Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

MUST READ A journalist was fired for tweeting the historical truth.

2015年05月02日 01時33分00秒 | Weblog

ANZACとは、オーストラリアおよびニュージーランド合同の軍事組織を意味する語。語源は第一次世界大戦時に編成されたオーストラリア・ニュージーランド軍団 (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) のアクロニムに由来する。


日本人に歴史について真実を知って、近隣諸国に謝罪するように説教したことがあるが、日本が人種的差別撤廃提案 Racial Equality Proposalを提案していたことや、オーストラリやニュージーランド軍の悪行については教わったいなかった、と。


29 April 2015, 11.55am AEST

Anzacs behaving badly: Scott McIntyre and contested history

Sacked for tweeting remarks about Anzacs that are considered “inappropriate” and “disrespectful”? Let me try and put SBS sports journalist Scott McIntyre’s tweets in historical perspective. Over the Anzac Day weekend, McIntyre was fired from SBS for a series of tweets about the grimmer aspects of Australian military history.


One soldier, Victor Ault, wrote about how “we thrash the black fellows with whips … Every nigger who is impudent to a soldier gets a hiding … I can’t say how many I’ve belted and knocked out.”

On Good Friday 1915, things got out of hand. Around 2,500 Anzacs rioted in the Wazza district of Cairo, sacking and setting fire to brothels, terrifying the locals, and clashing with military police who tried to intervene. These were no angels. Between 12% and 15% of the AIF had contracted venereal disease.

The battle of the Wazza, as it was dubbed, was not the only riot that took place. Others followed. Drinking and whoring, leaving bills unpaid, threatening, bullying and beating locals because they were “niggers”, and generally behaving in ways that we now condemn our sportsmen for behaving was standard fair for these boys who had money, were far away from home, and had no one to control them.  

All this is well known to historians, but clearly less well known to the public. There is an obvious disconnect between what historians know and what the popular perception of our past is. It is this disconnect that has jarred with some in the public and led to McIntyre’s sacking.



Historically speaking then, McIntyre is not all that far off the mark, but he has been sacrificed on the altar of populist outrage.


We should not forget that war is never a one-sided affair in which our boys are squeaky-clean heroes and their boys murdering, raping villains.

War brings out the worst (as well as the best) in people.


But in the atmosphere of nationalistic chest-beating that surrounds the Anzac commemorations, there are not likely to be too many dissenting voices.




