in a car that was stopped because the driver was speeding or ran a light, and get asked what country you're from? And then get asked for identification documents? Well, that's what happened to two migrant workers, Danilo Lopez and Antonio Meza-Sandoval, from Vermont, who were arrested and turned over to Border Patrol even though they committed no known crime before coming into contact with the police.

Clearly, the Vermont state trooper who pulled the car over asked Lopez and Meza-Sandoval about their nationality and residency status because they didn't fit his image of what an American citizen looks like. There's a term that aptly describes what happened to them: racial profiling.

Racial profiling violates the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution (Fifth and 14th Amendments), which says it's unconstitutional to apply the nation's laws differently based on race. But racial profiling and differential treatment of people of color by law enforcement happens all the time.

And because these violations happen constantly, we need a law that will specifically forbid police officers from engaging in selective investigations, stops and frisks based on race, nationality, religion or ethnicity.


Linguistic Discrimination
A class of Arizona teachers are wrongly evaluated by their accents
By City on a Hill Press
City on a Hill Press

Evaluating teachers on their accents over their performance is problematic at best and xenophobic at worst. Whether state monitors have been actually been helping students seems to be irrelevant. Rather, they seem to care more about homogeny, exhibiting their prejudices and fear of the “other.”

English itself is a challenge ― some say it’s the hardest language to learn if you didn’t grow up speaking it. But those who learned it from a book, in an academic setting, might speak more clearly than those growing up with all the slang and dialects of America. Those who learn English fluently as a second language could certainly speak a more standardized version.

This is why it is concerning that the state of Arizona is investigating its minority teachers merely because, as the NYT reports, the state agents took issue with “prounounching ‘the’ as ‘da’ [and] ‘another’ as ‘anudder.’” These are audible relics, and their destruction is a destruction of culture. In fact, it’s easy to see how one person speaking slightly differently could be a source of comfort and solidarity for another person who speaks differently from the majority. Language is ever-changing, a fluid and dynamic entity ― never stagnant.






Investigation into student who dressed as Mengele ends

'Apology freely offered. Apology accepted. Case closed,' law school says

By JAN RAVENSBERGEN, The Gazette September 30, 2011 10:44 AM

MONTREAL – A recent on-campus incident during frosh festivities at l’Université de Montréal harking back to the Holocaust – a law student wearing a swastika and costumed as Dr. Josef Mengele, a notorious Nazi war criminal – has been declared closed by university and law-student-association authorities.

They took that step Sept. 13, after the student issued a written apology and requested it be circulated to all who could have been offended by his conduct, notably members of the Association des étudiants juifs en Droit de l’Université de Montréal (AEJD).

The male student, whose name the university won’t disclose, had been instructed to commence classes Aug. 22 sporting a costume incorporating a health-sciences theme and the colour red.

He showed up with a Hitler-style moustache drawn under his nose, wearing a white lab coat with blood-like red handprints and the name “Mengele” handwritten across his back.

He also wore a swastika armband


It’s Orientalism, My Dear Watson: Sherlock Holmes’ Trouble With Race

By Arturo R. García

It seems at least one scene in the upcoming film Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows will involve Robert Downey Jr.’s Holmes disguising himself as “a Chinese beggar” for laughs. Because crude racialized cosplay is funny, y’see – especially if there’s a British accent involved!


A similar issue emerged during the debut season of Sherlock, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss’ generally well-received modern spin on the detective. Last year’s episode “The Blind Banker,” written by Steve Thompson, went beyond using Chinese smugglers as villains to seemingly demonizing the whole of London’s Chinese immigrant community, as one viewer told Monique Jones:


the next day after Sherlock Holmes, the current BBC Radio 5 Live advert for the new football season was on, and the Chinese character was a take away owner, celebrating in his shop. It makes you realise that actually almost all Chinese characters on British TV are:

An illegal immigrant
Linked to the criminal underworld
Or a take away owner.

This despite the evidence that Chinese students in the UK are amongst the highest achieving academic group, many working Chinese are doctors, lawyers (not to stereotype here either), as well as bankers, IT experts, fashion designers, teachers, graphic designers basically any job you can think of that exists. Yet there is none of this on British TV.




How Japan views black people




29 September 2011
Racist Thugs Sentenced
Three men and a youth who rampaged along an Ilford road damaging cars and a mosque and shouting racial abuse have this week been jailed.

The trio had previously been found guilty of violent disorder at Snaresbrook Crown Court.

Elliot Jones, 20, of no fixed address - sentenced to three-and-a-half years and Matthew Stephenson, 18, of no fixed address - sentenced to three-and-a-half years - with Rocky Beale, 19, of Purleigh Avenue, Woodford - sentenced to three-and-a-half years.

Harry Deluca, 16, of no fixed address - was sentenced to two years.

On the night of the offence, on 24 March 2011, some of the defendants had been drinking.

As they walked along Eastern Avenue, Ilford, towards the Redbridge roundabout they started damaging property and cars.

They kicked fences and threw bricks, from a pallet left for building work, at five vehicles, causing damage and smashing windscreens.

As they passed Redbridge Islamic Centre they used bricks to smash the glass doors.

They went inside and began shouting racial abuse.

One of the victims, a 42-year-old man, came outside and gave chase. One of the suspects stopped and threw a brick at him, cutting his head.

Police had been called and arrived at the scene to quickly detain those responsible.







Air Pollution - U.S., Canada Cities Least; Iran Most: WHO

New York, Paris, London, Rome, Tokyo

Among the world's major cities, New York (population: 8.2 million), had a level of 21 micrograms; Paris (population: 2.2 million), 38 micorgrams; London (population: 7.8 million), 29 micrograms; Rome (population: 2.8 million), 35 micrograms; and Tokyo (population:13.2 million), 23 micrograms.

At the other end of the spectrum, Beijing (population: 19.6 million), had a level of 121 micrograms, and Delhi, India, (population: 16.8 million),198 micrograms.

U.S., Canada: Considerably Cleaner Air

Overall, cities in the United States and Canada, due to their lower population density, favorable climates, and rigorous air pollution standards, had some of the least polluted air.

Washington, D.C. (population: 600,000), had a level of 18 micrograms; Tucson, Ari. (population: 520,116), 9 micrograms; Las Vegas, Nev. (population: 583,000), 14 micrograms.

Winnepeg (population: 633,000) had a level of 9 micrograms; Calgary(population: 988,000), 9 micrograms; Edmonton (population: 730,000), 11 micrograms.

The WHO's database can be viewed by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.

Country Annual mean PM10
Estonia  11
Mauritius 12
Canada      13
Australia 13
New Zealand 15
Ireland     15
Luxembourg 18
Bhutan     18
Monaco     18
United States of America18
Finland 19
San Marino 20
Lithuania 21
Norway 22
Japan 22
Switzerland 22
United Kingdom 23
Belarus 24
Iceland 24
Germany 25
Sweden 25
Austria 25
Netherlands 26
Belgium 26
France 27
Slovakia 27
Denmark 27
Hungary 27
Costa Rica 28
Portugal 28
Czech Republic 29
Spain 29
Slovenia 30
Singapore 32
Russian Federation  32.5
Poland   33
Croatia 33
Ecuador 35
Malta 35
Italy 37
Argentina 38
Latvia 39
Uruguay 39
Brazil 40
Panama 40
Venezuela 41
Thailand 41
Algeria 42
Malaysia 42
Romania 42
Serbia       43
Greece     44
Philippines 47
Jamaica     48
Guatemala 48
South Africa 52
El Salvador 52
Lebanon     53
Cyprus     53
Indonesia 55
Mexico     55
Israel     59
Bulgaria 60
Republic of Korea 61
Chile     62
United Republic of Tanzania 64
Turkey 66
Madagascar 68
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 70
Colombia 71
Peru 74
Sri Lanka 77
Tunisia 80
Bolivia   82
Myanmar   94
Ghana    98
China   98







(2011年9月27日19時12分 読売新聞)



