Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Britain's Pedophile culture -Who is paying for sex with a child?

2018年09月04日 11時31分27秒 | Weblog
Sajid Javid

Javid was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, one of five sons of parents of Pakistani descent

We’ve witnessed horrendous abuse perpetrated by gangs who have been persistent and determined in places like Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Newcastle and Telford.

We know that in these recent high profile cases, where people convicted have been disproportionately from a Pakistani background.


TTelford child sex scandal ‘could be Britain’s WORST’ - 1000 kids abused over 40 years
More than 1000 young girls over a 40 year period were raped in what may be Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child abuse scandal.
PUBLISHED: 12:13, Sun, Mar 11, 2018 | UPDATED: 22:07, S

Rochdale child sex abuse ring

Telegraph Culture TV
Three Girls: what really happened in the Rochdale sex abuse scandal?

A culture of victim blaming and, some have alleged, an eagerness not to appear racist meant police and social services were often unwilling to take the rumours of widespread exploitation seriously. That many of the victims came from council estates and poor backgrounds also provoked authorities to express little sympathy or interest in helping them.

One girl, known as Girl A, was 15 years old and being driven to various locations to be raped by up to five men a night. When she became pregnant and teachers became concerned at the number of Pakistani men picking her up from school, the girl went to the police.

Oxford child sex abuse ring
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Oxford child sex abuse ring was a group of seven men who, in May 2013, were convicted of sexual offences including rape, conspiracy to commit rape, arranging or facilitating child prostitution, trafficking for sexual exploitation, and procuring a miscarriage.







Top Five Countries with Highest Rates of Child Prostitution
Ludovica Iaccino By Ludovica Iaccino
Updated February 6, 2014 17:43 GMT

Sri Lanka
United States

According to Crimes Against Children research Centre (CCRC), the numbers of juvenile prostitutes within the United States range from 1,400 to 2.4 million, although most fall between 300,000 and 600,000.

16 children as young as 13 were rescued from the sex trade in a law enforcement operation that targeted suspected pimps who brought the victims to New Jersey for Super Bowl weekend, in February 2014.

"Prostituted children remain the orphans of America's justice system. They are either ignored or, when they do come in contact with law enforcement, harassed, arrested, and incarcerated while the adults who exploit them - the pimp and their customers - largely escape punishment," said Julian Sher, author of the book Somebody's Daughter: The Hidden Story of America's Prostituted Children and the Battle to Save Them.


Inuit babies and children are being sold by their families and are "prostituted out by a parent, family member or domestic partner", according to a recent report by Canadian Department of Justice.

The sexual exploitation of children is a deeply–rooted reality in too many Canadian homes, families and communities, according to a 2011 report by a Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights.

The committee, which started the investigation in 2009, heard that in one year there were almost 9,000 reported sexual assaults against children
(many of whom belong to aboriginal communities) in Canada. The overwhelming majority of sexual abuse goes unreported.


Child sexual exploitation offences increase fivefold in Manchester

Jamie Grierson

Thu 30 Mar 2017 10.43 BST






You’ve heard of rape culture, but have you heard of pedophile culture?

In pedophile culture, women are expected to maintain a near-impossible level of thinness, prepubescent in their almost-androgynous lack of curvature and body fat. Due to this pressure, eating disorders abound in young girls, and women in particular are targeted throughout their lives by a multi-billion dollar weight loss industry.

In pedophile culture, the top Pornhub category is “Teen.” “Barely legal” “girls” in schoolgirl outfits play out everything from “virgin manipulations,” daddy-daughter incest fantasies, teacher-student make believe… you name it, there’s porn for it, and it’s been whacked-off to millions and millions and millions of times. It’s fair to wonder whether the only thing keeping some of these viewers from watching straight-up child porn is age of consent laws.

Influenced by the porn industry, labiaplasty, a surgery that carves the labia minora down to porn-sized slivers, is rapidly gaining popularity. So are other procedures, like hymenoplasty, which restores virgin-like tightness to women’s vaginas.

In pedophile culture, women are outright pressured to regularly shave or wax their nether regions and underarms. The cosmetics industry — again, targeted at women — peddles “anti-aging” creams and lotions that will make our skin “baby soft!”

In pedophile culture, we casually refer to grown women as “girls.” We have a word specifically for attractive female teenagers: jailbait. Women are sexualized as chicks, kittens, and babes.

女性全般に思春期のこどもように痩せさせ、子供と同じになるように無駄毛も剃らせ、ポルノサイトではティーンが一番人気カテゴリーになり、女性を、“girls.” ”babes”と呼ぶーーそうしたロリコン文化も問題にすべきだろう。


