Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年09月17日 22時53分57秒 | Weblog


It struck me that the “armour,” or uniform, was incredibly Muslim-friendly — as you are pretty much covered from head to toe in voluminous trousers, body armour, gloves, and a helmet with a metal grill front called a “men.”

Ibtihaj Muhammad said that the outfit for fencing was one of the reasons she took up the sport — and both Yasmeen and Tayba echoed this sentiment. They felt comfortable in the forgiving outfits and enjoyed becoming anonymous once putting on the “men” helmet. Tayba said she had been looking for a martial art to keep herself active, but felt put off, as a lot were contact sports.

Both were very keen to impress upon me the fact that Kendo is a lot more than hitting people. Yasmeen said that it embodies the spirit of the samurai swordsman and you must have utmost respect for your opponent. Tayba explained that, in a competition, if you show pleasure at scoring a point mid-fight, you may lose the point for showing disrespect to your opponent.


While I did find it amusing that I was being asked to scream the word “men” while attempting to bash someone over the head, a.k.a. a feminist’s dream, it certainly took guts.



