Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ウクライナ ルガンスク 一般市民が犠牲に

2014年06月04日 20時02分36秒 | Weblog

一般市民が死んでいるというのに、ルガンスク ルハーンシクで日本語ではこのニュースでてこない。

Air attack on pro-Russian separatists in Luhansk kills 8, stuns residents
By Diana Magnay and Tim Lister, CNN
June 3, 2014 -- Updated 2253 GMT (0653 HKT)

The carnage was sudden, unexpected. This was the middle of a city, a building adjacent to a leafy square, where civilians walked and worked. Eight people were killed, five women and three men, according to the self-declared Luhansk People's Republic; the authorities in Kiev reported the same tally.
But there the agreement ends.
The pro-Russian leadership in the city immediately accused the Ukrainian air force of carrying out the attack. A fighter jet had been flying overhead at the time, and social media video appeared to show it firing cannon or rockets. The authorities in Kiev denied its planes had been involved. Initially, the anti-terrorist operation said the explosion originated from inside the building, then that an anti-aircraft missile operated by the separatists had misfired, reacting to heat from an air-conditioning system on the outside of the building.
But a CNN investigation in Luhansk has found clear evidence that whatever detonations hit the building and the adjoining park came from the air. The tops of trees were splintered, and a series of small craters -- about a dozen -- had been blasted in a straight line, starting in the park and reaching the walls of the building, blowing out many of its windows and spraying the area with jagged shrapnel. That's what appears to have killed most of the victims and injured 20 more.

It's thought to be the first time that civilians have been killed or injured in an attack by the Ukrainian air force since pro-Russian groups began occupying buildings in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions more than two months ago.




毎日新聞 2014年06月03日


Jun / Джюн

西側はロシアが国連安保理に提出した決議案を政治的なものにしようとしている―ロシア国連大使 http://japanese.ruvr.ru/news/2014_06_03/273101748/ … 




