Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

反吐だらけ ほか

2010年11月06日 18時11分03秒 | Weblog


National Unity Day marked with nationalist marches

Published 04 November, 2010,

Several nationalist marches have been held across the country as Russia is celebrating the Day of National Unity.



Swedish police hunt 'racist gunman'
Series of shootings in the city of Malmo appears to be targeting immigrants.
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2010



Case raises France veil-ban issues
Frenchwoman given one-month suspended sentence for attacking Arab tourist wearing full-face veil.
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2010



Interrogation techniques at 'Britain's Abu Ghraib' revealed in high court proceedings


Deaths in British custody spark outrage over police brutality

Published 06 November, 2010, 06:00

In Britain, one person is said to die of contact with police every week as relatives of the victims have taken to the streets to bring attention to the alarming number of deaths in police custody.

Sean Rigg-David, mentally ill, was restrained by four police officers and bundled into a van, and in the five minutes it took to get to the police station, had stopped breathing. He died a short time later.

Two years on, his death has not been investigated. And the results of investigations are often unsatisfactory. During last year’s G20 riots, police knocked down Ian Tomlinson, who later died. No conviction was brought against the officer responsible.

警官による暴行に対する抗議デモについて報道している。(Police Brutality)


American college students hooked on drugs

Published 04 November, 2010, 22:25


Latinos abandoned by American politicians

Published 03 November, 2010,


Human rights in the US to be reviewed

Published 04 November, 2010


US faces first scrutiny by UN rights council
Oct 31 07:40 PM US/Eastern

Some 300 US civil liberties and community groups in the US Human Rights Network on Monday called on the Obama administration to bring "substandard human rights practices" in the United States into line with international standards.


US submits to UN human rights review

The Associated Press
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jamil Dakwar, director of the ACLU human rights program, said it is important that the United States matches its rhetoric with concrete domestic policies and actions.

Some activists say Washington's report glosses over some of the toughest human rights challenges facing the United States, including the treatment of immigrants, the death penalty and officials responsible for the use of torture as a tool in the war against terror.

"We were dissatisfied because we concluded half of the report was basically fluff. It had very little substance," said Ajamu Baraka, director of the US Human Rights Networ

The U.S. report acknowledges areas where problems persist, including discrimination against Hispanics and African Americans, unemployment rates of up to 80 percent on some Native American reservations and a "broken" immigration system. But it emphasizes that participating in the review does not place the United States at the same level as countries that systematically abuse human rights.

"There is no comparison between American democracy and repressive regimes," the report says.


American TV news turns to sex to survive

Published 05 November, 2010, 22:14


Otto Reich’s legacy of white propaganda

Published 04 November, 2010,


The Iraq War is a textbook case of how a government…uses propaganda, planting stories in the US media to convert public opinion favorably toward war,” said Gareth Porter, an independent investigative journalist. “Within a matter of days on September 19 [2002], the New York Times, Michael Gordon and Judith Miller published a front page, long story in which they said that US intelligence officials had found out that Saddam Hussein had purchased aluminum tubes that could only be used for nuclear weapons. What they didn’t say of course was that this was a minority view in the intelligence community




Marius Says:
November 4th, 2010 at 7:43 pm
Speaking of Japanese citizens and legal obligations backed up with criminal punishment,
check out the reactions of these talented individuals when faced with having to carry an ID 24/7;


If only they’d knew about Japan…

– Yes, such gasps from the gallery thinking Arizona is tough (and might even target Japanese!!). Completely ignorant that this is exactly what has gone on for NJ in Japan for half a century.

# unknown Says:
November 4th, 2010 at 9:16 pm

Marius that clip almost made me puke.


adamw Says:http://www.debito.org/?p=7723#comment-209570
November 5th, 2010 at 10:11 am

that clip from marius made me feel physically sick as well..
the worst bit is the one where the subtitles say japanese are treated as gaikokujin in america
what a surprise it seems


 Japan Probeでも取り上げられた、池上さんのアリゾナ州法紹介番組。




