Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

日本語ができるのは日本人だけじゃない、 他

2010年10月26日 14時36分31秒 | Weblog
Allegations that GOJ’s Hello Work refuses NJ applicants, as evidenced by “Japanese Only” employer Zeus Enterprise of Tokyo Ginza

Posted by debito on October 26th, 2010



応募資格 ◆◇◆ IT業界未経験者歓迎 ◆◇◆








そして、Japan Timesの記事などでは、日本では反差別法がない、と言っていた本人が、

ince the Labor Standards Law forbids employment discrimination by nationality, the fact that a GOJ agency is doing this is shocking indeed.


こんなコラミストをかかえていて大丈夫か?Japan Times?訂正記事でも書くべきではないか?





because of my Asian look, Japanese language skill, and my adopted Japanese last name (from my wife), I have been facing less discrimination when applying a job, compared to many other foreigners.



Police detain suspects in alleged hate crime against Asian male
by Noelle Gardner / KENS 5
Bio | Email
Posted on October 25, 2010 at 6:18 AM
Updated today at 6:21 AM

SAN ANTONIO -- Police describe the act as a hate crime and they have two men in custody suspected of perpetrating it.

After midnight Monday at Wurzbach and Gardendale, police said an Asian man left a friend's place at an apartment complex after midnight Monday when two thieves carrying knives allegedly accosted and attacked him.

Police said the suspects robbed the victim and got away with more than $100, then bashed his head in and used a knife in the attack.

"He was assaulted," SAPD Capt. Cris Andersen said. "He got hit in the head a couple of times - cost pretty good injuries to his face. It appears the wound on his hand was a defensive wound against the knife."

The suspects had police on a foot chase for more than one hour. Officers now have custody of two men who face charges of aggravated robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.

Police said the suspects made disparaging remarks about the victim's ethnic background while being questioned.

アジア系住民に対する暴行・傷害 ヘイトクライム

O.C. man sentenced to 4 years for hate crime
Monday, October 25, 2010

WESTMINSTER, Calif. (KABC) -- A Huntington Beach man was sentenced to four years in prison for a hate crime against a black woman and her friend.

On Sept. 1, police said 20-year-old John DeLoach drove by a convenience store in Huntington Beach blasting racist music with explicit anti-black lyrics. When DeLoach saw that Briana W., who is black, was inside the convenience store, he drove up closer and cranked the volume up even more.

That same day around 9:40 p.m., Briana W. was walking to a friend's apartment in Huntington Beach with her friend, Derrick S., who is white. DeLoach just happened to be visiting a friend in the same apartment complex and recognized Briana W. as the woman from the convenience store. According to police, DeLoach yelled racial slurs at her and also yelled statements against interracial relationships.

DeLoach and an unknown male accomplice continued to harass Briana W. when Derrick S. stepped in to defend her. At that point, DeLoach punched him in the face, knocked him to the ground and kicked him in the back multiple times.


P.E.I. town fears fire was hate crime

Last Updated: Monday, October 25, 2010 | 9:59 PM AT Comments26Recommend33

CBC News

People in a small community in P.E.I. are starting to speak out about a suspected arson last week, with some saying it might have been a hate crime against a gay couple.

Since the two men moved from British Columbia to the small community in eastern P.E.I. five years ago, their home has been broken into, their mailbox destroyed, and now, their house has been burned to the ground.

The couple have not spoken publicly about the incident. Their friends said the emotional damage is severe and the men are afraid for their lives.

"They don't even feel comfortable going back home to their own lot," said Harvey Francis.

"They asked somebody else to go with them when they picked up some of their other stuff because they feel scared, and why shouldn't they?"

カナダ 同性愛者に対するヘイトクライム


Woman charged with hate crime against two Muslim women
King County prosecutors on Thursday charged a Burien woman with a hate crime after she allegedly kicked one Muslim woman and slammed a car door on her leg, pushed another Muslim woman and yelled epithets at both of them Saturday at a gas station in Tukwila.

By Janet I. Tu
Seattle Times staff reporter


'Hate crime' deserves 7-year sentence: Crown

Last Updated: Friday, October 22, 2010

A 37-year-old construction worker should be sentenced to seven years in prison for sucker punching the patron of a Vancouver gay bar, says a Crown prosecutor.

カナダ 同性愛者に対するヘイトクライム

London hate crime vigil to be held tomorrow
By Jessica Geen • October 22, 2010

A vigil will be held in London’s Trafalgar Square tomorrow to remember victims of hate crime.

Last year, 10,000 people joined the candle-lit event two weeks after gay man Ian Baynham died in hospital following an attack in the square.

ロンドン。 過去の同性愛者に対するヘイトクライムに対して哀悼をささげる会。

10/22/2010 11:40 PM
Plum Beach Park Bench Dedicated To Hate Crime Victim
By: NY1 News

Michael Sandy was killed on the Belt Parkway in October 2006.

Police say four men lured him to Plum Beach to rob him, but later chased him to the parkway where he was hit by a car.

Investigators say the attackers targeted Sandy because he was gay.

米国 動画を見ると”黒人”に対するヘイトクライムかと思ったがそうではなく同性愛者に対するヘイトクライム被害者に対する追悼。



いじめた児童を学級通信で「バカ」 大阪の小2担任教諭






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