Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2010年05月25日 19時54分06秒 | Weblog

Alarming Rise In Hate Crimes Against American Muslims

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

22 May, 2010

Recent weeks have witnessed a dramatic increase in violent acts against Arab and Muslim Americans. These incidents involve acts of domestic terrorism, vandalism, intimidation, and discriminatory campaign tactics.

A pipe bomb explodes outside the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, during the Isha/evening prayers (1).

The Islamic Association of Michigan (Masjid Umar-bin-Khattab) in Brownstown, Michigan, is vandalized twice this month (2).

An art exhibit by a Muslim graduate student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) is defaced and vandalized (3).

An 18 year-old male is brutally beaten by officers from an Illinois Police Station in retaliation for his mother's attempt to file a complaint against the way her son had been treated (4).

In San Diego, a white man uses racial slurs during assault on Afghan-American taxi driver(5).

On the night of May 10, someone discreetly walked around the grounds of the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida, in Jacksonville, carrying a gas can which he quickly lit and ran away. Minutes later, as more than 60 people prayed inside, the pipe bomb exploded in a ball of flames and set part of the building on fire. Thankfully, nobody was injured and the fire was put out by frightened worshippers using a fire extinguisher. Currently, the FBI is investigating the incident as a possible act of domestic terrorism.

"It was a dangerous device, and had anybody been around it they could have been seriously injured or killed," FBI Special Agent James Casey told a local news station. "We want to sort of emphasize the seriousness of the thing and not let people believe that this was just a match and a little bit of gasoline that was spread around."

Not surprisingly, the attack has received little to no attention from the national media outlets.

 アメリカ アラブ系アメリカ人に対するヘイトクライム増加中だそうです。

Oakington immigration centre loses safety award after detainee's death
Safety council withdraws award pending investigation into death of Kenyan asylum seeker Eliud Nyenze

Karen McVeigh
guardian.co.uk, Friday 7 May 20101

Brother speaks out on death of asylum seeker
Raymond Brown Last updated: 21/05/2010 09:02

Eliud NyenzeThe brother of a man whose death in a detention centre sparked a riot has spoken of how he learned of the tragedy via the internet.




【虐待はどんな傷を残すのか】(1)親から認められぬ子供 「自分の存在価値が分からない」

【なぜわが子を傷つけるのか】(1)息子の目は鬼でも見るかのようだった…止まらぬ虐待 (1/3ページ)
2010.4.12 22:39


Arizona's immigration law may survive
Critics of Arizona's immigration law are hoping federal courts will rule it unconstitutional. Unfortunately it's not that simple



(2010年5月25日10時29分 読売新聞


That’s my Motherland you’re messing with
Posted By Colum Lynch Monday, May 24, 2010

For U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the North Korean torpedo attack on a South Korean naval vessel is more than just another international crisis.

It's personal

Keating said that unlike a judge, the secretary-general is not expected to recuse himself from cases where there might be a conflict of interest. "Impartiality is something we no longer expect of the secretary-general.



ファックユードゥーミー アスホール、というのもウケるが、ピーターマンコースキーもまずいっしょ。


