Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Would the U.S. sacrifice Los Angeles to save Seoul & Tokyo?

2017年07月05日 03時35分31秒 | Weblog


“It’s a very big deal — it looks like North Korea tested an ICBM,” he said by email. “Even if this is a 7,000-km-range missile, a 10,000-km-range missile that can hit New York isn’t far off.”


Effective sanctions require years of investigation and coalition building; they cannot be turned on and off in an instant. So this strategy will take time, determination, and a willingness to accept that U.S. relations with Pyongyang will have to get worse before they can get better. The same is true of U.S. relations with Beijing. In response to tough sanctions on North Korea, China will likely impose import tariffs on goods from South Korea, Japan, and the United States; increase its domestic anti-American rhetoric; take aggressive military steps in the Pacific; and attempt to circumvent the sanctions by sending food and other goods to Pyongyang. Yet Beijing wants neither a major trade war nor a military conflict. And Chinese banks and trading companies have shown that they value their access to the U.S. economy more than their business with North Korea.

China will be most likely to put diplomatic and financial pressure on North Korea if it believes that failing to do so will lead the United States to destabilize the regime on its northeastern border. Accordingly, Washington must make clear to both Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping that it would prefer the regime’s chaotic collapse to a stable, nuclear-armed North Korea. The missing ingredient in U.S. diplomacy with Pyongyang has been not trust but leverage—and the willingness to use it. Washington must threaten the one thing that Pyongyang values more than its nuclear weapons: its survival

suzuky‏ @suzuky





ジェフリー・ルイスさんが恐れていた通り。北朝鮮による不条理な行動が、それに対する不条理な対応に合理性を与えてしまうパラドックス。BBC News - North Korea hails 'successful ICBM' test

While Pyongyang has appeared to have made progress, experts believe North Korea does not have the capability to accurately hit a target with an ICBM, or miniaturise a nuclear warhead that can fit on to such a missile.

. It must also have the ability to protect a warhead as it re-enters the atmosphere, and it is not clear if North Korea can do that.

Despite this technical achievement, however, it is likely many outside North Korea will continue to be sceptical of North Korea's missile. They will ask for proof of working guidance, re-entry vehicle, and even a nuclear warhead.



Jeffrey LewisさんでググるとNYTの記事で、

The Risks of Pre-emptive Strikes Against North Korea
The Interpreter

Jeffrey Lewis, a North Korea expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, recalled a 1969 episode in which North Korea shot down a United States Navy plane, killing 31.

The Nixon administration, he said, never retaliated because it could find no options that were “tough enough to punish the North Koreans, but not so tough that the North Koreans will think it’s a general attack,” setting off an all-out war.

“If there were ever a conflict, Pyongyang would have nowhere else to go but up the escalation ladder after artillery except to its nuclear weapons,” Victor Cha, who served as the Asian affairs director on George W. Bush’s National Security Council, wrote in a September column in a South Korean newspaper.

That threat goes both ways, Mr. Cha wrote, because it “compels the United States to pre-emptively attack the nuclear forces at the first sign of conflict.”

というのがある。Jeffrey Lewisさんによると、北朝鮮に中途半端に攻撃すると、エスカレートして、全面戦争になるだろう、と。

で、Victor Chaさんが、北朝鮮の脅威は、早期に核爆弾を使用するだろうから、アメリカは紛争ありや、とみるや、北朝鮮の核兵器を予防的に攻撃にかかるだろう、と言っているわけですね。

ただ、早期に核兵器を使うだろう、というのは、Jeffrey Lewisさんも同じ意見らしく、

North Korea Is Practicing for Nuclear War | Foreign Policy




But acceptance, while the right choice, is yet another bad one. With such missiles, Kim might feel emboldened to move on South Korea. Would the U.S. sacrifice Los Angeles to save Seoul? The same calculation drove the U.K. and France to develop their own nuclear weapons during the Cold War


North Korea’s successful test of an intercontinental missile is a test for Trump
How will Trump respond?
Updated by Alex Ward@AlexWardVoxalex.ward@vox.com Jul 4, 2017, 12:12pm EDT

So for now, there’s is no real reason for complete panic. But there is reason to worry that one of the most dangerous and unpredictable regimes on earth is coming closer and closer to being able to hit major American cities.








