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劣化ウラン弾の影響 Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq

2013年07月23日 07時11分43秒 | Weblog
Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq
Get short URL Published time: July 22, 2013 13:21
Edited time: July 22, 2013 20:13



Congenital birth defect study in Iraq: frequently asked questions

What if the prevalence is high, will that be evidence that Depleted Uranium has been used in some or all the governorates?

Since the issue of associating CBD with exposure to depleted uranium has not been included the scope of this particular study, establishing a link between the CBD prevalence and exposure to depleted uranium would require further research by competent agencies/institutions.
Will the study contribute to the debate in the recent studies conducted independently and/or the news reports appearing in international media?

The mandate of the study is to map and to assess scientifically the prevalence of congenital birth defects using the most viable methodology for a larger sample size and geographical area. At this point no effort to neither substantiate nor negate the findings of other studies can be employed because the study is not aiming to establishing cause-effect associations between CBD prevalence and environmental risk factors





