Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

S.Korean flags is a symbol of hypocrisy, repression & invasion.

2019年09月14日 18時24分03秒 | Weblog
島田 洋一
9月12日 23:48
South China Morning Post

South Korea’s complaints about Rising Sun ‘war crime flag’ fall on deaf ears in Japan
The 16-rayed flag is often associated with World War Two, the Imperial Japanese Army, and Japan’s 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean peninsula
At a time of strained bilateral relations, South Korea has sought to ban the flag from stadiums at next year’s Olympic Games in Tokyo
Julian Ryall
Julian Ryall

Yoichi Shimada, a professor of international relations at Fukui Prefectural University, said the flag was used by the Japanese navy and, since the end of World War Two, by the Maritime Self-Defence Force (MSDF).
“For many years, Korea made no comment when Japanese ships went into Korean ports flying the flag,” he told the South China Morning Post. “But they started to protest earlier this year and demanded that the flag be taken down from a Japanese warship.”
The government in Tokyo refused to comply and the MSDF ship’s port visit was cancelled – but Shimada was incensed Seoul “is now demanding that we do not have the right to fly the flag even in Japan”.

He also said Seoul’s claim the flag is a symbol of the “aggression and pain” of Japan’s years of occupation was hypocritical given the South Korean government has been willing to fly the flags of North Korea and China at recent diplomatic events.
“The North Korean flag is a symbol of horrible repression and human rights abuses, yet it has been flown in South Korea recently,” he said. “And China is a similarly repressive state and even collaborated with North Korea to invade South Korean in the 1950s, yet they are happy to have it flying there. The South’s position is inconsistent.”

Ken Kato, a political activist and member of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said South Korea’s objections in fact stemmed from the internal debate over the way many Koreans welcomed Japanese control in the early decades of the 20th century, worked with the government in Tokyo and became wealthy as part of the Japanese empire.

“Many Koreans do not want to be reminded that they or their relatives were Japanese citizens and many fought unquestioningly under that flag,” he said.
“Korea is using every opportunity to attack Japan – on this, on trade, on former labourers – and it’s getting ridiculous,” he said, adding that the rhetoric has “has definitely become worse” under President Moon Jae-in.
“It’s a common tactic among Korean politicians, especially when they are doing badly with the electorate. It’s easy to attack Japan to win support from the public. But the Olympics should never be politicised.”


