Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年01月22日 16時49分12秒 | Weblog

6/ Abe's problem: Russia has 0 incentives to follow this path, and Moscow clearly knows that

No matter how much Abe's concessions look fresh domestically compared to Japan's stubborn, old school approach to territorial dispute. For Moscow there is nothing of real value there, and now people in the Kremlin know it well.

BOTTOM LINE: Russia has no intention to compromise on the 2 smaller islands now. If Abe gives Putin a peace treaty without the islands, Moscow will be happy to pocket it. If not - the Kremlin won't be upset as it pays no price for playing a game of diplomacy with Tokyo.

If the current negotiations between Moscow and Tokyo increase suspicions and distrust between Japan and the U.S. or hint on possibility of Tokyo lifting/softening G7 sanctions (highly unlikely) - this is a major price for the Kremlin, and Putin will get it for free.



