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2009年02月21日 01時21分00秒 | Weblog
Gates of Vienna February 29 2009という反イスラム系のブログですが、デンマークで出版された本の書評の記事を紹介しております。本、および書評は必ずしも反イスラムとは言えません。


Islam causes youth to go astray

New book blames Islam for immigrant crime rates being significantly above the Danish average

by Thomas Ambrosius

Islam inhibits integration and is causes a higher frequency of crime ― but the municipality of Copenhagen turns a blind eye to this fact. This is the controversial message in the new Danish book Blandt Kriminelle Muslimer (“Amongst Criminal Muslims”), which will be published next week (February 24th, 2009). The author of the book is psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who until last year was working at the secure youth institution Sønderbro in Copenhagen, Denmark. Nicolai Sennels criticizes the municipality for a policy of too much carrot and too little stick in efforts directed at youngsters with a Muslim background.

“Even though it’s a taboo to mention it, it is a fact that culture and religion makes a difference. Criminal youth with a Muslim background perceive the Danish approach in secure institutions, schools, and other institutions to be weak. The Danish approach is one that encourages self-reflection, but they do not understand this. They get the impression that they are not punished for their actions, and this causes them to lose respect for the system,” he says, and blames the way children are raised in Muslim families, which emphasize consequence, tradition, and religion.

He hopes that his book will open the eyes among politicians and in the social system. Integration Advisor Manu Sareen partly agrees with Nicolai Sennels:
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“Social circumstances may explain the main part of the differences in crime levels, but culture also has significance. For instance, many immigrant parents permit their boys to be out in the streets late at night, where they cause destruction and commit other crime. It is our duty as a society to teach these parents to raise their children properly,” says Manu Sareen, who also states that Nicolai Sennels makes an untenable correlation between Islam and crime.

Jan Andreasen (Social Democrats), member of the Committee for Integration in the municipality of Copenhagen, acknowledges that cultural problems have been neglected for years:

“But during the latest three years we have broken the negative trend, and we are quite aware that we may need a firmer approach in the secure institutions.”

Nicolai Sennels rejects that the trend has reversed:

“The fact is that in Copenhagen the percentage of immigrants among young criminals has risen from 56 percent in 2007 to 67 percent in 2008, he says.

Sidebar Quote:

“The municipality of Copenhagen has not comprehended that this group of youth with Muslim backgrounds needs a different approach than those with a Western background.”

― Nicolai Sennels, psychologist

ムスリムの若者の犯罪率はそれ以外の人々より高く、その理由として、宗教や文化的な生活様式の違いが考えられています。 デンマークでは非行に関して、自己反省を求めるですが、若きムスリムの人々はこれを理解せず、悪いことをしても罰せられないのだ、という具合に理解してしまい、かえって犯罪への道をつけてしまう。


