Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

それでもやっていない 他 2

2009年04月18日 14時46分58秒 | Weblog
Woman in unprovoked racist attack

A man wearing a hearing aid and sunglasses who made an unprovoked verbal, racist attack on a woman in Edinburgh is being sought by police.
The lone woman was walking in Union Street at about 0210 BST on Tuesday when she was shouted at.
Lothian and Borders Police want a woman who is thought to have witnessed the incident to come forward.
The white man was 5ft 9in tall and had a local accent. He was wearing a long beige jacket and black trousers.

スコットランド 道を歩いていたら白人の男性に人種差別的な言葉で罵られた、という。

Apr 14, 2009 7:07 pm US/Eastern
Notorious Racist Supports Police Killing Suspect


April 16, 2009
Investigators to search police footage of G20 protests for evidence of brutality

G20 protest videos: Growing catalogue of evidence against police

17 April 2009 12:37 UK
Man held after city 'hate crime'

"They have come to Northern Ireland because they wanted to find better jobs than in their native country," she said.
"They have come here thinking we are European and part of the European Union.
"It is despicable and disgusting that anyone in Northern Ireland would treat another human being like this."

John Sharrett, who went to the house to help the women after the attack, said a large crowd of men aged between 19 and 35 had gathered outside the house to intimidate them.
"There were 30 fellas staring threateningly just to make sure these poor people left. Thirty fellas baying for blood," he said.

Racial tension
Several families from Poland and other countries were attacked or intimidated in the Village area after the World Cup qualifying match between Northern Ireland and Poland at Windsor Park last month.
The Housing Executive has confirmed that 11 households have presented themselves as homeless since the trouble.
On Thursday, the Polish Community Forum of Northern Ireland said about 40 people were forced to leave the area because of the intimidation.


17 April 2009 16:31 UK
A head teacher who won a compensation payout of over £400,000 because her employers failed to back her in a racism row says she is unlikely to ever teach again

As head teacher, she transformed it into the second-most improved school in the country.
But from late 2003 her relationship with the school's governors started to deteriorate.
Two Muslim governors claimed tensions existed between the school and the community, and Mrs Connor went on to face accusations of racism and Islamophobia.

Inquiries followed and a review in 2004 found no evidence of racism at the school.


Liberal actress says tea parties were racist

By Amanda Carpenter on April 17, 2009

Liberal actress and political activist Janeane Garofalo, in all seriousness, said activists who attended tea parties are racists with dysfunctional brains in a recent prime-time television appearance.

"Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House," she said on MSNBC's "The Countdown" with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. "This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that."

Olbermann did not once try to challenge her on those assertions.

The actress went on to describe the brain size of typical "right-winger, Republican or conservative or your average white power activist."



Janeane Garofalo declares Tea Party attendees racist and Keith Olbermann agrees

The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests
13 Apr 2009 Author: Jill Tubman


Fighting Injustice in Small-Town Texas

Published: April 17, 2009’(MOVIE REVIEW)

Thrown into a jail cell with three other women, Dee is stunned to learn she is being charged not for the hundreds of dollars in parking tickets that she owes but with distributing narcotics in a school zone. Although she is not carrying drugs and none are found in her home, the prosecution claims to have a witness.
Dee’s court-appointed lawyer urges her to take a plea bargain and agree to a 10-year suspended sentence with a small fine, rather than risk serving a 16- to 25-year prison term. When Dee hotly refuses, even her mother thinks she is a fool.

“American Violet,” which is based on real events that took place in late 2000, has the quasi-documentary feel of a well-made television drama.


Baptist pastor beaten + tazed by Border patrol - 11 stitche(youtube)

Harassed, Beaten and Severely Injured by Border Patrol
Torturing him, again and again and again..

April 15, 2009
I told them I was a US citizen. I told them I was on a business trip. I told them I had no drugs or humans in the car. That wasn't enough. They wanted to search the car, and I invoked my 4th am...
I told them I was a US citizen.
I told them I was on a business trip.
I told them I had no drugs or humans in the car






