Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年08月28日 11時12分48秒 | Weblog

Is the US still No.1?
When Americans vote in November, they may be selecting a president whose main job is simply to manage the US' decline.
Last Modified: 24 Aug

"One of 'em is there's absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labour force and number four in exports."

He continues: "We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defence spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies."

McAvoy concludes his rant: "Now, none of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are, without a doubt, a member of the worst period generation period ever period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the f**k you're talking about!"



Twenty Years of Failure
Why Germany Isn't Rooting Out its Neo-Nazis


In short, after an estimated 180 racist killings in Germany since unification in 1990, after countless assaults, cases of intimidation, swastikas daubed on Jewish gravestones, immigrants beaten up at bus stops, stones hurled through the windows of kebab shops, the conclusion has to be that Germany is losing the battle against the violent far right.

In the more depopulated rural areas such as in the northeast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany has given up the fight altogether.

The National Democratic Party (NPD), which glorifies the Third Reich, is represented in village and town councils, neo-Nazis man the voluntary fire departments, organize sports festivals and summer fetes and run youth clubs -- because too few others bother anymore.

They're even trying to influence the running of kindergartens -- a further dampener to hopes that the wave of extremism that engulfed the east in the 1990s might have just been a temporary phenomenon caused by the economic upheaval that followed unification.

Even if a number of communities have taken decisive action against neo-Nazis, in far too many places, a culture of tolerating right-wing extremism, simply looking away or playing down the threat persists among the authorities. Investigators probing the string of murders against foreigners perpetrated by the NSU neglected to pursue the possibility of a far-right motive behind the killings, instead suspecting the nine immigrant victims -- a flower seller, a tailor, two grocers, a kebab shop owner, a man who was helping out in a kebab shop, a keycutter, a kiosk owner, and an Internet café manager -- of having had gambling debts or links with organized crime.

Racist attitudes, they say, are widespread among ordinary people, possibly because the communist-era education system didn't instil a sense of collective responsibility for the crimes of the Third Reich.

In many cases, damage to property still isn't being registered as hate crimes. Why? Because the officers can't be bothered to do the paperwork. Or because they don't want to contribute to negative statistics that already show the five eastern states have the highest per-capita incidence of far-right offenses in Germany, according to the 2011 report of the domestic intelligence agency. That's even though the proportion of immigrants in those states is less than 6 percent, according to the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. In all the other 11 states, the share of immigrants is higher, in most cases much higher.

Part of the problem is that towns refuse to acknowledge the presence of Nazis because they don't want to deter visitors. But some communities are taking action. Two weeks ago, in a rare show of public determination to confront neo-Nazis in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, some 2,000 people demonstrated against an NPD festival being held in a village near the town of Pasewalk.

One reason could be that Germany just isn't comfortable with immigration, even half a century after the first Turks started moving here as "guest workers" to help the nation perform its post-war economic miracle.

Even though the country now has an immigrant population of some 15 million, almost a fifth of the population, it still isn't ready to accept the fact that those immigrants are going to change it.

A decade ago, politicians from Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party voiced that stance by saying immigrants should respect the German "Leitkultur", or dominant culture, and insisting that Germany is not a country of immigration.

As obesity soars, girls of 11 are being given breast reduction surgery on NHS
PUBLISHED: 00:08 GMT, 28 August 2012 |


August 27, 2012 7:07 PM
Obesity linked to recurrence of breast cancer

Obesity is already linked to diabetes and heart disease. A study out Monday shows that breast cancer patients who are obese face a greater risk that their cancer will return.


British nurse who returned from Australia to work in NHS is told: Take an English test!
Katherine Broadbent grew up in Cambridge and moved to Australia aged 26
EU law states nurses qualifying within the union are exempt from test
PUBLISHED: 21:34 GMT, 27 August 2012 |

Despite being British, because she did her medical training outside of Europe, Mrs Broadbent will have to take an International English Language Test to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
By contrast, thanks to a European ruling in 2006, nurses who qualify in EU countries are exempt from the same tests to work here – even if they can barely speak English


Going nowhere: British National Party 'truth truck' gets stuck under bridge on its way to halal meat demonstration


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2194333/Going-British-National-Party-truth-truck-gets-stuck-bridge-way-halal-meat-demonstration.html#ixzz24nrW13zN

The secret history of your favourite hamburger
Multiple undercover investigations over the years show horrific animal cruelty, neglect and abuse at slaughter plants.
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2012

動物虐待 捕鯨 肉食

Images of cows, pigs and birds being brutally tortured are powerful and the slaughter industry knows it. That's why they're working to pass Ag-Gag bills across the country. They don't want you to know the truth.

In March, with the help of agricultural lobbyists, including the Iowa Cattlemen's Association and the Iowa Dairy Association, Iowa became the first state in the country to make it an offense to capture undercover video exposing animal abuse.

Last year, an undercover MFA investigation revealed rampant pig abuse at Iowa Select Farms, one of the country's largest pork producers. Between April and June 2011, an MFA investigator documented mother sows confined to metal crates barely larger than their own bodies, making it impossible to turn around or lie down comfortably; workers ripping out the testicles of conscious piglets without the use of painkillers; conscious piglets having their tails painfully sliced into and yanked off with dull clippers; and management training workers to throw piglets across the room, comparing it to a "roller coaster ride".

If Iowa's new law had been on the books last year, the whistleblowers who got that footage would have been prosecuted. Similar bills have been introduced in Florida, New York, Minnesota, Utah, Indiana and Nebraska. If a similar law were in place in California, customers at In-N-Out Burger would still be eating cows from the CVM.


COK's Undercover Video Prompts USDA to Shut Down CA Slaughterhouse
and Suspend Federal Purchases from Facility

pork industry animal abuse exposed

Young and Alone, Facing Court and Deportation

Published: August 25, 2012 326 Comments


So far this year, more than 11,000 unaccompanied minors have been placed in deportation proceedings, nearly double last year’s numbers.
Most unaccompanied migrants are teenagers from Mexico and Central America, seeking safety and work in the United States. In most cases minors from Mexico will be quickly returned there, without any formal court proceeding. Minors from noncontiguous countries are charged with immigration violations and detained. Either way, an overwhelming majority have been required to leave.

Trolling for trolls in Disney World and the real world
Rather than decreasing, internet trolling has been increasing - much of it misogynistic and damaging.
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2012 11:14


CCTV footage shows black teenager being wrestled to the ground by police - videoCCTV footage shows a young black teenager being arrested by police in Sidcup. The unidentified teenager says he has been stopped around 50 times by the Metropolitan police and is planning to sue the force, claiming he has suffered almost four years of harassment and false charges, which he believes have been motivated by racism

職務質問 レイシャルプロファイリング police brutality


