Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2010年06月05日 10時57分46秒 | Weblog



Greenpeace activist harpooned by tuna fishermen
(AFP) – 7 hours ago
PARIS ― A Greenpeace activist trying to free tuna from a commercial fishing net in the Mediterranean on Friday was harpooned through the leg by fishermen on a French boat, the environmental group said.
"In a non-violent action, Greenpeace activists in zodiac boats attempted to lower the side of a purse seine net with sand bags to free the fish," said Isabelle Philippe of Greenpeace France.
"At that moment, fishermen violently attacked the activists, harpooning one of them through the leg," she told AFP by phone.
The injured man, a British national identified by the group as Frank Huston, was transferred to a hospital in Malta where he was to undergo surgery Friday evening.
"His life is not threatened, but he is in serious condition," Philippe said.
The fishing ship, the Jean-Marie Christian VI, was one of several French tuna vessels in the area when the attack occurred in international waters near Malta, she added.
Several boats surrounded the zodiacs, threatening them with knives attached to long poles and some of the fishermen also fired flare guns at a Greenpeace helicopter hovering overhead to monitor, Greenpeace said in a statement.
A French navy vessel was seen arriving in the area after the clash had ended, the statement added.



