Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年09月08日 11時08分56秒 | Weblog
Ex-inmates accuse former sheriff of demanding sex

HOUSTON (AP) -- A federal judge accused of fondling a former court employee was indicted by a federal grand jury Thursday on sexual abuse charges.


Sep 2, 2:59 PM EDT Freed inmate hopes to help others who are innocent By MARGARET STAFFORD

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- A man released from prison after a judge ruled that his 1984 murder trial was constitutionally flawed said Tuesday he hopes his case will convince the public that this country is jailing innocent people.

During a news conference Tuesday, Burton said he believes there are thousands of other innocent people in U.S. prisons.

Many wrongful convictions are won on "snitch" evidence from criminals seeking deals and weak eyewitness evidence, she said.

"His story is dramatic yet all too common," Pilate said. "There are hundreds if not thousands of people just like him still sitting in prison."

Burton said he is not bitter but said prosecutors should not be allowed to offer "snitches" deals for testimony.

"The system we have in arguably the best country on Earth is locking up its citizens because someone wants to get a conviction,"

Authorities hope a new $500,000 reward will help them catch a serial killer who has claimed the lives of at least 10 women and a man in a two-part string of violence spanning more than two decades.

As many as 10,000 protesters marched to the convention hall, chanting anti-war slogans and holding signs criticizing Bush. Police used pepper spray and smoke bombs against a few hundred violent protesters who broke away from the march

Sep 7, 12:05 AM EDT Fla. murder trial nears for disgraced ex-FBI agent
"I am now convinced that he is a most unfortunate victim of a human and flawed system."


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Flanked by officials from the NAACP and the Southern Poverty Law Center, FBI Director Robert Mueller last year announced with considerable fanfare a new partnership between his agency and civil rights organizations. The goal: To bring justice in long-ignored murders from the civil rights era. The outcome: Not one case has been prosecuted under the FBI's Cold Case Initiative, which actually began two years ago with no fanfare at all.

Protesting in a police state

 これ日本語だけ、こんな情報ばっか与えられていた日本人がいたとする。すると、ああ、アメリカはなんて無法地帯なんだ、なんて人種差別が激しい、国なんだ、と思うようになるでしょ。でもって、日本人のガキが自国の不正に関して無知ならば、アメリカは野蛮な国ですなああ、日本ではこんなことはありえませんよ、とくるわけよ。ああ、pathetic な国ですなあ、アメリカはーーと。






