Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The White Knight  It’s a beautiful story, and a lie,

2014年06月24日 00時30分43秒 | Weblog
The White Knight
Nicholas Kristof wants to save the world with his New York Times columns. Why are so many of them wrong?

By Amanda Hess
JUNE 18 2014 11:53 PM

via mozu

Kristof feels lousy when he has to “cut somebody off and say, ‘It's terrible that you were shot in the leg,’ ” he said. “Meanwhile, I will go off and find someone who was shot in both legs.” But he does it because he knows that if he finds a compelling story abroad, Americans back home will line up to help.

“One death is a tragedy,” he told the students, “and a million deaths are a statistic.”

But typically, “my protagonist will be some American … who’s off in the middle of nowhere. The reason is that it's an awful lot easier to get readers to read about a New Yorker who is off in Haiti than a Haitian who’s doing good work in Haiti.”

when he was criticized for publishing the name and photograph of a child rape victim in 2010, he insisted that “if we leave out names and faces, then there’s no outrage, and the rapes go on and on.”

In short, stories have the power to change the world. “One risk,” he told the Columbia students, “is that I’ll prove wrong―which I do, periodically.” Kristof understands that not every sad story is true. “I’ve learned when to be more suspicious of people,” Kristof said in Reporter, a documentary on his work. “I think there’s a tendency to believe victims, for example. And I think that’s wrong―that in fact victims can lie as much as other people.” That was in 2009.

“It’s a beautiful story, and a lie,”

“Greg’s books may or may not have been fictionalized, but there’s nothing imaginary about the way some of his American donors and Afghan villagers were able to put aside their differences and prejudices and cooperate to build schools―and a better world,” he wrote. “

he cycle repeated itself again last month.

“In worst cases, the truth is distorted or the stories invented to attract more compassion and money.

But it also means that the most effective mechanisms for improving the conditions in these countries are overlooked in favor of those proffered by boot-strapping Western heroes. “The idea that comes across is that nobody is advocating for these people before the bridge character comes along, and that really diminishes the work of people on the ground,” Seay told me. “There’s a limited amount of political capital that can be spent. And if you spend it on the wrong thing, you don’t always get another chance.”

“Radhika’s story is a work of fiction,” the game’s fine print reads. “Reality is much harsher, and issues are never so easy to fix.”










 クリストフ だけじゃなくて、救済者妄想を抱いたコラムニスト、英米人というのは意外に多い。


 もっとも、日本人でもアジア、アフリカ地域出身者を馬鹿にして、えらそうなことほざく輩がいるから、アメリカ特有とはいえないかもしれない。 、国際社会の現実の支配関係というか、階級意識みたいなものを反映しているのかもしれない。







