Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年08月23日 21時03分39秒 | Weblog
North Korea and China are huge winners in the worsening Japan-South Korea spat
CNN · by Analysis by Joshua Berlinger, CNN

Though the only two liberal democracies in the region, Seoul and Tokyo are essentially friends of convenience thanks to each country's treaty alliance with the US. They're historic adversaries, and the legacy of Japan's colonization of the Korean Peninsula in the first half of the 20th century looms large. Under Japanese rule, many Koreans were brutalized, murdered and enslaved. It's still living memory for elderly Koreans and remains a highly emotive subject in both North and South Korea.
South Korea and Japan signed a treaty in 1965 that normalized relations between the two countries and was supposed to settle lingering wartime issues.
But South Korea was a military dictatorship at the time, and many Koreans felt the deal was unfair.
Today, the two countries remain locked in heated debate over statues depicting "comfort women" -- Korean women forced into providing sexual services for Japanese soldiers -- and decisions by South Korea's Supreme Court allowing citizens to sue Japanese corporations for reparations for forced labor.
Japan contends both issues were settled by the treaty.




