Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年07月23日 00時30分59秒 | Weblog
Meine Sache ~マイネ・ザッヘ~さんが、移民は少子化対策にはならない、と題して投稿しています。


そのもととなる調査報告、C.C.Howe Institute の報告書


Faster, Younger, Richer?
The Fond Hope and Sobering Reality of
Immigration’s Impact on Canada’s Demographic
and Economic Future
Robin Banerjee
William B.P. Robson
In this issue...
More and younger immigrants cannot, on their own, offset the impact
of low past fertility on Canadian workforce growth, old-age
dependency, and incomes per person. Later retirement, higher fertility,
and faster productivity growth are more powerful tools to ease the
stress of demographic change on Canadian living standards.
 More and younger immigrants cannot, on their own, offset the impact
of low past fertility on Canadian workforce growth, old-age
dependency, and incomes per person. Later retirement, higher fertility,
and faster productivity growth are more powerful tools to ease the
stress of demographic change on Canadian living standards

The message of these simulations is that we should not overstate the contribution immigration can
make to maintaining workforce growth, keeping Canada young and boosting living standards.
Workforce growth is the easier of the two demographic variables to address with immigration.
Even so, immigration rates equal to 1 percent of the already resident population would not prevent
Canada’s workforce growth dipping to historic lows in the 2020s. Furthermore, the immigration levels required – even with major efforts to attract a larger share of younger people – to maintain workforce growth at current rates would be well outside the realm of economic or political feasibility. An aging population is an even more difficult challenge. Increasing immigration to 1 percent of population per year without varying its age distribution would slow the rise in the OAD ratio only marginally. And raising immigration to this level while recruiting younger immigrants aggressively would still not prevent an historic rise in the ratio. Only extreme and unpalatable policies, such as rapidly increasing immigration to well over 3 percent for decades could come close to stabilizing the OAD ratio. Per-person income growth is the most difficult target of all. The inescapable consequence of larger numbers of arrivals is a larger population among which to share any resulting increase in aggregate output. Even very large changes in immigration flows or extreme policies to shift the age-structure of immigrants cannot affect future growth of income per person by more than a few tenths of a percentage point. Furthermore, attempts to maintain per-person income growth at historic rates through immigration alone produce preposterous population numbers. Indeed, the contrast between the projected populations for Canada in the final year of the projections illustrates vividly how weak a tool immigration is, on its own, to decisively shape Canada’s demographic and economic future. If Canadians are prepared for major policy reforms to mitigate the impact of a slower-growing and aging population on Canada’s workforce, age structure and income growth, other tools have – at least in a numeric sense – at least as much promise as immigration. Delaying the normal age of retirement can help both workforce growth and the OAD ratio in the near term. Higher fertility would help achieve both goals in the next generation and beyond, and faster productivity growth will do more for real income growth than any conceivable immigration strategy. Even if Canadians do choose higher immigration, and even if they choose to target younger immigrants for demographic reasons, such measures need to be complemented with other policies to delay retirement, raise fertility and boost productivity if Canada truly wishes to transform its demographic and economic future.








Canada's big problem -- too few babies

By Leonard Stern, Times ColonistJuly 17, 2009

It's true, for example, that by working insanely hard, the Japanese are able to maintain high productivity despite their low fertility rate. But a 17-hour work day in a Tokyo cubicle, where you feel guilty taking bathroom breaks, is hardly a family-friendly environment. Japan is committing suicide by creating a culture littered with disincentives to childbearing.



So how do we get western women to have more children? There's evidence that accessible child care and similar supports are a big help. But even free daycare might not constitute an "incentive" to have children. At most, it represents the elimination of an obstacle.

The brutal truth is this: The only surefire way to ensure women have lots of children is to deny them sexual equality. (Needless to say, this is an approach I'd oppose.)

Equality has meant giving women opportunities for personal fulfilment beyond childrearing. It has meant that for women, social status is now derived from the same things as for men -- educational achievement, professional advancement, accumulation of wealth.




4 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown ()
2009-07-31 01:59:08
女性の社会進出 (ponpon)
2009-07-30 15:03:28

Unknown ()
2009-07-23 02:05:56


Unknown (shir)
2009-07-23 01:41:24




