Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Elephant in the room

2013年06月07日 00時38分46秒 | Weblog
Rape culture in the US military
There is a lot of talk but little action when it comes to combating rape in the American military.
Last Modified: 14 May 2013 15:42


one US military veteran commits suicide approximately every 65 minutes.


The US military's 'invisible men'
The majority of s exual abuse victims in the US armed forces last year were men - but most of them have remained silent.
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2013 13:29


Today, women constitute up to 14.5 percent of the US Armed Services, with black women representing about one-third of the women enlisted. Those who enlist are more likely to be black, Latina, immigrants and white women from economically poor backgrounds.

Increasing economic inequality in the US, combined with the defunding of public education, has made the military a place of refuge for people from working-class and impoverished families. It is an institution that offers the promise of upward mobility for men and women, native-born as well as new immigrants, whose families lack the resources to pay for college education.

As a result, if they are se xually assaulted as recruits, enlistees are less likely to feel that they can afford to abandon their careers given limited job options in the current economy.

'Don't ask, don't tell'

The current face of "se xual assault survivors" in the US military is female. The experiences, voices and faces of male survivors of military s exual assault are missing. Men comprise 85.5 percent of active-duty personnel, and among the estimated 26,000 military personnel who were assaulted last year, male soldiers made up slightly over half.

Almost 90 percent of military sexual abuse victims do not report their assault - meaning that the majority of men remain silent after their abuse.

US military leaders have proven they are incapable of properly and justly handling s exual assault cases, and that they need oversight. Until more male victims join their female peers in demanding changes, though, it is unlikely that major changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice will be made.


US soldiers turned Saigon into a brothel. Are they doing the same thing in Baghdad?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

any country U.S military sets their foot in, they try and to make a big whore house out of that country . however against their wishes, they won't be able to make a Saigon,or Philippine out of Iraq since its an Islamic region. prostituting for American soldiers is very dangerous business. there will be very few poor women who will take such a chance. American soldiers have to share those few women, so they better practice safe s ex. we better deliver enough penicillin to Iraq since they will need it!


Privatizing Women: Is the Iraq Occupation Enabling Prostitution?
By Debra McNutt

Military prostitution has long been seen around U.S. bases in the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, and other countries. But since the U.S. has begun to deploy forces to many Muslim countries, it cannot be as open about enabling prostitution for its personnel. U.S. military deployments in the Gulf War, the Afghan War, and the Iraq War have reinvigorated prostitution and the trafficking of women in the Middle East.

During the brief Gulf War, the U.S. military prevented prostitution for its troops in Saudi Arabia, to avoid a backlash from its hosts. But on their return home, the troop ships stopped in Thailand for “R & R.” After the Gulf War, harsh economic sanctions forced many desperate Iraqi women into prostitution. The s ex trade grew to such an extent that in 1999 Saddam ordered his paramilitary forces to crack down on it in Baghdad, resulting in the executions of many women.
The U.S. invasion of March 2003 brought prostitution back to Iraq within a matter of weeks. The Iraq War has now lasted eight times longer than the Gulf War deployments, and is marked by a huge reliance on private security contractors. A U.S. ban on human trafficking, signed by President Bush in January 2006, has not been applied to these contractors.
The rebirth of prostitution has generated fear that permeates all of Iraqi society. Families keep their girls inside, not only to keep them from being assaulted or killed, but to prevent them from being kidnapped by organized prostitution rings. Gangs are also forcing some families to sell their children into sex slavery.



How the US military and contractors fostered prostitution in Iraq

While the article is a little out of date (November 2007) it does point out that military occupations almost always lead to increases in prostitution. This of course isn't unique to the US and I've read before that Nigerian and Sri Lankan UN peace keepers often perpetuate prostitution as well. Prostitution is often seen near military bases (Angeles City outside of Manila, Philippines, is a notorious example). After discussing this article with several friends, they had these good points to say:

"[The author] seems to disproportionately bash the US (which she seems to have retained as a home country), even though this is a general pattern of war since time began and not specific to American wars in the 20th century. Her next target seems to be the private contractors, who really only differ from some previous wars by their nationality (the "engineer" in Miss Saigon was a local trafficker, but she doesn't seem as bothered by that) or that they are private contractors (een though mercenaries have also been the norm in warfare for most of history).

 なぜ、朝日新聞や米雑誌社に雇用されている WSJ のユカハヤシ氏や、NYTのファクラー氏、あるいは、ヒロコタブチ氏は、 橋下氏が提起した問題を橋下氏の問題発言同様に執拗に追求できないのか?

Elephant in the roomとはまさにこのことであろう。


