Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Wounded Giant  傷ついた巨人  アメリカ

2013年08月30日 23時37分27秒 | Weblog
Wounded Giant
The only thing America is good at these days is breaking things.


1. The American century is truly over.

. Yes, America is still the world's most powerful state, but its relative power is declining as other states flex their political and economic muscles.

The country has made a hash of things. It squandered much of its moral credibility after the 9/11 attacks (torture and secret prisons) and wasted trillions of dollars on wars as ruinously expensive as they were politically inconclusive. Current U.S. counterterrorism policies (drones, surveillance by the National Security Agency) are angering even America's closest allies. Domestically, America is also in trouble: Its infrastructure is an embarrassment, its public education system has been allowed to decay, it locks up a higher percentage of its population than any country on Earth -- Americans are even too fat to fight. Not to mention, the country's domestic political system is broken, and the bipartisan rancor on Capitol Hill makes it hard to imagine turning any of this around.

2. No one really cares what America thinks, and the country can't fix much of anything.

America's allies remain polite, but just barely, and its adversaries are increasingly willing to thumb their noses at the United States in public.

So you want Obama to "fix things" in Syria or Egypt or Afghanistan? How? America can't even fix the public schools in the nation's capital. Why would anyone imagine it can fix things anywhere else?

3. Breaking things has become America's main talent.

America has become a wounded giant. It's steadily weakening, but it's still strong enough to hurt a lot of people as it flails around.

Breaking things can feel satisfying, but as we've seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, it only gets you so far. U.S. missile strikes against Assad's forces won't turn Syria into a stable democracy. They won't discredit or destroy Syria's Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra. They probably won't stop the Syrian civil war either. As an ill-timed but candid letter from Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) noted on Aug. 19: "[T]he use of U.S. military force can change the military balance, but it cannot resolve the underlying and historic ethnic, religious, and tribal issues that are fueling this conflict.… [V]iolent struggles for power will continue after Assad's rule ends."

But he won't tell Americans the blunt truths they need to hear: We can't fix Syria. Or Egypt. Or most other places. We don't even know how to fix our own problems.











