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The end of the American Alliance System

2018年06月07日 17時26分00秒 | Weblog
The End of the Atlantic Alliance
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller
May 28, 2018

President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from JCPOA is one more step in dismantling the edifice built after the end of World War II by the United States and Britain.
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller
May 28, 2018

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President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) is one more step in dismantling the edifice built after the end of World War II by the U.S. and Britain. Trump’s decision follows after withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement and the TPP (the Trans Pacific Partnership). Additionally, NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) may survive, but only if renegotiated. Swipes have also been taken at European allies at various occasions. Finally, the forthcoming negotiations with North Korea will harm U.S. alliances in Asia, with Trump likely to forge an agreement with North Korea that will secure the U.S. homeland while disregarding South Korean, and especially Japanese, interests.

So far, the U.S. has abandoned quickly and without hesitation its role as leader of the global alliance system. Its long-term allies are left baffled, not knowing what to do in a new world order in which with “America first” has transformed into “America only”

Traditional American allies are considered no longer indispensable for projecting U.S. power and their friendship is no longer treasured. “America first” and “America only,” signals a swing towards isolationism where international commitments are judged solely by what the bring to the U.S. Trump may well be recorded by history as the first in a line of American presidents taking the nation back to a more isolationist policy similar to America's withdrawal after World War I.

Europeans will rightly feel that they have been snubbed and stepped on. The U.S. simply takes them for granted, expecting its allies will always turn up to do as America wishes, irrespective of interests, views and policies. This is not the kind of alliance Europeans want- they instead would expect normal consultations and due regard to how they feel. The danger is that in the aftermath of American withdrawal from the JCPOA, the strong link of common and shared values will be thrown away

Even if successful a new compromise is successful, European attitudes towards the 2003 Iraq war and the current Iran question indicate that one way or another the Atlantic alliance is breaking up.


 気候変動のパリ協定、環太平洋パートナーシップ協定TPPからも離脱 北米自由貿易協定は再交渉、そして、今回の北朝鮮との交渉など、アメリカは、アメリカ第一主義で、アメリカは同盟国のボスの座からためらいなく、離脱しつつある。 旧来のアメリカの同盟国はアメリカの投射能力を確保する拠点として必要不可欠とはもはやかんがられておらず、同盟国として友好関係も重要視されなくなってきているんだ、と。



